Bugarda (बुगरड़ा) Village is situated 5 Km away from Village Rol in East and 2 Km away from 101 mile Fanta in North in Jayal tehsil, Nagaur district, Rajasthan India.
- At the time of Census 2001, population of Bugarda village stood at 1728, (male population: 862, female population: 866).
- According to Census-2011 information:
- With total 381 families residing, Bugarda village has the population of 2079 (of which 1045 are males while 1034 are females).[1]
Jat gotras
Notable persons
- नानू राम मास्टर, बुगरड़ा- मारवाड़ जाट कृषक सुधार सभा की प्रबंधकारिणी और कार्यकारिणी में रहकर आप ने जाट जाति की सेवा करके अपने को कृतार्थ किया है। [2]
- Ramsingh Kudi MLA 1967 1972 Jayal
External links
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