
Dhadhau (धाधऊ) village is in Sadabad tahsil, Hathras district in Uttar Pradesh. It is located in western Uttar Pradesh around 200 km way from the Indian capital city of New Delhi.
Village - Dhadhau / Dhadheu (धाधउ) Tehsil Sadabad District Hathras, Uttar Pradesh. Village Dhadhau is Gram Panchayat Village , sub village are Nagla Mani , Nagla Sewa , Nagla Chakki . आसपास के गांव - नगला खंगमा , सुल्तानपुर , रिडेल , बागपुर , करकोली , पिहुरा , थरोरा , सेदरिया , नहरारा , लोधाई , चौबारा , सखरा , गुतहरा , तामसी ,
Jat Gotras
Dhadhau was a Zamindari of Dinkar/Dankas clan of Jats. Current Dinkar (दिनकर) clan is believed to be migrated from Rajasthan region and Zamindari was established by Thakur Hari Ballab in Dhadhau during the decline of Mughals and rising and expansion of Jat Kingdom of Bharatpur under Maharaja Suraj Mal. The Dinkars maintained the Zamidari for many generations. A red stone and Rajasthani style mansion (Haveli) was built by then Zamindar. After the accession of the area to the British Raj, Dhadhau came under the jurisdiction of Agra Administration. However, the Dinkars continued to hold Zamindari till 1954 where Government of Independent India abolished Zamindari system. The last Zamindar from Dinkar clan was Thakur Madho Singh of Dhadhau. Thereafter the Clan had to face several challenges, but descendants still live in the Haveli.
Estate- Dhadhau
Dynasty- Dinkar (दिनकर) Jats
Population - As per census 2011 village population is 5462and houses are 895.
Notable persons
Notable Zamindars of Dinkar clan are as follows:
- Thakur Hari Ballab
- Thakur Badam Singh
- Thakur Umrao Singh
- Thakur Kamal Singh
- Thakur Madho Singh
Dhadhau Chhatri
Dhadhau Haveli
Dhadhau Haveli
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