Eklota (इकलौता) is a village in Daurala tahsil, Meerut district in Uttar Pradesh.
Eklota is a small Village/hamlet in Daurala Block in Meerut District of Uttar Pradesh State, India. It comes under Bharala Panchayath. It belongs to Meerut Division . It is located 17 KM towards North from District head quarters Meerut. 4 KM from Daurala (Rural). 475 KM from State capital Lucknow. Eklota Pin code is 250110 and postal head office is Modipuram . Machhri ( 3 KM ) , Samaspur Surani ( 3 KM ) , Siwaya-jamalullapur ( 3 KM ) , Panwari ( 3 KM ) , Baparsa ( 4 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Eklota. Eklota is surrounded by Sardhana Block towards North , Sarurpur Khurd Block towards west , Meerut Block towards South , Mawana Kalan Block towards East. Sardhana , Meerut , Hastinapur , Modinagar are the near by Cities to Eklota.[1]
Jat gotras
Notable persons
- Parul Chaudhary (born 15 April 1995) is an Indian athlete who specializes in 5000 metres and 3000 metres steeplechase.[2]She is the first Indian runner to clock a sub-9 minute time in the women's 3000m.[3]
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