Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Churu (चूरु), earlier name Kalera Bas, is a town in the desert region of Rajasthan, India. It is presently the administrative headquarters of Churu District.
- Churu (चूरु)
- Kalera Bas


It lies in the Thar Desert on the National Highway-65 connecting Pali to Ambala. It is famous for the shifting sand dunes of the Thar Desert and beautiful grand havelis with marvelous fresco paintings, namely Kanhaiya lal Bagla ki Haweli and Surana Haweli, with hundreds of small windows. It also has some fine Chhatris. Nearby the town is a religious seat of the Nath sect of Sadhus where there are life-size Marble statue of their deities and a place for prayers. There stands a Dharam Stup, a symbol of religious equality. At the centre of the town is a fort built about 400 years ago. It was founded by jat chieftain named Churra in c.1620. [2] [3] It was part of Jangladesh prior to annexation by Rathore rajputs in 15th century.
Tahsils in Churu district
Villages in Churu tahsil

Asal Kheri, Asloo, Badhki, Balrasar Athoona, Balrasar Tanwaran, Barradas, Bas Dhakan, Bas Ghantel, Bas Jaiseka, Bas Mahlan, Beekasi, Beenasar, Bhairoosar, Bhamasi, Boontiya, Chalkoi Baneerotan, Chalkoi Beekan, Chandelnagar, Charanwasi, Chhajusar, Churu , Dabla, Dandoo, Depalsar, Dhadhar, Dhadhariya Baneerotan, Dhadhariya Charnan, Dhameri, Dhani Doongarsinghpura, Dhani Lachhmansingh, Dhani Lalsinghpura, Dhani Muneemji, Dhani Pannesingh, Dhani Ranwan, Dheerasar Beekan, Dheerasar Charnan, Dheerasar Shekhawatan, Dhodhliya, Dudhwa Khara, Dudhwa Meetha, Gajsar, Ghanghoo, Ghantel, Ginri Patta Lohsana, Ginri Patta Rajpura, Hunatpura, Indrapura, Jasasar, Jasrasar, Jaswantpura, Jhariya, Jori Patta Charnan, Jori Patta Lohsana, Jori Patta Satyun, Juharpura, Karanpura Churu, Karnisar, Karwasar, Khandwa Patta Churu, Khandwa Patta Jhariya, Khandwa Patta Peetheesar, Khansoli, Khariya, Kheenwasar, Kotwad Nathotan, Kotwad Tal, Kotwad Teeba, Kunsisar, Ladariya, Lakhau, Lalasar Banirotan, Lalasar Patta Rajpura, Lohsana Bara, Lohsana Chhota, Maharawansar, Mathori, Meghsar, Moleesar Bara, Motisar, Nakrasar, Narsipura, Peetheesar, Poti, Ramdeora, Rampura Patta Jhariya, Rampurabas Jasrasar, Ramsara, Ranasar, Ratannagar , Raypuriya, Ribiya, Rirkhala, Sahjoosar, Sahnali Bari, Sahnali Chhoti, Satra, Shyampura, Shyodanpura, Shyopura, Sirsala, Sirsali, Somasi, Suratpura, Thalori, Thelasar, Untwal,
According to Dr Pema Ram the Churu town in Rajasthan was founded by Kaler Jats and it was earlier known as Kalera Bas.[4]
Encylcopædia Britannica tells us that The city of Churu was founded in 1620 by a Jat chieftain Churru.[5][6]
It was part of Jangladesh prior to annexation by Rathores.[7] Churu was ruled by Thakur Maldeo, the grandson of Rao Kandhal or Rawat Kandhal and uncle of Rao Bika, the Rathore Rajputs of Bikaner. In 1871 Churu fall to Bikaner. The famous temple of Salasar Balaji is situated in the Churu district.
चूरू का इतिहास
चूरू का इतिहास- चूरू को चुहरू नाम के जाट ने बसाया था। जिस स्थान पर ये आकर बसे वह आज भी कालेरा बास के नाम से जाना जाता है।
ठाकुर बाघ के ज्येष्ठ पुत्र बणीर थे, जिनका ठिकाना घांघू था। भाटी राजपूतों का एक दल पशुओं को लेकर खरिया आया हुआ था। उनके एक लड़की विवाह योग्य थी। जिसका सम्बन्ध ठाकुर बणीर के बड़े बेटे से करने के लिए नारियल भेजा। बणीर उस समय बूढ़े हो चले थे। ठाकुर ने हंसी में कहा, "हाँ भाई जवानों के तो टिके आते ही हैं।" बणीर के पुत्र मेघराज सिंह ने यह बात सुन ली। उसने भाटियों को कहा कि टीका मुझे नहीं पिताजी को देना है। तब बणीर का खारिया में भाटियों की लड़की से विवाह हो गया। भाटी सरदार ने तत्कालीन परंपरा के अनुसार अपनी बेटी को कालेरा बॉस के चौधरी सरदार के गोद बैठा दिया। कालांतर में भटियानी ठुकरानी के चार पुत्र हुए। इनमे बड़े का नाम मालदेव था। ठाकुर बणीर के स्वर्गवास पश्चात ठाकुर मेघराजसिंह घांघू की गद्दी पर काबिज हो गया । अतः मालदेव की माँ अपने बच्चों को लेकर कालेरा बास के धर्म पिता चौधरी सरदार के पास आ गयी। चौधरी ने उनका लालन-पालन किया। उन दिनों "हांडी भडंग" नाम का साधू तपस्या करता था। ठकुरानी उसको मालदेव के हाथ रोजाना खाना भेजती थी। मालदेव को साधू ने एक कमान व कुछ तीर दिए और उसको शक्ति का वरदान दिया। मालदेव शक्ति शाली हो गया।
