Bhawal Charna
Bhawal Charna (भवाल चारणा), is a small village in Degana tehsil of Nagaur district in Rajasthan.
Bhawal Charna village has a famous "BHAWAL MATAJI" Temple on a hill in forest area. There is a Dam also known as "MATAJI BAANDH (माताजी बाँध)". It is a picnic place in Degana tehsil. It is a really nice and naturally well constructed place. Its a small but very nice place.
Mostly Pediwal are living in Bhawal Charna village of Degana tehsil of Nagaur dist. In Bhawal Charna village mostly population of Jat are Pediwal. Their main occupation is agriculture. in recent time some people are working in abroad like- Dubai,Oman etc. Some have their personal business in near town Harsore. Few of them have marble business in Raipur (Chhattisgarh). Now they have also care about education of their children. Their are some private Schools in nearby towns like Harsore, Jaola, Raliyawta, Rajlota.
Jat gotras
- At the time of Census-2001, population of Bhawal Charna village stood at 421, (male population: 218, female population: 203).
- According to Census-2011 information:
- With total 67 families residing, Bhawal Charna village has the population of 434 (of which 215 are males while 219 are females).[1]
Notable persons
- Ramniwas Pediwal - Ex Vice-Sarpanch of Thata panchayat and well known for Social work & who supports poor people and helping them....
- Jaipal Pediwal - A meritorious student from this village. He secured merit in each board 8th dist. board 91.17%, in 10th state board 90.17% (1st rank in Degana) and in 12th science 92.44% (PCM) with 2nd rank in Nagaur dist. At present selected for VIT University Vellore (Chennai) for B.Tech engineering.
- Simbhuram Mund, Bhinyaram Pediwal, Sukharam Mund are also Social workers and helpful persons in this village.
See also
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