Bhadras were ancient people.
Jat Gotras from Bhadra
Hukum Singh Panwar (Pauria)[1] writes that: Here we refer again to Varahamihira who gives somatometric traits or anthropometrical description of five great men Hansa, Sasa, Rucaka, Bhadra and Malavya to serve as specimen.
Varahamihira divides human beings (Indians) into five standardised types to guide sculptors and gives details of their physical features for the benefit of those practising the art of sculpture in fine arts181. The names of the five men chosen by Varahamihira point to their respective
The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations: End of p.144
homonymous tribes, which are described by the classical writers and the Epics. The physionomical details of the five great men are given below.
Hukum Singh Panwar (Pauria)[2] writes that:
Bhadra186 or (Madra) 187 :- "His height, the span and the girth is l05 allgulas or 78.3 inches. Arms fleshy, even and long; cheeks covered with soft, short and dense hair; fine skin, strong semen, broad fleshy breast, excessive courage, elephantine gait, beautiful temples and forehead; well-proportioned belly, feet and hands with the luster of the interior of a lotus: beautiful nose, equal and well-knit brows, smell like that of the earth sprinkled with first rain, acacia (GK. akakia) leaf, saffron, ichor of an elephant or aloe; dark and curly hair springing one from each pore, the genital organ hidden like that of horse or an elephant, tiger-like face, and marks of a plough, musala (pestle) mace, swrord, conch-shell, wheel, elephant, crocodile, lotus and chariot. (These marks probably represent the tattoos on various parts of their bodies, which they were very fond of beautifying themselves with). Weight is one bhara and span of life 80 years, if 84 angulas tall and weighs one bhara 2000 palas or (320 lbs.), he becomes ruler of Madhyadesa, and if 105 angulas, the lord of the entire earth".
The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations: End of p.145
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