Chhapar Muzaffarnagar
Note - Please click Chhapar for similarly named villages at other places.
Chhapar is a large village situated in Muzaffarnagar tahsil and district of Uttar Pradesh.
This village is located on Delhi-Dehradun Highway. Pincode of the village is 251307. It is situated 12km away from Muzaffarnagar city. This village has got its own gram panchayat. Khudda, Kolaheri and Simbhalki are some of the nearby villages.
In the month of Sawan (August), a large number of Shiva devotees (performing "kavadya" कावड़िया ritual) come from Haridwar side. Since they perform their long journey just by walking, they need food, water, first-aid etc . All these facilities are made available in Chhapar by local people without any cost. They make their short stay in Shiva temple in this village.
Jat Gotras
Population of Chhapar according to Census 2011, stood at 13,026 (Males: 6829, Females: 6197).[1]
Notable person
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