Barhina Naga

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Barhina Naga (बर्हीन नाग) (250-260) was a Nagavanshi king of Bharashiva family in Nava Naga dynasty. [1] They probably brought Birahi Ganga.

Variants of name

Jat clans


K P Jayaswal[2] writes ....The name Jaya (750) is quite in line with the Bharasiva Naga names we read on the coins e.g., Haya, Traya, etc. (JBORS, XIX. 1; History of India, (Naga-Vakataka Period) p. 35).

Dr Naval Viyogi[3] writes about the Re-establishment of Nagas in Kantipuri: The Bharsivas, in the later days of imperial Kushanas or about 150 A.D. reached Kantipur on the Ganges, they performed there Ashwamedha and coronations at or near Banaras where is located the place known as Nagwa, the present site of the Hindu University seems to be associated with their name. From Kantipur, they moved westwards under Virasena, who strikes coins extensively and whose coins are found from Ahichchhatra, regains Padmavati and Mathura.

Nava Naga (year 27 on his coin) was founder of the Nava Naga Dynasty (140-170 AD) of Bharsiva. Virasena (Year 34 on Coin) was founder of Mathura and Padmavati Branches. (170-210 AD). [4]

Nava Nagas Rulers at Kantipuri: [5]

Nava Nagas Rulers at Padmavati:[6]

Dr Naval Viyogi[7] writes ....According to KP Jayaswal,[8] there were four kings after Virasena. Haya Naga, Traya Naga, Brahina Naga, Charaja Naga. Bhava Naga ruled from about 290 to 315 A.D. Dr. Jayaswal made it clear that he had fixed the date of Bhava Naga on a consideration of the Vakataka and Gupta chronology. Bhava Naga was a contemporary of Pravarsena I who was an elder contemporary of Samudra Gupta. Bhava Naga is described as belonging to, the family of the Bharasivas [9] whose royal line owed its origin to the great satisfaction of Siva that was caused by their carrying a Sivalinga placed as a load upon their shoulder" and "who were besprinkled on the forehead with the pure water of the Bhagirathi that had been obtained by their valour. "

In Mahabharata

Adi Parva, Mahabharata/Mahabharata Book I Chapter 59 mentions the origin of the celestials and other creatures.

Prava's daughters and sons - Anavadya Manu, Vansa, Asura, Marganapria, Anupa, Subhaga, Vasi, were the daughters brought forth by Pradha, Siddha, and Purna, and Varhin, and Purnayus of great fame, Brahmacharin, Ratiguna, and Suparna who was the seventh; Viswavasu, Bhanu, and Suchandra who was the tenth, were also the sons of Prava. All these were celestial Gandharvas.

सिद्धः पूर्णश च बर्ही च पूर्णाशश च महायशाः
बरह्म चारी रतिगुणः सुपर्णश चैव सप्तमः Mahabharata (I.59.45)

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