Bichpuri Khair

From Jatland Wiki

Note - Please click → Bichpuri for details of similarly named villages at other places.

Bichpuri (बिछपूरी) is a small village in Khair tahsil in Aligarh district in Uttar Pradesh.


Village - Bichpuri (बिचपुरी) , Block / Tehsil - Khair , District Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh. Pincode 202137, Bichpuri is a Gram Panchayat village . आसपास के गांव - खेड़िया खुर्द , बुलाकीपुर , रंजीतगढ़ी , कमालपुर , जलालपुर ( जट्टारी ) ,इतवारपुर , छज्जूपुर , ऊसरह ,बैरमगंज , भरतपुर , हरसुख नगलिया



Jat Gotras


The Bichpuri village has population of 709 only, of which 391 are males while 318 are females (as per Population Census 2011.)[1]

Notable Persons

  • Akash Tomar - IPS, UP Cadre. आकाश तोमर आई पी एस (2013) उ.प्र. कैडर

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