एक दिन मालदेव ने नाना चौधरी को उनकी बिरादरी सहित भोज के लिए आमंत्रित किया। सबको खूब सराब पिलाई और जब जब होश खो बैठे तो मालदेव ने सब को क़त्ल कर चूरू पर कब्ज़ा कर लिया। यह घटना वर्ष 1541 ई. एवं संवत 1598 की है। कालेरा बॉस की जगह मालदेव ने चूरू नाम दे दिया। कालेरा बॉस का धूलकोट समभवत: नगर के पूर्वी भाग में 'डाकोतों के मोहल्ले' (प्राचीन कालेरा बॉस) में स्थित ऊँचे टीले पर था। वहां एक छोटा सा मंडप है जिसमें सलेटी रंग की पत्थर की मूर्ती है, जिसे मोहल्ले वाले जाटों का भोमिया बतलाते हैं। (पृ. संख्या-192)
साभार - चूरू का शोधपूर्ण इतहास, पृ.सं.163-165, 170-171
सन्दर्भ - श्री आदूराम न्योल अभिनन्दन ग्रन्थ, जाट कीर्ति संस्थान चूरू राजस्थान, 31.3.2013 (p.62)
ठाकुर देशराज के अनुसार 'नेन' शाखा अनंगपाल के एक वंशज नैनसी के नाम पर चली. कालांतर में ये लोग डूंगरगढ़ तथा रतनगढ़ तहसील में आकर आबाद हुए. इनमें श्रीपाल नामक व्यक्ति का जन्म संवत 1398 (1341) में हुआ, जिनके 12 लड़के हुए, जिनमें राजू ने लद्धोसर, दूला ने बछरारा , कालू ने मालपुर, हुक्मा ने केऊ, लल्ला ने बीन्झासर और चुहड़ ने चुरू आबाद किया. [8] नैन गोत्र जाट यहाँ के प्राचीन निवासी हैं. [9]
ठाकुर देशराज [10] ने लिखा है कि....नैणसी के चुहड़ हुआ, चुहड़ के चोखा और लालू दो पुत्र हुये, चोखा के फत्ता और मूला दो लड़के हुये। इनमें फत्ता ने ही सरवरपुर (अब सरूरपुर) की नींव डाली। इस वंश में किशनपाल से 5वीं पीढ़ी में श्रीपाल नाम के एक प्रसिद्ध व्यक्ति हुये उसने संवत 1310 अर्थात 1253 ई. में भिराणी गाँव बसाया। यह गाँव बीकानेर डिवीजन की भादरा तहसील में अवस्थित है।
किशनपाल के दो पुत्र हूला और काहना हुये। हूला के कालू और धन्ना दो पुत्र हुये। कालू के मूंधड़ और मूंधड़ का पुत्र श्रीपाल था। श्रीपाल के दो स्त्रियाँ थी मान और पुनियानी। मान के 6 पुत्र हुये – 1.दल्ला, 2.पेमा, 3.खीवा, 4.चेतन, 5.रतना और 6. पूसा। पुनियानी स्त्री से 5 पुत्र हुये – रामू, काहना, अमरा, गणेश, और हुक्मा।
[p.337]: इनमें से मान स्त्री से उत्पन्न खीवा को बालासर तहसील नोहर में मार दिया। इस घटना का विवरण पिछले पृष्ठों में कहीं आ चुका है। मान स्त्री के ज्येष्ठ पुत्र दूला से 1.आंभल, 2.मोती और 3.हनुमंता नाम के 3 पुत्र हुये। इनमें आंभल के भी 3 पुत्र हुये – 1.दल्ला, 2. काहन और 3. वीरू। वीरू के जो पूत्र हुआ उसका नाम प्रसिद्ध पुरुष श्रीपाल के नाम पर श्रीपाल ही रखा। इस श्रीपाल द्वितीय का जन्म संवत 1398 अर्थात सन 1341 ई. में हुआ। श्रीपाल द्वितीय के 12 पुत्र हुये – 1. राजू, 2. दूला, 3. मूला, 4. कालू, 5. रामा, 6. हुक्मा, 7. चुहड़, 8. हूला, 9. लल्ला, 10. चतरा, 11. फत्ता और 12. नन्दा।
इनमें से राजू ने संवत 1417 (1360 ई.) में लद्धासर, दूला ने बछरारा, कालू ने मालपुर, हुक्मा ने केऊ, लल्ला ने बींझासर बसाया। और चुहड़ ने चुरू आबाद किया।
इन 12 में से दूला के 3 पुत्रों का हमें पता चलता है – 1.राजू, 2.नंदा और 3. जीवन उनके नाम थे। राजू के 1. बुधा और 2. पेमा 2 पुत्र हुये। बुधा के 1. हरीराम और 2. सेवा दो पुत्र हुये। हरीराम ने संवत 1525 (1468 ई.) में बछरारा को फिर से आबाद किया क्योंकि बीच में झगड़ों के कारण बछरारा बर्बाद हो गया था। हरीराम के दो पुत्र 1.पूला और 2. तुलछा नामक हुये।
[p.338]: पूला के 1.सादा और 2.मुगला दो पुत्र हुये। मुगला ने संवत 1610 (1553 ई.) ने बछरारा में एक जोहड़ खुदवाया। जिसका वर्णन ठाकुर सकत सिंह ने सन 1939 ई. को अपनी उस गवाही में किया था जो उन्होने चौधरी हरीश चंद्र के क़दीम बिकानेरी होने के संबंध में तहसील रतनगढ़ में दी थी। सादा के दो पुत्र 1.आसा और 2.चतरा नामी हुये। आसा के 1.दासा और 2.लक्ष्मण हुये। दासा के 1.गोपाल, 2.भूरा और 3.पूरन तीन पूत्र हुये। गोपाल के 2 पुत्र 1.भारू और 2.रामकरण हुये।
जाट प्रतिभाओं का सम्मान : 12 मार्च 2023
दिनाँक 12 मार्च 2023 को वीर तेजा भवन,चूरू में वीर तेजा प्रबंधन विकास समिति चूरू की तरफ से जाट समाज प्रतिभा सम्मान समारोह का आयोजन किया गया।
सम्मान समारोह में चूरू तहसील की 27 प्रतिभाओं का सम्मान किया गया जिन्हें माला,साफा व प्रतीक चिन्ह देकर सम्मानित किया गया।
