Bichpuri Mathura

From Jatland Wiki

Bichpuri (बिचपुरी) is village in Mat tahsil in Mathura district in Uttar Pradesh.


Village - Bich Puri ( बिच पुरी ) Block - Raya , Tehsil - Mat , District - Mathura Uttar Pradesh. Pincode - 281204 , Post office - Raya. Bich Puri is a small Village/hamlet in Raya Block in Mathura District of Uttar Pradesh State, India. It comes under Shivli Panchayath. It belongs to Agra Division . It is located 21 KM towards East from District head quarters Mathura. 4 KM from Raya. 371 KM from State capital Lucknow.[1] आसपास के गांव - गांव बिचपुरी अलीगढ़ मथुरा मार्ग पर इगलास और राया के बीच मुख्य मार्ग पर बसा है । आसपास के गांव - कूम्हा , बिरहाना , मिश्री , शिवली , नगला महा पट्टी , सरूपा , बिसावली , बीरबल , नगला मल्लू , गजू , पिर्सुआ , कोयल , चमिला , इटौरा , अयेरा , तेहरा महावन ,

Jat Gotras


Notable persons

  • भूदेव सिंह



Source - Ranvir Singh Tomar from Gwalior via WhatsApp Mob.94251 37463


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