
Bataru (बाटाडू) or Batadu is a medium-size village in Baytu tehsil in Barmer district in Rajasthan.
Pincode of the village is 344035. It is situated 25km away from Baytoo town and 50km away from Barmer city. Batadoo village has got its own gram panchayat. Hemoniyon Ka Tala, Kishne Ka Tala and Narsali Nadi are some of the nearby villages.
The Founders
Jat Gotras
According to Census-2011 information:
- With total 261 families residing, Batadoo village has the population of 1536 (of which 809 are males while 727 are females).[1]
Notable Persons
- Chaudhary Harchand Ram Moond, who was a social reformer of Moond gotra Jat. He was a very revered person and due to his services rendered for society and Jats he was known as Kisan Masiha. There is a temple in his memory at village Bataru. Fairs are organized in his name on chaitra shukla 13, bhdrapada shukla 13 and magha shukla 13 in village Bataru.
- Deeparam Sohu Retired from Army.
- Tulsaram Beniwal
- Virdharam Beniwal
- Pavan Beniwal
External Links
- Information about Bataru village - website
- Bataru on
- Bataru, Rajasthan
- Bataru on
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