समारोह के पश्चात समाज के प्रबुद्धजनों की एक अहम बैठक हुई जिसमें भवन संचालन व इसके रखरखाव पर मंथन हुआ।गहन मंथन के पश्चात सर्वसम्मति से इस भवन के संचालन के लिए एक संरक्षण मंडल का गठन किया गया।उक्त संरक्षण मंडल के सदस्य आगामी रविवार को अपनी बैठक कर भवन को सुचारू रूप से चलाने के लिए विचार विमर्श करेंगे।
2. श्री डॉक्टर बी.के. चौधरी
3. श्री सोहनलाल जी फगेड़िया
4. श्री हरफूलसिंह जी डेडवाल
5. श्री हरफूलसिंह भाम्बू
6. श्री सांवरमल जी बुडानिया
7. श्री प्रताप जी कस्वां,रामपुरा
8. श्री श्रीचंद जी ईसराण
9. श्री किसनाराम जी बाबल
10. श्री राधाकृष्ण जी दैया
11. श्री दलीप जी नेहरा
12. श्री रामकरण जी श्योराण
13. श्री रतनसिंह जी पूनियां
14. श्री डॉक्टर राहुल कस्वां
15. श्री विजयपाल जी लाम्बा
16. श्री बेगराज जी मील थालोड़ी
भवन संचालन के काम का दायित्व उक्त सम्मानित संरक्षण मंडल का रहेगा।
तेजा भवन में नवस्थापित लाइब्रेरी का हुआ लोकार्पण: 21.09.2023
दिनाँक 21 सितम्बर 2023 को तेजा भवन, चूरू में नवस्थापित आधुनिक सुविधाओं युक्त लाइब्रेरी लाइब्रेरी का लोकार्पण श्री गोपीचंद तेतरवाल गिनड़ी टिब्बा व श्री रणवीर झाझड़िया देवीपुरा के मुख्य आतिथ्य में हुआ। कार्यक्रम की अध्यक्षता श्री राधाकृष्ण दैया ने की। कार्यक्रम में विशिष्ट अतिथि के रूप में श्री हरलाल सहारण जिलाध्यक्ष बीजेपी,डॉक्टर बीके चौधरी,संजय कस्वां प्रधान तारानगर, रणजीत सातड़ा पूर्व प्रधान चूरू, प्रोफेसर हनूमानाराम इसराण सेवानिवृत्त प्राचार्य कालेज शिक्षा, मोहनजी गढ़वाल चैयरमैन हाल सोल भंड़ार चूरू, आदूराम न्योल, हरफूल सिंह भांबू आदि मंचस्थ थे।
कार्यक्रम के आरंभ में मुख्य अतिथियों द्वारा लाइब्रेरी हॉल का फीता काटकर शिलालेख का लोकार्पण किया।आए हुए अतिथियों को माला, साफा पहनाकर व प्रतीक चिन्ह देकर स्वावत किया।डॉक्टर बीके चौधरी ने अतिथियों व कार्यक्रम में पधारे हुए लोगों का शब्दों के माध्यम से स्वागत किया। प्रोफेसर इसराण ने लाइब्रेरी का महत्व समझाते हुए लाइब्रेरी में अध्ययनरत विद्यार्थियों के साथ समय समय पर सेमिनार व मोटीवेशनल स्पीच पर जोर दिया। प्रोफेसर साहब ने जाट समाज के इतिहास को संजीदा रखने के लिए समाज के इतिहास की 11 पुस्तकें लाइब्रेरी को भेंट की जिनमें से 2 पुस्तकें स्वयं द्वारा रचित हैं। कार्यक्रम में सभी मेहमानों ने अपने अपने सकारात्मक सुझाव दिए तथा समाज हित मे सदैव तत्पर रहने का भरोसा दिलाया।
कार्यक्रम को मुख अतिथियों ने सम्बोधित करते हुए बड़ी प्रसन्नता जाहिर की। उन्होंने समाज के लिए हर समय तैयार रहने का भरोसा दिलाया तथा यह भी वादा किया कि एक बड़ी जमीन आप उपलब्ध करावो,हम उस जमीन में आप चाहोगे उतना बड़ा भवन बना देंगे।इस आधुनिक लाइब्रेरी के लिए दोनों मुख्य अतिथियों ने मिलकर 500000 पांच लाख रुपये सहयोगार्थ दिए। अंत में कार्यक्रम की अध्यक्षता कर रहे राधाकृष्ण दैया ने सभी का आभार जताते हुए धन्यवाद दिया।
कार्यक्रम तेजा भवन के संरक्षक मण्डल के सानिध्य में सम्पन्न हुआ। श्री,रतनसिंह पूनियां,हरफूल सिंह डेडवाल,विजयपाल लाम्बा,रामकुमार खीचड़, प्रताप कस्वां,बेगराज मील,सोहनलाल फगेड़िया, डॉक्टर राहुल कस्वां,श्रीचंद इसराण,किसनाराम बाबल, सांवरमल बुडानिया, दलीप नेहरा,ताराचंद बुडानिया,देदाराम महिया, मुखराम मील,जीतसिंह कस्वां,हेमराज फगेड़िया, यशपाल रणवां,विजयपाल धुवां,अमरसिंह कस्वां,राजेन्द्र सुंडा, रमेश पूनियां,रूघवीर सहारण,सुलतान जड़िया,रामचन्द्र सुंडा, शशिकांत कस्वां,बनवारी कस्वां,महावीर नेहरा,चिमनाराम मील, प्रेमाराम गेट,दलीप सरावग सहित काफी संख्या में समाज के गणमान्य नागरिक उपस्थित थे।
कार्यक्रम का संचालन रणवीर धीनवाल ने किया।
तेजा भवन में नवस्थापित लाइब्रेरी का हुआ लोकार्पण -जोधाणा राजस्थान समाचार
The land and people

Kamadhajdhara {the Land of the Kamadhajs'} CHURU is a district of enchanting topography in Thar Desert. The Churu City is encircled by large shifting sand dunes. About one lakh energetic hardworking honest and peace loving people and the District populations about two million inhabit the town. The majority practices Hinduism yet Muslims and Jains are also in good number. The area is scanty in vegetation. Phoge and Kair bushes and Khejra, Royara and Babul trees are to be mainly found on the sand dunes. In the towns Neem and Peepal and Sira trees can also be noticed. One can find Sand dunes all over the area with a couple of small limestone hills.
