Deshwal Nagaur
For Deshwal gotra, click Deshwal.

Deshwal (देशवाल) is a medium-size village in Merta City tehsil of Nagaur district in Rajasthan. It is a railway station located on Merta City - Nagaur Rail line in north of Merta Road.
Jat gotras
Population of Deshwal according to Census 2001 is 1535, [ males 777 and females 758][1]
Notable persons
- Hari Ram Manda - Date of Birth :1949, Designation : S.E.(P&M) PWD. Vill-, Deswal, POST- ULADAN VIA- Merta Road, Nagaur, Present Address : PLOT-No-50 LOVE KUSH NAGAR-1 TONK PHATAK JPR. Resident Phone Number : 0141-2590684. Mobile Number : 9214959332
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