
Bheema (भीमा) is a very old village in tahsil Danta Ramgarh in Sikar district in Rajasthan.
It is in south of Losal.
As per Census-2011 statistics, Bheema village has the total population of 3169 (of which 1582 are males while 1587 are females.[1]
Jat Gotras
There are about 600 families in the village. Jat Gotras with no. of families in the village are:
- Bijarnia -
- Burdak (80) - They live in Burdakon Ki Dhani. Came from Gothra Tagalan in samvat 1909.
- Dudi - First Jats to come to this village
- Khichar -
- Palswad (100) - Main Jat Gotra.
- Sheshma (80) - ,
Notable persons
- Mohan Ram Burdak - Mob:9462267480
- Ram Chandra Sheshma - Sarpanch
External links
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