The region boasts record temperatures ranging from below freezing point in the winters to over 50 degrees in the summer afternoons. Before dawn in the months of December/ January one may not be surprised to notice ice in small waterpots or frozen water dews on the little vegetation. Yet one may find that summer nights are cooler and winter days are warmer. The variation in the minimum and maximum temperature is perhaps greatest for any place in the world. Perhaps it is the only place in the world where temperature dips below sub-zero but does not have snowfall.
The economy of the town and surrounding area is mainly based on agriculture and animal husbandry. The oilseeds, especially mustard seed, is the predominant crop in recently developed small, well-irrigated fields. Wheat, kharif pulses, bajra (pearl millet), and gwar are other produces.
Churu is the main mandi (market) for agricultural produce of the area. The town has a Krishi Upaj Mandi Samiti (Agricultural Produce Market Committee) . The Food Corporation of India has its warehouses in Churu. The town is the main supply point for surrounding villages.
There is no large or medium size industry in the Bhinmal industrial area. The main small-scale industries are granite slabs and tiles, cutting and polishing, and mustard seed crushing.

Transport- Churu is on Rewari - Bikaner section of Northern Railway. The name of railway station is Churu Junction. The railway tracks are meter gauge. There are plans to convert these to broad gauge. Churu is connected to all major cities by all weather roads.
Electricity- There is one sub grid station of 220 KV at Churu itself. The town receives power from Power Grid Corporation of India's grid station in Hissar Haryana. Almost all villages of the Churu sub division are electrified.
Water- The town gets drinking water from local wells which is hard and salty. The town area drinking water supply is managed by PHED (water dept. of Govt. of Rajasthan). The Govt. is trying to get drinking water for the area from Indira Gandhi Canal. The main source of irrigation for farmers continues to be rain water and wells at a few places.
Accommodation- There are a few hotels in the town. Some well known hotels are: Rathore Lodge, Hotel Natraj,. There is a Government Rest house & Circuit House too run by Public Works Department(PWD).
Education- The town has a Post-graduate College called Lohia College affiliated University of Bikaner. There are several higher secondary and primary and middle schools in Churu.
Telecommunications- All the basic phone and cellphone service provider companies have their network in Churu. Internet and fax services is available at Public booths.
Hospitals- Churu town has good medical facilities .The town has a government D B hospital and a few private hospitals. There is an Aryuvedic hospital too.
Sports- The town has a Stadium. It has indoor & outdoor games facilities. The yearly state level tournaments can be held here.
Banking Many nationalised Banks State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur , Punjab National Bank, Bank of Baroda, Rajasthan Bank & some other banks have their brances here. Some co-operative banks also have their branches in the town. They are: Churu Central Cooperative Bank and Bhumi Vikas Bank.
Library The town has a public libraries managed by the Government
There are many temples in the city mostly dedicated to Hindu deities – Hanuman, Bhagwan Ram, Krishana, Satyanarain, Durga Mata, Santoshi Mata Local Deities Gogaji, Ramdeoji, Karni Mataji, Shitala Mata and a few Mosques as well as a Digambar Jain Mandir.
- Digambar Jain Temple
- Upahshara Jatiji
- Hanuman Balaji temple
- Ganesh Temple
- Ram Mandir
- Punchmukhi Balaji
- Shaniji
- Gogaji
- Shitala Mata
- Bhaninath Muth
- Dharam Stup [All religion Tower Temple].
Churu is located at 26.6|N|75.45|E|.[11] It has an average elevation of 315 metres.
As of 2001 India census, Churu had a population of 97,627. Males constitute 52% of the population and females 48%. Churu has an average literacy rate of 62%, higher than the national average of 59.5%: male literacy is 72% and, female literacy is 51%. In Churu, 17% of the population is under 6 years of age.
