(Redirected from Bupannia)
Bupania (बुपणियां) village is located in Bahadurgarh tehsil of Jhajjar district, Haryana.
It is located on Daboda Khurd-Badli road. Names of neighbouring villages are Daboda Khurd, Dulehra, Kherka Gujjar, Goela Kalan and Gubhana. It falls under 'Badli' constituency of Haryana Vidhan Sabha.
An electricity Feeder run by Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (UHBVN) is located on this village's land. This feeder caters to the needs of 8 nearby villages.
Jat gotras
At the time of Census-2011, the total population of Bupania village was 8162, with 1567 households. But in 2023, according to residents of Bupania, the population could be nearly 13000 and that there are about 6000 voters..
Notable persons
- Lt Gen O.S. Lohchab
- Dr. Shamsher Singh Lohchab - He is an eminent Heart Surgeon at P.G.I.M.S. Rohtak.
- Shri Sant Ram Lohchab (Former Senior Manager (Electrical)- HSIL)
- Anil Lohchab (Electro Technical Officer)
- Gaurav Kumar Lohchab (Software Engineer at Google) - Application and Web Developer
- Saurav Kumar Lohchab (Creative Head-Digital Media)
- Virander Singh Lohchab
- Vivek Lohchab
- Major Ankur Lohchab
- Lieutenant Yashika Lohchab
- Monupal Pehalwan
- Jaiveer Wrestling Coach
- Paras Lohchab - Singer and music composer
- Sub Lieutenant Pardeep Lohchab -
External Links
Photo Gallery
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter VI (Page 554)
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