Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |
Benisagar (बेनीसागर) is a historical Village in Majhgaon Block in West Singhbhum District of Jharkhand State, India.
- Benisagara बेनीसागर, जिला सिंहभूम, झारखंड, (AS, p.643)
It is located 73 KM towards South from District head quarters Chaibasa. 10 KM from Majhgaon. 189 KM from State capital Ranchi. Benisagar Pin code is 833214 and postal head office is Hatgamaria. This Place is in the border of the West Singhbhum District and Mayurbhanj District of Odisha State.[1]
Jat clans
- Beniwal - This area was ruled by Nagavanshi rulers. There is need to explore relationship between Beniwal clan and Benisagar.
The excavations carried out by the Archaeological Survey of India towards south-east and eastern embankment of the tank has brought to light the two Panchayatana temple complex, secular structures, number of sculptural remains including the images of Surya, Bhairava, Lakulisha, Agni, Kubera etc. Apart from these, a stone seal having inscription "Priyangu Dheyam Chatuvidya (Chaturvidya)" that means a person by name Priyangu, well versed in four Vedas has also been discovered from the site. The script of the inscription is Brahmi and the language is Sanskrit which may be datable on paleographically to the 5th century AD. On the basis of the finds, it may be said that the site was inhabited from 5th century AD. to 16th - 17th century AD. [2]
N-JH-10: 1. Benisagar tank, 2. Old remains of temple and sculptures on the south east bank of the above tank at Benisagar, District West Singhbhum.[3]
बेनीसागर (AS, p.643), जिला सिंहभूम, झारखंड में स्थित है. 9वीं व 10वीं शतियों के प्राचीन हिंदू मंदिरों के अवशेषों के लिए यह स्थान उल्लेखनीय है. उत्तर गुप्तकालीन मूर्तियां भी यहां से प्राप्त हुई हैं जो पटना के संग्रहालय में संगृहीत हैं। ये मूर्तियां भारी भरकम सी हैं और कला की दृष्टि से नालंदा की कलाकृतियों से हीनतर हैं. [4]