Pincodes of villages in Churu district
•Adarsh Nagar Ratangarh 331022 • Bagla School Road 331001 • Bapu Nagar Ratangarh 331022 • Bhanipura Churu 331411 • Bhimsar 331508 • Bhorugram 331035 • Bidasar 331501 • Bigga 331804 • Bissau 331027 • Bissau Bazar 331027 • Charwas 331503 • Chhapar 331502 • Chowk Sadulpur 331023 • Churu 331001 • Churu Bazar 331001 • Churu City 331001 • Churu Collectorate 331001 • Churu H O 331001 • Churu R S 331001 • Dudhwa Khara Village 331029 • East Gate Ratangarh 331022 • Ghantaghar Churu 331001 • Ghantaghar Sujangarh 331507 • Gogasar 331504 • Hamirwas 331305 • Hanspur 331305 • Hanumandhora 331507 • Kalubas Sri Dungargarh 331803 • Khasoli 331020 • Lachharasar 331805 • Lalgarh Churu 331518 • Lodsar 331510 • Maharana Pratap 331023 • Momasar 331801 • Moti Chowk 331403 • Naya Bas Sujangarh 331507 • Parihara 331505 • Patel Chowk Sadulpur 331023 • Power House Ratangarh 331022 • Pulasar 331402 • Rajaldesar 331802 • Rajaldesar Bazar 331802 • Rampura Beri 331301 • Ratangarh H O 331022 • Ratangarh R S 331022 • Ratannagar 331021 • Sabzi Mandi Sardar Shahar 331403 • Sadulpur 331023 • Sadulpur City 331023 • Sahawa 331302 • Sandwa 331517 • Sankhu Fort 331303 • Sardar Shahar 331403 • Sardarshahar 331403 • Satra 331031 • Sidhmukh 331701 • Singhi Park Churu 331001 • Sitla Temple Road Churu 331001 • Sobhasar 331509 • Sri Dungargah 331803 • Station Road Churu 331001 • Sudsar 331811 • Sujangarh 331507 • Sujangarh Gopalpura Road 331507 • Sujangarh R S 331507 • Taranagar 331304 • Taranagar Bazar 331304 • Abadsar 331802 • Absar 331505 • Adsisar 331403 • Ajeetsar 331504 • Allayala 331304 • Alsar 331802 • Anandsinghpura 331304 • Asalkheri 331001 • Asalsar 331504 • Aspalsar Bara 331403 • B.s.road Churu 331001 • Bachharara Bara 331022 • Badabar 331507 • Badsar 331518 • Bagsara 331518 • Baijwa 331303 • Baila 331403 • Bain 331304 • Bairasar 331517 • Bairasar Chhota 331023 • Bamania 331506 • Bamboo 331517 • Banara 331304 • Bandhnau 331403 • Bandwa 331802 • Bewar 331301 • Bhadasar 331403 • Bhagela 331023 • Bhainsali 331301 • Bhalau Tal 331304 • Bhaleri 331304 • Bhamasi 331001 • Bhamreed 331305 • Bhanin 331304 • Bhanipura 331411 • Bhanuda 331022 • Bharang 331302 • Bharpalsar 331802 • Bhasina 331518 • Bhawandesar 331022 • Bhimsana 331701 • Bhojan 331301 • Bhojasar Upadhiyan 331403 • Bhuchawas 331304 • Bhukhredi 331022 • Bhuwari 331023 • Bikamsara 331403 • Billu Bass Rampura 331403 • Binadesar 331802 • Binasar 331031 • Binjawas 331305 • Birami Khalsa 331701 • Biramsar 331022 • Biran 331301 • Bobasar Bidawtan 331507 • Boghera 331403 • Bukalsar Bara 331411 • Bungi 331023 • Buntia 331001 • Chainpura Chhota 331023 • Chalkoi Banirotan 331304 • Chand Gothi 331305 • Changoi 331304 • Charanwasi 331022 • Charia 331506 • Charla 331517 • Chubakia Tal 331023 • Dadrewa 331023 • Dandu 331001 • Daudsar 331022 • Deepsar 331022 • Depalsar 331021 • Devipura 331023 • Dewani 331502 • Dhadhar 331001 • Dhadharia Charnan 331001 • Dhana Bhakran 331304 • Dhandheru Bhamuwan 331802 • Dhani Asha 331304 • Dhani Bari 331701 • Dhani D.s.pura 331021 • Dhani Kumharan 331304 • Dhani Mozi 331023 • Dhani Pachera 331403 • Dhani Poonia 331023 • Dhanoti Chhoti 331701 • Dhanoti Kalan 331701 • Dhatri 331505 • Dhigarla 331023 • Dhingi 331023 • Dhirasar 331001 • Dhirwas 331302 • Dokwa 331023 • Dudhwakhara 331029 • Dudhwakhara Rs 331029 • Dulrasar 331022 • Dunkar 331501 • E.g.ratangarh 331022 • G.g.sujangarh 331507 • Gajusar 331403 • Gajuwas 331304 • Galar 331701 • Ghanau 331023 • Ghanghu 331001 • Ghantel 331001 • Ginari Patta Lohasana 331001 • Girwarsar 331517 • Golsar 331022 • Gopalpura Road Sujangarh 331507 • Gopalpuria 331022 • Gorisar 331022 • Gothya Bari 331023 • Guleria 331507 • Gulpura 331023 • Gvm Sardarshahr 331403 • Gwalisar 331023 • Hadyal Rs 331023 • Hadyal Village 331029 • Hamusar 331022 • Hansiyawas 331023 • Harasar 331505 • Harpalu Tal 331305 • Hudera 331022 • Inyara 331517 • Jaisinghsar 331402 • Jaitasar 331411 • Jaitputa 331023 • Jaitsisar 331411 • Jaleu 331022 • Janau Khari 331303 • Jandwa 331022 • Jasasar 331001 • Jeeli 331518 • Jegania 331802 • Jharia 331001 • Jharsar Chhota 331023 • Jharsar Kandhlan 331304 • Jigsana Tal 331304 • Jindrasar 331507 • Jogalsar 331518 • Joglia 331802 • Jori 331304 • Jothran 331304 • Kaklasar 331402 • Kalana Tal 331303 • Kalari 331301 • Kalwas 331304 • Kalwasia 331411 • Kangar 331504 • Kanjan 331701 • Kanuta 331507 • Kanwari 331506 • Karwasar 331001 • Katar Chhoti 331517 • Khairubari 331301 • Khandwa 331001 • Khansoli 331001 • Kharia Kaniram 331506 • Khejara 331403 • Khinchiwala 331506 • Khinwasar 331001 • Khotari 331022 • Khudera Charnan 331022 • Khuri 331506 • Kohina 331304 • Kotwad Tal 331304 • Kusumdesar 331022 • Lachharsar 331802 • Ladhasar 331022 • Ladria 331029 • Lakhau 331001 • Lakhlan 331023 • Lambor Bari 331023 • Laseri 331023 • Lilaki 331023 • Lilawati 331303 • Loha 331022 • Lohsana Bara 331029 • Lohsana Chhota 331029 • Loonasar 331802 • Luhara 331517 • Lunchh 331022 • Magrasar 331507 • Mahalana Utarada 331023 • Mainasar 331506 • Malkasar 331411 • Malsar 331411 • Malwas 331701 • Meghsar 331021 • Mehari Rajviyan 331403 • Mehrasar Chachera 331403 • Mehrasar Uppadhiyan 331302 • Melusar 331304 • Modawasi 331023 • Molisar 331031 • Morthal 331029 • Moti Chowk Sardarshahr 331403 • Mundi Tal 331023 • Mundra 331518 • Murdakia 331506 • Nakrasar 331001 • Narwasi Rs 331023 • Narwasi Village 331023 • Nawan 331301 • Naya Bass Sujangarh 331507 • Neema 331305 • Nesal 331303 • Nethwa 331304 • Noowan 331022 • Norangpura 331303 • Norangsar 331506 • Nosaria 331022 • Nuhand 331305 • Nyama 