Dhat Sindh

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Dhat or Dhata is old name of region in Sindh, Pakistan. But the name Dhat has disappeared from modern maps due to non use of it currently. So, it is not to be found in the maps.

Division of Marusthali

Dhat, of which Umarkot is the capital, was one of the divisions of Marusthali, which from time immemorial was subject to the Pramar. Amongst the thirty-five tribes of this the most numerous of the races called Agnikula, were the Sodha, the Umar, and the Sumra ; 4 and the conjunction of the two last has given a distinctive appellation to the more northern thal, still known as Umarsumra, though many centuries have fled since they possessed any power.[1]

James Tod on Sodha tribe and Dhat

James Tod [2] writes that Bhatti Chief Chachick Deo succeeded Kuilan, in S. 1275 (A.D. 1219). Soon after his succession, he carried on war against the Channa Rajputs (now extinct), of whom he slew two thousand, capturing fourteen thousand cows, and compelling the tribe to take refuge with the Johyas. Soon after, the Rawal invaded the lands of Rana Urmsi, prince of the Sodas, who, though taken by surprise, assembled four thousand horse: but was defeated, and forced to fly for shelter to the walls of his capital, Amarkot. The Puar was glad to obtain the absence of his foe by the offer of his daughter in marriage.

In this single passage we have revealed the tribe(got) race (kula) capital, and proper name, of the prince of Dhat, The Sodha tribe, as before stated, is an important branch of the Pramara (Puar) race, and with the Umras and Sumras are dynasties to the valley of Sind from the most remote period. The Sodhas, I have already observed, were probably the Sogdi of Alexander, occupying Upper Sind when the Macedonian descended that stream. The Sumra dynasty is mentioned by Ferishta from ancient authorities, but the Mahomedan historians knew nothing, and cared nothing, about Rajput tribes. It is from such documents as these, scattered throughout the annals of these principalities, and from the ancient Hindu epic poems, that I have concentrated the "Sketches of the Rajput Tribes," introductory to the first volume, which, however slight they appear, cost more research than the rest of the book. I write this note chiefly for the information of the patriarch of oriental lore on the Continent, the learned and ingenuous De Sacy. If this Mentor ask, "Where are now the Sodas"" I reply, the ex-prince of Amarkot, with whose ancestors Humayun took refuge, — in whose capital in the desert the great Akbar was born,— and who could on the spur of the moment oppose four thousand horse to invasion has only one single town, that of Chor, left to him. The Rahtores, who in the time of Urmsi Rana and Rawal Chachick, were hardly known in Marudesh, have their flag waving on the battlements of the "immortal castle" (amarakuta) and the Amirs of Sind have incorporated the greater part of Dhat with their state of Hydrabad. [3]

Harsha of Kashmir captures fort of Dhata

Rajatarangini[4] writes that ... the selfish Hela, who had appropriated the money, entrusted to him for distribution to others, became afraid, and tried to induce the king to some evil action. He advised him, in conjunction with the people of Lohara, to capture the fort of Dhata in order to subju-

[p.258]: gate the province of Darad. This fort was formerly held by Lakvanachandra the Damara, but he was killed by Janaka the lord of Dvara by the orders of king Ananta, and his wife died of starvation at Dvara. But the fort was subsequently again taken by the king of Darad through the negligence of king Kalasha. The people of Darad had also taken Anantagrama. The king was ready to lead the army. In that country there was no lake, and the people used to collect snow for the purposes of water. In the present year there was no rain, and they had consumed their snow. Hela, other-wise called Mahattama, saw their weakness and excited the king against them, and the king prepared himself for the march. At this time the lord of Dvara was proceeding to Vataganda by the king's order. Champaka tried to betray him, but the king prevented him from proceeding and made him lord of Mandala, and he ruled over Dvara with other lords of Dvara. The king then took the lord of Dvara with him and, crossing the river Madhumati, invested the fort with his army. He sent the officers of his army on all sides, and remained alone himself within his entrenchment at a distance from the army. The battle raged between the two armies, and the soldiers of Darad from within their fort hurled stones on their enemies. Malla, son of Gangga, with his sons, did many acts of valor at Dhata, and he also built a religious house.

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