Dhor (धोड़) (Dhod) is a village in Jahazpur tahsil in Bhilwara district in Rajasthan. Its ancient name was Dhavagarta (धवगर्ता).
Dhod village is 7 miles to the south-east of Jahazpur in Mewar.
Dabok Inscription of 644 AD
We have a record of 644 AD belonging to the early Guhilas and comes from Dabok, 8 miles east of Udaipur. There is reference to the local ruling family which held the area under one Dhavalappadeva, is made in this form:
- "When Shri Dhanika of the family of Guhilaputras was enjoying Dhavagarta"
Dhavagartā being identical with Dhod in Bhilwara district in Rajasthan. This record is concerned with the religious benefaction in the form of akshayanivi or fixed endowment, which constitutes what is called devadāya in the record. The endowment was made for two occasions; For the devadroni of Mahadhideva Mahamaheshvara instituted by the donor Vaidya Giyaka and for another devadroni created by former Vaidya Yashodeva of Shri Durgadevi who had the name Ghattavasini meaning female deity of the pots. [1]
Dhod Inscription of Prithviraja II of V. 1225 (1168 AD)
Dhod Inscription of Prithviraja II is of dated 13th of dark half of jyeshtha, V. 1225. From Dhod inscription, we learn that he defeated the ruler of Shakambhari in battle. This clearly means that he defeated Aparagangeya, whom he, as the eldest son of Arnoraja, might have regarded as a usurper. [2]
Notable persons
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- ↑ Studying early India: archaeology, texts and historical issues By Brajadulal Chattopadhyaya, p. 179
- ↑ Early Chauhan Dynasties" by Dasharatha Sharma, p.73-74
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