331506 • Nyangal Bari 331023 • Nyangal Chhoti 331023 • Pabusar 331022 • Paharsar 331023 • Pandreu Tal 331304 • Pandreu Tibba 331304 • Parawa 331022 • Parewara 331517 • Parsneu 331802 • Patel Chowk Sardarshahr 331023 • Patlisar Bara 331403 • Payali 331022 • Phogan 331402 • Pichkai Tal 331403 • Pithisar 331001 • Punras 331304 • Punsisar 331302 • Ragha Chhoti 331023 • Raipuria 331031 • Raiyatunda 331302 • Rajas 331304 • Rajasar Bikan 331403 • Rampura Bass 331001 • Ramsara 331001 • Ramsara Tal 331701 • Ramsisar 331403 • Ranasar Bikan 331504 • Rangaisar 331403 • Ransar 331001 • Ransisar 331411 • Ratan Nagar 331021 • Ratanngar Rs 331022 • Ratangarh 331022 • Ratansara 331022 • Ratnadesar 331505 • Ratusar 331403 • Rawantsar Kunjla 331303 • Reda 331517 • Redi Bhurawas 331304 • Roopalisar 331022 • Sabji Mandi Sardarshahar 331403 • Sadasar 331411 • Sadu Bari 331517 • Sadulpur Lsg 331023 • Sahanali Bari 331022 • Sahjusar 331001 • Sahwa 331002 • Sandan 331506 • Sangasar 331022 • Sankhan Tal 331303 • Sarayan 331304 • Sardarpura 331305 • Sarothia 331518 • Sarsar 331402 • Satyun 331029 • Sawai Bari 331403 • Sehla 331022 • Seowa 331304 • Simla 331403 • Simsia 331802 • Sirsala 331029 • Sirsali 331029 • Sitsar 331506 • Somasi 331001 • Somasisar 331302 • Sonpalsar 331403 • Sujangarh Lsg 331507 • Sujangarh Rs 331507 • Sulkhania 331303 • Suratpura 331023 • Taranagar Lsg 331304 • Tehandesar 331517 • Thanmathoi 331023 • Thathawata 331022 • Thirpali Bari 331305 • Tidiasar 331022 • Togawas 331304 • Tolasar 331411 • Udasar Bidawtan 331402 • Udwala 331517 • Untawalia 331021 • Utalad 331517
Marwaris and Havelis
The famous wealthy Marwari merchants of the town, having business connections all over India, added to its splendour by building beautiful majestic havelis, made of lime and brick and decorated them by the best of the frescoes on the facade as well as inside of the rooms. The best of the masons and 'Chitera' or painters were employed to decorate these buildings. Initially, the Chiteras practised dry and wet methods using mineral and vegetable colours. Later on, around in 1860's they made brighter and colorful paintings with the help of chemical colours. Some merchants, the Mantries, Suranas & Kotharis got few rooms painted in gold with extensive mirror work. The prosperity of Churu reached its zenith in 18th century when the atmosphere of peace and security prevailed and the caravans passed through. Consequently, the business of wool, silk, opium and spices flourished. The merchants moved away to the British India and onwards to Calcutta and other business centers in central India. They made a lot of money using their unique business acumen and decided to raise the palatial houses for their families in Churu. There is yet another haveli whose creation does not lie in grand plans but a small plan blown out of proportion. This haveli commonly known as 'Jahaz Kothi' (jahaz literally meaning ship; but in hindi airplanes are also populary referred by this term). The builder of this kothi, Malchand Nagwan, wanted his home to be a little different so wished to build a small air plane on his terrace, but the constructer being a great fan of the man wanted big things for his big man so instead of modesty he chose flamboynace- and today there hangs an airplane of the size of a helicopter on this kothi! And thus the name'Jahaz Kothi', a kothi known more by its design than by the name of its owners and builders. The Agarwals, Kaklasaria, Lakhotia, Bagla, Poddar, Kothari, Baid, Banthia, Surana, Heerawat, Jain, Sharma, Vyas, Bohra,Saini, are the some of the surnames of the people from the town. Churu is an important town in the history.
The havellies were impressively decorated with Belgian etched kaleidoscopic glasses in many shapes and designs. Their intricate designs and their carved woodwork doorframes are admirable. Their arch shaped gateway with provision for two seats on both the sides and their stipulations for privacy in the inner courtyard for the womenfolk are of note. Special care was taken about the security of the inmates and thus they used to make thick and blind outerwalls in the earlier times. Only the upper stories had windows small and big neatly decorated with wooden inlaid doors.
These Havellies are best known for their colorful murals {wall paintings} within fresco artwork. The variety of the subjects incorporated in these murals can be of great interest for any Research Scholar. Once can discover the portraits and details of Hindu mythological gods such as Raja Ram along Sita, Hanuman, the Bhairav, Goddess Kali and the Romantic and artistic depiction's of Lord Krishna along with Radha and other maids. The pre- historic Epic Ramayana's portraitures in golden n works also find place on many ceilings of the massive temples & Havelis and the domes of the Chhatris. Wall paintings of a sea Vessel made in Germany, Dhola-Maru and Sassi-Punnu {the Rajasthani versions of Romeo-Juliet}. The Hess Christ, Railway Station to the center plan of a city, Jesus smoking a cigar, a Railway Train, a Limousine etc., etc. are the other themes that can be noticed among many. AT some sites neatly placed one may find erotic scenes as well.
Many people from Churu are now settled in Mumbai, Kolkatta and are engaged in trade, building , construction and export-import and other businesses. Some well known business houese are Surana group, Bagla group business houses,. Some people from Churu presently reside in Bangalore, and Ahmedabad too. They keep regular contact with Churu through social and religious functions.
