Dhigava or Dighawa (ढ़िगावा), is a village in tehsil Loharu in Bhiwani district in Haryana.
Pincode of the village is 127201. It is situated on Bhiwani-Loharu Road, about 18km away from Loharu and 42km away from Bhiwani. Dhigava Jatan village has got its own gram panchayat. Kurdal, Nakipur and Singhani are some of the nearby villages.
Jat Gotras
(Data as per Census-2011 figures)
Total Population | Male Population | Female Population |
4338 | 2272 | 2066 |
Public Services and amenities
- A grain market,
- A 132 kv power sub-station,
- Branches of some nationalised Banks are located here.
Notable persons
External links
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