Garhi Chhajju
Author of this article is Chaudhary Amit Singh Gahlyan (चौधरी अमित सिंह गाहल्याण) |

Garhi Chhajju (गढ़ी छाज्जु) is a village in Tehsil Samalkha of district Panipat in Haryana.
Chaudhary Chhajju Ram Gahlyan is the founder of village Garhi Chhajju.
- Garhi Chhajju (गढ़ी छाज्जु) is a Village in Samalkha Tehsil in Panipat District of Haryana State, India. It belongs to Rohtak Division . It is located 18 KM towards South from District head quarters Panipat. 4 KM from Samalkha. 193 KM from State capital Chandigarh. 88 KM from National Capital New Delhi.
- Google Maps
- Approximately Karhans ( 4 KM ) , Pawti ( 4 KM ) , Tajpur ( 4 KM ) , Samalkha ( 4 KM ) , Dikadla ( 5 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Garhi Chhajju. Garhi Chhajju is surrounded by Bapoli Tehsil towards North , Chhaprauli Tehsil towards East , Panipat Tehsil towards North , Ganaur Tehsil of Sonipat towards South .
- Samalkha , Ganaur , Panipat , Sonipat are the near by Cities to Garhi Chhajju.
- This Place is near the border of the Panipat District and Sonipat District. Sonipat District Ganaur is South towards this place . Also it is near the Border of other district Baghpat . It is near to the Uttar Pradesh State Border.
- About 150-350 years ago... A Person Name Chaudhary Chhajju Ram Gahlyan चौधरी छाज्जु राम गाहल्याण) came from Village Jaurasi ( Jurasi Khalsa /जौरासी) with his family and two Younger Cousin brothers. Where Chaudhary Chhajju Ram Gahlyan was succeeded by his son Chaudhary Balle Ram Gahlyan. And His two younger Cousin brothers was Succeeded by Chaudhary Jasram Singh Gahlyan and Choudhary Mannu Ram Gahlyan respectively. And they all satteled here. (Garhi Chhajju, Samalkha, Panipat, Haryana, India ).. after this the name of the place/village fall Garhi Chhajju (गढ़ी छाज्जु or छाज्जु गढ़ी) on the name of shri Chaudhary Chhajju Ram Gahlyan.
- Where Chaudhary (Ch. Or चौ० )' is the Title Name and Singh (सिँह / सिंघ)' is the Middle or Last Name According to His 'Jat Community' and Gahlyan is the surname or the 'Gotra (गोत/गोत्र)'.
Jat Gotras
About the village
- The dimensions of the village now a days about 2.5 to 3.5 Km in the east , about 2.5 to 3.0 Km in the west, about 1.5 to 2.0 Km in the North and about 500 to 700 Km in th south.
- Farmers ( किसान ): are the backbone of this village. Many of the peoples are doing Jobs also. Most of the population is Educated. Now it is one of the most rapidly Growing and developing villages in india.
- In four sides of Village water pool ( जोहड़ )' are present as a drainage system. The village had its own Brick Kiln ( भट्ठा ), has its own sand mine in its north-west. The village have three schools wiz Govt. Primary School, Bright Career High School and world Class Facility enbled Hare Krishna International School is also here. Has its own Animal Hospital, Stadium and now going to have its Power House also.
- Old temple Shri Ram Mandir is very famous And believed by and all the villagers, by all the neighbors of Villages 'Garhi Chhajju' and by all the followers lives in different states of india.
- Village contribution in the fight of freedom is also very high... 'Chaudhary Sohanlal Gahlyan (Expired)' was a soldier in Azad Hind Fauj made by Shri Subhash Chandra Bose and spent three years in prison. Many of Villagers contribute in fights like Chaudhary Gyani Ram Gahlyan , who takes the lead for kisan. Presently many of the jawans are serving in military forces.
- Village is having very good environment, land water, Pump sets are the main souce of water. In agriculture villager made a history of high production per hectare. Wheet, Rice, Jawar, Sugarcane & vegetables are the major crops of the villlage. Yamuna river is only 5 to 7 Km from the village in the East and 3.5 km village agriculture land is spread over.
- People source of entertainment are playing cards, wrestling and Kabbadi ( कब्बड़ी ). Village is having a very great history in playing wrestling, kababdi from last 100 years. Some players of village represents their game at national level, state level and district level. Chaudhary Bijender Singh Gahlyan represents India several times in kabbadi against Pakistan, Bangladesh & Iran etc. Village kabbadi team achieved the top position in haryana several times.
