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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Chakra (चक्र) is a Nagavanshi King born of Vasuki and mentioned in Mahabharata (I.52.5), (VI.10.43), (6-9-45a), (IX.44.33). His kingdom was Chakrakota in Bastar region of Chhattisgarh.


Jat Gotras based on Chakra

Chakara (चाकरा) [1][2] Chakra (चाकरा)[3] is a Jat gotra. Chakar (चाकर) clan is found in Afghanistan. [4]Chakar is the name of an ancestral chieftain of the Baloch of Kalat ; he may have been a Chakit Rahtor. [5]

In Mahabharata

Adi Parva, Mahabharata/Book I Chapter 52 mentions the names of Nagas who fell into the fire of the snake-sacrifice. Chakra (चक्र) (Naga) is mentioned in Mahabharata(I.52.5) [6]....Nagas born of Vasuki....Kotika, Manasa, Purna, Saha, Pola, Halisaka, Pichchhila, Konapa, Chakra, Kona, Vega, Prakalana,....these Nagas born of Vasuki, fell into the fire.

Shalya Parva, Mahabharata/Book IX Chapter 44 mentions in shloka 33 about Chakra, who attended the ceremony for investing Kartikeya with the status of generalissimo. Chakra (चक्र) is mentioned Mahabharata (IX.44.33). [7]....Vishnu gave unto Skanda three companions, Chakra and Vikrama and Sankrama of great might.

Bhisma Parva, Mahabharata/Book VI Chapter 10 Describes geography and provinces of Bharatavarsha and the province of Chakras is mentioned in Mahabharata (VI.10.43). [8]

This shloka in another version has been mentioned as Chakra (चक्र) in Mahabharata (6-9-45a).[9]

Anusasana Parva/Book XIII Chapter 4 gives ancestry of Viswamitra, a Kshatriya whose sons became progenitors of many races of Brahmanas and founders of many clans. Chakraka (चक्रक) is mentioned in Mahabharata (XIII.4.53)..... Anghrika, Naikabhricha, Shilayupa, Sita, Suchi, Chakraka, Marutantavya, Vataghna, Ashwalayana.... [10]

In Rajatarangini

Chakra is mentioned in Rajatarangini. [11]....[p.312]: The fire of Mahadeva's eye pondered thus : — " Mahadeva burnt Kama, the beloved Uma therefore embraced Mahadeva in terror ; she should therefore feel grateful to Kama." Thus pondering, the fire darted upwards in the form of an umbrella. There was a large gold umbrella constructed by Rilhana and fixed on the top of the temple of the beloved of Rukmini, (Krishna), and now it looks small and beautiful, as if the sun has come to see whether his master Narayana has recovered his Chakra, beautiful as itself (the sun), and which Chakra had once gone mad with drinking blood and had fled away. At the shrine which has boon deeply and everlastingly hallowed by the conqueror of Kama (Mahadeva) and by him (Vishnu) whose banner is marked with the image of a bird, there on an ornamental stick, Mahadeva's golden umbrella, the perfection

[p.313]: of workmanship, looked like the pollen of the lotus of the Ganges whirled round by the breath of the serpent on his head.*

* It would appears that Mahadeva was here represented by an image with a serpent round its head and with the Ganges flowing through its hair.

चक्रकोट नामकरण

चक्रकोट का नामकरण नागवंशी राजा चक्र के नाम पर पड़ा है. चक्र का उल्लेख सर्पसत्र आदिपर्व महाभारत (I.52.5) [12] में हुआ है, जिसके अनुसार चक्र नाग को वासुकी नाग का वंशज बताया गया है. वासुकी नाग के वंशजों का हिमाचल प्रदेश में चंबा और राजस्थान में नागौर क्षेत्र में भी राज्य था. चंबा में वासुकी नाग के साथ ही इन्द्रु नाग का भी उल्लेख मिलता है जिनके मंदिर कुआरसी, समरा, चनोटा, तरेता, खनियारा आदि स्थानों पर हैं. [13]

चक्र का उल्लेख शल्यपर्व महाभारत (IX.44.33)[14] में कार्तिकेय या स्कन्द को सेनाधिपति नियुक्त करने के लिए आयोजित अवसर पर उपस्थित होना बताया गया है. भीष्म-पर्व महाभारत (VI.10.43)/ (6-9-45a). [15] में भारतवर्ष के भूगोल के वर्णन के अंतर्गत चक्र जनपद का उल्लेख किया गया है.

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  1. Dr Pema Ram:‎Rajasthan Ke Jaton Ka Itihas, p.300
  2. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. च-63.
  3. Dr Ompal Singh Tugania: Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p.37, sn-743.
  4. An Inquiry Into the Ethnography of Afghanistan , H. W. Bellew, p.132,135
  5. An Inquiry Into the Ethnography of Afghanistan, H. W. Bellew, p.132
  6. कॊटिकॊ मानसः पूर्णः सहः पौलॊ हलीसकः, पिच्छिलः कॊणपश चक्रः कॊण वेगः प्रकालनः (I.52.5)
  7. चक्रं विक्रमकं चैव संक्रमं च महाबलम, सकन्दाय त्रीन अनुचरान ददौ विष्णुर महायशाः (IX.44.33)
  8. आदि राष्ट्राः सुकुट्टाश च बलिराष्ट्रं च केवलम, वानरास्याः परवाहाश च वक्रा (चक्रा) वक्रभयाः शकाः VI.10.43
  9. वारवास्यायवाहाश्च चक्राश्चक्रातयः शकाः।
    विदेहा मगधाः स्वक्षा मलजा विजयास्तथा ।। (6-9-45a)
  10. अङ्घ्रिकॊ नैकभृच चैव शिला यूपः सितः शुचिः, चक्रकॊ मारुतन्तव्यॊ वातघ्नॊ ऽथाल्श्वलायनः (XIII.4.53)
  11. Kings of Kashmira Vol 2 (Rajatarangini of Kalhana)/Book VIII (ii) p.312
  12. कॊटिकॊ मानसः पूर्णः सहः पौलॊ हलीसकः, पिच्छिलः कॊणपश चक्रः कॊण वेगः प्रकालनः (I.52.5)
  13. (a) Oldham "Sun and Serpent Worship" P-73; (b) Rose H. A., "Glossary of the tribes and caste of Punjab" Vol I, P-154
  14. चक्रं विक्रमकं चैव संक्रमं च महाबलम, सकन्दाय त्रीन अनुचरान ददौ विष्णुर महायशाः (IX.44.33)
  15. वारवास्यायवाहाश्च चक्रा श्चक्रातयः शकाः, विदेहा मगधाः स्वक्षा मलजा विजयास्तथा (6-9-45a)

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