Churu constituency elects one member to the Vidhan Sabha ( Rajasthan State Assembly) & one to LokSabha (Indian Parliament)
- Fort Churu
- Ghantaghar
- Dharam Stup
- Sethani Ka Johra
- Dakira Jhora
- Naath Ji Ki Bungli
- Nagar Shree Bhavan
- Sarvahitkarini Sabha Bhawan
The Churu city is situated at 26° 36'N 75° 27'E. This City shows maximum range of temperature in any given 12 month and often comes into news for extreme temperatures in winters and summers; with lowest rain. The recorded minimum and maximum temperatures are -6 °C (21 F) and 52 °C (125 F) respectively.
Jat Gotras in Churu district
See complete list of Jat Gotras in Churu district - here
Jat Institutes and Organizations

- Jat Kirti Sansthan Churu is a Social Organization of Jats in Churu district. It was constituted in May 2011 through proper election procedure. Its objective is to create social awareness among Jats of the district Churu and write history of Jats in Churu district and adjoining areas. List of members of the Executive body can be seen here.
Freedom fighters from Churu district
See at Freedom fighters from Churu district
Notable Jats from Churu District
Reformers and Social workers
- Swami Gopal Das - Social worker and freedom fighter
- Bigga Ji Jakhar (1301 - 1336) - Folk Deity
- Swami Keshwanand - freedom fighter
- Hira Singh Chahar - Social reformer, folk-singer and freedom fighter
- Hanumana Ram Jhuriya - President's award winner for preserving Sulkhaniya Bajra
- Hari Ram Dhaka - Freedom fighter and social worker
- Bhani Nath Ji (1885-1953) - Son of Shri Hurtaji, Gotra: Neol, Village:Satra, District:Churu, Rajasthan, Sect:Nath Panth
- Swami Nityanand (Punia) (b.1921-2012) was a pioneer Educationist, reformer, founder of Khinchiwala Gramothan Vidyapith Sansthan.
- Mali Ram Burdak (1910-1998) - a social worker and a Freedom fighter. He was ex Chairman of Ratangarh Nagarpalika.
- Nand Lal Sura - Village: Jaipuria Khalsa (Rajgarh), Donated Rs 51000 for construction of Karma Bai Kanya Chhatrawas Churu. Social reformer, opposes social evils.
- Rukma Nand Bhichar, Village Kusumdesar, Ratangarh District Churu, Member Jat Kirti Sansthan. Environmentalist , Headmaster Rajkiy Prakash Madhyamik Vidyalay Ratangarh, Warden Jat Chhatrawas Ratangarh.
- Sant Dwarkanath -
- Mali Ram Saran - Adhyaksh Jat Vikas Sansthan, Churu, Founder of this organization, Served as Adl DEO in Education Deptt. Awarded with Jat Ratna (Posthumous).[12]
- Mani Ram Arya
- Amrita Choudhary (born:5.9.1982) is a progressive innovator and social worker from village Gudabari in Sujangarh Tahsil of Churu district in Rajasthan.
Medical Doctors
- Dr Chandan Mothasara - from Dhana Bhakaran, tehsil- Taranagar is Dermatologist and posted at Govt. Hospital Sardarshahar as Sr. Medical Officer.
- Dr Bhagawati Mothasara - from Dhana Bhakaran, tehsil- Taranagar has completed MBBS from SMS Medical College, Jaipur in march 2014 and posted at PHC Buchawas as Medical Officer Incharge.
- Suman Mothasara - from Dhana Bhakaran, tehsil- Taranagar is studying MBBS from SP Medical College Bikaner.
- Dr Jaswant Singh Beniwal - from Vill- Hansiawas Teh- Rajgarh is posted as Medical Officer Incharge at PHC Binasar.
- Dr Sunil Khakhal - from Ginari Tibba is doing P.G. in Orthopaedics from Govt. Medical College Ajmer.
- Dr Ashok Khakhal - from Ginadi Tibba has completed MBBS from Govt. Medical College,Kota in march 2014 and posted at PHC Jassasar as Medical Officer Incharge. .
- Narendra Budania - Member of Parliament elected from Churu in 1985, 1996 and 1998.
- Hanuman Singh Budania - Social worker and freedom fighter
- Daulat Ram Saran - freedom fighter
- Ram Singh Kaswan - MP (BJP) four times from Kalri Churu
- Rahul Kaswan - MP (BJP) in 16th Loksabha (2014) from Churu from Kalri Churu
- Krishna Poonia - Arjun Award Winner 20102, Padma Shri Award 2011
- Devendra Jhajharia - India's first ever gold medalist at the Paralympics
- Sharda Beniwal (Muhal) - Wife of Jagdish Muhal, Village : Kadwasar (Churu), She is PTI in Budhiya Rajkiy Kanya Vidyalay, Ratannagar, National level player of Kabaddi.
- Lans Naik Vinod Kumar Katewa - Martyr of Kargil War
- Sepoy Bajrang Lal Nain - Martyr of Kargil War
- Sepoy Raj Kumar Punia - Martyr of Kargil War
- Amit Gandas - RAS, From village:Bhatwala (Sardarshahar), Churu
- D C Saran - Author
- Deda Ram Mahia - Principal, Date of Birth : 25-January-1957, 2nd PG in Churu, Principal, VPO - Bhukhredi, Teh. - Ratangarh, Dist.- Churu, Rajasthan, Present Address : C-310,Van Vihar Colony Churu, Phone: 01562-254693, Mob: 9414327736
- Devendra Katewa: IES (Engg) 2003 batch, from Churu, Rajasthan, Currently Executive Engineer CPWD Kishangarh Rajasthan, M: 7727866706
- Divya Dhetarwal - Churu, Advocate
- Dr Manish Godara - From Churu, IAS-2008
- Hanumana Ram Isran - retired Professor from Department of College Education, Rajasthan. He retired as a Principal (P.G. College) on 31.1.2016. He is from village Meghsar in Churu tahsil of Churu district in Rajasthan. His full name is Hanumana Ram Isran.
