Fatehpur Damoh

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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Author (Laxman Burdak) visited with RO TK Dahbara a Shiva Temple Bari Kanoda in Forest Compartment-40 near Fatehpur town in Damoh, Madhya Pradesh on 6.2.91
Map of Damoh District‎
Hata-Batiagarh-Kaithora-Fatehpur-Bhiloni in Damoh, MP
Barikanora-Fatehpur - Daha-Jangupura-Bhiloni-Anjani-Karkoi-Madhiyadoh in Damoh, MP
Piparia Ghanshyam - Fatehpur in Damoh

Fatehpur (फतेहपुर) is a village in Batiagadh tahsil in Damoh district of Madhya Pradesh. There can be seen ancient stone carving. Author (Laxman Burdak) visited it on 05-09.02.1991.




Name seems to be given by Malik Fatahkhan mentioned in (105) Batihagarh Garden Inscription of 1328 AD.[1] which refers to the planting of a garden like the one at Khalachipur planted by the same person. He was the commander of the Kharapara armies in the Chedi Country. His son's name was Malik Fatahkhan. The record is undated, but it must have been written after samvat 1385 (=1328 AD), as it contains at least three verses which were copied from an inscription of that date (No.103).


Author (Laxman Burdak) found on 06.02.1991, while surveying in the remote forest areas of Hata Range of Damoh district along with with RO TK Dahbara, a Shiva Temple at Bari Kanora in Forest Compartment-40 near Fatehpur town in Damoh, Madhya Pradesh. It was in ruined state and hardly worshipped by villagers. There is a need to further research the history of the place.


फतेहपुर : यह दमोह से 46 किलोमीटर दूर हटा तहसील का बड़ा कस्बा है और पाटेर नदी के किनारे बसा है. यहां प्राचीन समय की पत्थर पर चित्रकारी मौजूद है जो देखने योग्य है.[2]

Further research

I sent the photo Shiva Temple from my album and requested Mr Bhagirath Arya (Punia) of Damoh to send more details. He visited the Bari Kanora Shiva temple site on 24.12.2024 and provided images of the temple with following note:

We visited Bari Kanora Shiva temple on 24.12.24. We found no writing or any signs on stones anywhere. But the carving on stones and style of construction looks similar to that of Nohta Nohaleshwar temple. We also could not get the clue as to who constructed it. Maintenance of the of the monument was also very poor. (Bhagirath Arya (Punia))

External links


  1. Inscriptions in the Central Provinces and Berar by Rai Bahadur Hira Lal, Nagpur, 1932,p.59
  2. एल आर बुरडक, मध्य प्रदेश शासन वन विभाग, दमोह वन मंडल की कार्य-आयोजना (1993-94 से 2002-03), p.230