Dvaravati Thailand

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Dvaravati (Hindi:द्वारवती) period lasted from around the 6th to the 11th century in what is now Thailand.

Dvaravati refers to a culture, an art style, and a disparate conglomerate of principalities. Archaeological research over the past two decades or so has revealed the presence of a "proto-Dvaravati" period which spans the 4th-5th century, and perhaps earlier.[1]

Variants of name

  • Thai: ทวารวดี
  • RTGS: Thawarawadi
  • Khmer: ទ្វារវត្តី - Tvearvottey
  • Sanskrit: Dvaravati द्वारवती (AS, p.459)
  • Sanskrit: Dvaravati द्वारावती = द्वारवती (द्वारका) (AS, p.460)


The term Dvaravati derives from coins which were inscribed in Sanskrit śrī dvāravatī. The Sanskrit word dvāravatī means "that which has gates"[2] (from dvāra "door, gate, entrance"). Its name may derive from the city of Dvārakā in ancient India.


The culture of Dvaravati, was based around moated cities, the earliest of which appears to be U Thong, in modern day Suphanburi province. Other key sites include Nakhon Pathom, Phong Tuk, Si Thep, Khu Bua and Si Mahosot amongst others.[3] Legends engraved on royal urns report the following kings: Suryavikrama (673-688), Harivikrama (688-695), Sihavikrama (695-718).[4]

A Khmer inscription dated 937 documents a line of princes of Chanasapura started by a Bhagadatta and ended by a Sundaravarman and his sons Narapatisimhavarman and Mangalavarman.[5] But at that time, the 10th century, Dvaravati began to come under the influence of the Khmer Empire and central Thailand was ultimately invaded by King Suryavarman II in the first half of the 12th century.[6]

Hariphunchai survived its southern progenitors until the late 13th century AD when it was incorporated in the Lanna Kingdom.[7] The people of the region used the Mon language, but whether they were Mon people is unknown. There is evidence that these principalities may comprise many cultural groups of people, including Malays and Khmer people. The theory of Thai migration into Dvaravati has been refuted and is now known to have happened much later.

Little is known about the administration of Dvaravati. It might simply have been a loose gathering of chiefdoms rather than a centralised state, expanding from the coastal area of the upper peninsula to the riverine region of Chao Phraya River. Hinduism and Buddhism were significant.

The three largest settlements appear to have been at Nakhon Pathom, Suphanburi, Praak Srigacha, with additional centers at U Thong, Chansen, Khu Bua, Pong Tuk, Muang Phra Rot, Lopburi, Si Mahasod, Kamphaeng Saen, Dong Lakhorn, U-Taphao, Ban Khu Muang, and Sri Thep.[8]

The traditional chronology of Dvaravati is mainly based on the Chinese textual account and stylistic comparison by art historians. However, the results from excavations in Chansen and Tha Muang mound at U-Thong raise questions about the traditional dating. Newly dated typical Dvaravati cultural items from the site of U-Thong indicate that the starting point of the tradition of Dvaravati culture may possibly date as far back to 200 CE.[9] [10] Archaeological, art historical, and epigraphic (inscriptions) evidence all indicate, however, that the main period of Dvaravati spanned the seventh to ninth centuries.[11] Dvaravati culture and influence also spread into Northeast Thailand and parts of lowland Laos from the sixth century onward. Key sites include Muang Fa Dead in Kalasin Province and Muang Sema in Nakhon Ratchasima province.[12]


विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[13] ने लेख किया है ... द्वारवती (AS, p.460) थाईलैंड या स्याम का एक प्राचीन भारतीय उपनिवेश था. यहां के राजा का उल्लेख चीनी यात्री युवानच्वांग (सातवीं सदी ई.) ने किया है. यह उपनिवेश मिनाम की घाटी में स्थित था. द्वारवती राज्य की राजधानी शायद लवपुरी थी जहां आठवीं सदी के कई अभिलेख प्राप्त हुए हैं. श्याम की पाली इतिहास-कथाओं चामदेवीवंश और जिनकाल मालिनी (15वीं-16वीं सदी ई.) में भी द्वारवती का उल्लेख है. इस राज्य का समृद्धि काल ईस्वी सन की प्रारंभिक सतियों से प्रारंभ होकर 10 वीं सदी तक था.

External links


  1. Murphy, Stephen A. (October 2016). "The case for proto-Dvāravatī: A review of the art historical and archaeological evidence". Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. 47 (3): 366–392. doi:10.1017/s0022463416000242. ISSN 0022-4634.
  2. Higham, C., 2014, Early Mainland Southeast Asia, Bangkok: River Books Co., Ltd., ISBN 9786167339443,p:301
  3. Murphy, Stephen A. (October 2016). "The case for proto-Dvāravatī: A review of the art historical and archaeological evidence". Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. 47 (3): 366–392. doi:10.1017/s0022463416000242. ISSN 0022-4634.
  4. Coedés 1968, p. 86
  5. Coedés 1968, p. 122
  6. "The Mon-Dvaravati Tradition of Early North-Central Thailand". The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Retrieved 2009-12-15.
  7. David K. Wyatt and Aroonrut Wichienkeeo. The Chiang Mai Chronicle, p.33
  8. Higham, C., 2014, Early Mainland Southeast Asia, Bangkok: River Books Co., Ltd., ISBN 9786167339443,p:303–312
  9. Glover, I. (2011). The Dvaravati Gap-Linking Prehistory and History in Early Thailand. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 30, 79-86.
  10. Murphy, Stephen A. (October 2016). "The case for proto-Dvāravatī: A review of the art historical and archaeological evidence". Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. 47 (3): 366–392. doi:10.1017/s0022463416000242. ISSN 0022-4634.
  11. Murphy, Stephen A. (October 2016). "The case for proto-Dvāravatī: A review of the art historical and archaeological evidence". Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. 47 (3): 366–392. doi:10.1017/s0022463416000242. ISSN 0022-4634.
  12. Murphy, Stephen A. (2013). "Buddhism and its Relationship to Dvaravati Period Settlement Patterns and Material Culture in Northeast Thailand and Central Laos c. Sixth–Eleventh Centuries a.d. : A Historical Ecology Approach to the Landscape of the Khorat Plateau". Asian Perspectives. 52 (2): 300–326. doi:10.1353/asi.2013.0017. ISSN 1535-8283.
  13. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.460