Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Chichala (चिचाला) is a village in Ramtek tahsil in Nagpur district of Maharashtra.
- Chichal
- Chinchapattika (चिंचपट्टिक) (L.12) = Chichala.
Chichala is a Village in Ramtek Taluka in Nagpur District of Maharashtra State, India. It is located 41km towards East from District head quarters Nagpur, 12 km from Ramtek. Chichala Pin code is 441106 and postal head office is Ramtek. Nagardhan (3km) , Lohadongri (4 km) , Kachurwahi (4km) , Nerla (5km) , Manapur (5km) are the nearby Villages to Chichala. [1]
The Founders
- Chinchapattika (चिंचपट्टिक) (L.12) = Chichala. Chichala (चिचाला) is a village in Ramtek tahsil in Nagpur district of Maharashtra. Nagardhan Plates Of Svamiraja - (Kalachuri) Year 322 (=573 AD) mentions that one of two nivartanas (निवर्त्तन) of land in the village Chinchapattika (चिंचपट्टिक) (L.12), which was made at the request of the President (Sthavira) (स्थविर) (L.4) and Members of the Executive Committee (Pramukhas) (प्रमुख) (L.7) of the assembly (Samuha) (समूह) (L.7) of the Corporation (Gana) Mahamatragana (महामात्र गण) (L.4)....Chinchapattika (चिंचपट्टिक) (L.12) is probably represented by the village Chichal, about a mile and a half north by east of Nagardhan.[2]
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