Gulpura (गुलपुरा) is a medium-size village in Rajgarh tahsil of Churu district in Rajasthan.
Jat Gotras
As per Census-2011 statistics, Gulpura village has the total population of 1583 (of which 841 are males while 742 are females).[1]
Paharsar was founded by Gyana Ram Punia after his grandfather named Paharu. Gyana Ram Punia came from nearby village Dhandhal. He was descendant of Lakshi Punia. Lakshi Punia’s descendants founded seven villages named Dhandhal Shera, Dhandhal Lekhoo, Dhandhal Taal, Gulpura, Narwasi, Mithi Redu and Paharsar.
Notable persons
- Sumer Singh Sihag (Gulpura): Koshadyaks, Jat Kirti Sansthan Churu - Rajgarh Churu Branch, Mob: 9194591951
- चौ. शेर सिंह पुनियां (ट्रस्टी) - ग्रा.पो. गुलपुरा, तह. राजगढ़, जिला चुरू. स्वामी केशवानन्द स्मृति चेरिटेबल ट्रस्ट, संगरिया , Trustee for 2013-2017 Session
- Sher Singh Punia - Advocate, Mob: 9413361741
Sumer Singh Sihag (Gulpura) - Awarded with 'Swami Gigdas Paryavaran aur Prakriti Seva Samman 2024 ' by Nature Environment And Wild Life Society, Tal Chhapar
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