- In the middle of village, a small temple of Khera Maharaj situated. One day Bhoj is also organised by villagers in respect of Khera Maharaj in the month of Ashadha (आषाढ़) for getting rain also the rain has come on same day. Villagers are having good faith in GOD.
- The economy rate of village is also good. Jat is the main caste of village and Bhramin, Vaish, Harijan, Valmiki, Kumahar, Banjare, Khati, Sunar and Nai are also living in the village. All people living like a family. Four chaupal are there in the village, Chaupal in the middle of village Known as Badi Chaupal (बड़ी चौपाल) is having importance which is known as Sarvjatiy Chopal (सर्वजातीय चौपाल) Sabhi Jatiyo ki Chopal. People believe that a person can't speak lie if sitting in this chopal.
- Village is very calm, green and full of joy. The main food of village are Milk, Khir, Desi Ghee, Roti and Vegetarian Sabji. The article Desho Me desh Haryana Jahan Dudh Dhahi Ka Khana is very famous. Villagers are also serving in the Military & Other Government Sector, Advocates, Engineers, Business, Police, Teaching.

- Chaudhary Chhajju Ram Gahlyan Had three son Named Chaudhary Ji Ram Gahlyan, Chaudhary Balle Ram Gahlyan and Chaudhary Amrit Lal Gahlyan..Respectively (From Elder to Younger ). Only Chaudhary Balle Ram Gahlyan became the Successor of Chaudhary Chhajju Ram Gahlyan because he had the male children in all his Generation among the three. And All the descendent of Chaudhary Chhajju Ram Gahlyan and his both younger Cousin Brother's Known as Khatariya (खतरिया/खतारिया/खत्रिया) and thus the Paanna(पान्ना) known as Khatariya Paanna and the Kunba (कुनबा) of Chaudhary Chhajju Ram Gahlyan Known as Ballewada (बल्लेवाड़ा) And the Kunba of Chaudhary Jasram Singh Gahlyan known as Jasramwada (जसरामवाड़ा) and the kunba of Chaudhary Mannu Ram Gahlyan known as Mannuwada (मन्नुवाड़ा) .
- Other 'Jat' and 'Gahlyan' Gotra based Paannas Named Majariya (माजरिया) , Gandhh (गंढ) and Khokhara (खोखरा) brought by Chaudhary Chhajju Ram Gahlyan from nearby places to make the village Populated and also other important castes like Brahmans, BlackSmiths, GoldSmiths, Potters, Harijans, Valmikies, Jogis, Banzaras, Khatis, Barbers, Baniyas etc... were also brought by the Chaudhary Chhajju Ram Gahlyan to make the village fully operational and functional. The jungles were cutted by the Chaudhary Chhajju Ram Gahlyan and by his descendents and by other persons of the village time to time to make the land appropriate for the Agriculture use as much as they can, and they did the same.
- Although there is a big family tree of Chaudhary Chhajju Ram Gahlyan..but here i am going to discuss only A few... Because they are the Elders..and directly related to the Author.
- Chaudhary Chhajju Ram Gahlyan > Ch. Balle Ram Gahlyan > Ch. Rakhkhi Ram Gahlyan > Ch. Juglal Sing Gahlyan > Ch. Dungar Mal Gahlyan > Chaudhary Gyani Ram Gahlyan > Chaudhary Dharambir Singh Gahlyan > Chaudhary Amit Singh Gahlyan
(From Ancestors to descendents) (As on 1 May 2018)
According to the 2011 Census Garhi Chhajju Village Total population is 2555 and number of houses are 505. Female Population is 45.7%. Village literacy rate is 63.7% and the Female Literacy rate is 24.5%.
Notable Persons
- Chaudhary Chhajju Ram Gahlyan (Expired)
- Chaudhary Sohanlal Gahlyan (Expired)
- Chaudhary Mange Ram Gahlyan (Expired)
- Chaudhary Gyani Ram Gahlyan (Expired)
- Chaudhary Dharambir Singh Gahlyan
- Chaudhary Amit Singh Gahlyan
- Chaudhary Bijender Singh Gahlyan
- Chaudhary Mahavir Singh Gahlyan
- Chaudhary Parveen Kumar Gahlyan
External Links
- Garhi Chhajju 2011 Census more details :-
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