Dhadra (ढडरा) is a village in Meerut tahsil and district in Uttar Pradesh. The total geographical area of village is 400.77 hectares. Dhadra village is also a gram panchayat.
Dhadra village is located in Meerut Tehsil of Meerut district in Uttar Pradesh, India. It is situated 21km away from Meerut, which is both district & sub-district headquarter of Dhadra village. the location code or village code of Dhadra is 119069.
Jat Gotras
Population and other details
- Total population = 4203,
- Males = 2287,
- Females = 1916
Dhadra is 49th most populous village of Meerut tehsil. Total number of houses in Dhadra village are around 732.
61% of the whole population are from general caste, nearly 27% of the population are from OBC caste and 12% are from Scheduled Caste.
Literacy Rate : Dhadra village has higher literacy rate compared tomrest of Uttar Pradesh. In 2011, literacy rate of Dhadra village was 70.55 % compared to 67.68 % of Uttar Pradesh state. In Dhadra, male literacy stands at 82.24 % while female literacy rate was 56.80 %.
Notable Persons
- वेद प्रकाश सिंह काल्हेर
External Links
- https://www.census2011.co.in/data/village/119069-dhadra-uttar-pradesh.html
- https://indikosh.com/vill/128548/dhadra
- https://villagedata.in/Uttar-Pradesh/Meerut/Meerut/Dhadra
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