- Kusum Poonia - From Sardarpura, (Rajgarh Churu), IPS-2010, Cadre-Jharkhand
- Laxman Burdak - IFS, Wiki Editor, From Thathawata, Ratangarh.
- Mali Ram Motsara
- Mukesh Kumar (Thenua) - Home district Churu, DGM BSNL , Date of Birth : 2-January-1976, Present Address : V/42, TELECOM COLONY, BAJAJ NAGAR, JAIPUR, RAJASTHAN, Resident Phone Number : 0141-2702126, Mobile Number : 9413394072,
- Nand Lal Varma (Dheva) - From Thirpali Chhoti (Rajgarh) Churu
- Neelam Punia - MBBS, From Sardarpura (Rajgarh Churu), Rajasthan
- Neelam Sihag - RJS (2008), From Rajpura, Taranagar, Churu Rajasthan
- Om Prakash Sinwar - RJS
- Pushpa Mittad - From Kohina in Taranagar tahsil district Churu Rajasthan is CA.
- Rajendra Khot - RPS from Sehla (Ratangarh), Churu, Rajasthan
- Rajnikant Kaswan - ACTO Commercial Taxes, Date of Birth :1970, BEHIND HEAD POST OFFICE WARD NO.-12, CHURU, Present Address : B-224, KIRTI NAGAR, TONK ROAD, JAIPUR, Resident Phone Number : 9982233133, Mobile Number : 9413385867
- Rajpal Singh Punia - Brigadier Rajpal Singh Punia is from Sulkhaniya Chhota village of Rajgarh tahsil in Churu.
- Ram Kumar Kaswan - Major Ram Kumar Kaswan is from Pandreu Teeba village of Taranagar tahsil in Churu district in Rajasthan.
- Sarita Sinwar D/O Om Prakash Sinwar - RJS (2010)[13] From village Dhatri (Sujangarh). Her father already in Judicial Services
- Seema Dhaka - RJS topper 2011, from Devipura Rajgarh,
- Shakuntla Pachar - RAS, from Asha Ki Dhani
- Shivram Punia - From Ginari Tibba, tahsil Churu, Senior most Principal
- Shweta Phagedia: RAS 2001 batch, Dy Director, Women & Child Development Dept. Udaipur, From Churu, M: 9414345115
- Shweta Sewda (Dhaka now) - RJS, From Ratangarh, Churu,
- Sunil Beniwal: IRTS 2006 batch, posted Delhi, From Churu, Rajasthan, M: 9717310900
- Surajmal Garhwal - From Ratangarh, IAS (426 Rank)
- Supriya Kaler Dhindhwal - RAS 2019, From village:Shyodanpura (Churu), Churu
- Vikash Dhindhwal - RPS 2019, From village:Ratanpura (Rajgarh), Churu
- Surendra Kumar Bhari - Gallantry award
- Veena Saharan - From Village: Ratanpura Churu, Churu, Rajasthan,
- Ashok Ranwa - RAS (2012), from Churu [14]
Meritorious students
- Supriya Kaler Dhindhwal - Meritorious student; 13th Merit in Rajasthan Board in 10th class; B.Tech from IIT Roorkee
- Rohit Dudi - From Village Jaitpura (Rajgarh) S/O Rajbir Singh (ex-Navy) is MBA from IIM Lucknow.
- Subhash Kumar Dhukia - From Village Khotri (Ratangarh) S/O Padma Ram Dhukia is engineer from IIT Kharagpur. Mob: 9679648853
- Krishna Chaudhary - D/O Hari Singh Chaudhary, Ratannagar, Gold Medalist in M.Sc. (Electronics) 2006
- Divya Chaudhary (Dhaka) - The Excellent Kid
- Ankit Fageria - Meritorious student. Kendriy Madhyamik Shiksha Board 10th class - 2010, Merit list, from Central School Churu, Grade 9.6
- Bhumika Isran - Meritorious student. Kendriy Madhyamik Shiksha Board 10th class - 2010, Merit list, from Central School Churu, Grade 9.4
- Pushpa Saran - Village : Gadana (Taranagar), Got 90 percent marks in class 10 from Adarsh Bal Niketan Uchch Madhyamik Vidyalay Gajuwas, Gargi Award Winner
- Neha Shyoran - Churu, Got 93.80 percent marks in Madhyamik Shiksha Board Rajasthan from Laxmipat Singhania Academy, Churu.
- Akshay Kumar Kulhari - Churu, Got 95.33 percent marks in VIIIth Board from Indian Public Sr Sec School, Churu.
- Jitendra Kumar Jakhar - From Molisar Chhota (Ratangarh), Gold Medal in M.Sc. from Central Institute of Agriculture Education Deemed University Mumbai.
- Dr. Bhagawati Mothasara From Dhana Bhakaran - Topper 2008 PMT
See also
- Freedom fighters from Churu district by Sanjay Singh Saharan urf Laxman from Dalman
Picture Gallery of Jats from Churu district
- Here is the picture gallery of Notable Jats from Churu district. Click the name link to see details. If the name link is not active see details of the person in his village.
Begaram Burdak, Thathawata
Dhani Saharan, Bandhnau
Chandra Kala Khichar, Ratannagar
Chhagan Lal Chaudhari, Ratannagar
Dalvanti Punia, Sardarpura
Dr. Darshna Pachar, Dheerwas Bara
Deep Chand Arya (front left)
Hazari Lal Chahar, Paharsar
Krishna Chaudhary (Nehra), Ratannagar
Kusum Punia IPS
Ladu Ram Burdak, Thathawata
Mahesh Punia, Sardarpura
Dr Mira Manjhu, Sirsali Churu
Moji Ram Chandgothi (standing left)
Narayan Singh Saran, Sarsar
Nilam Sihag (Dr) RJS, Rajpura Churu
Onkar Singh Chahar, Paharsar
Rashmi Chaudhari, Khuri
Rupa Ram Maan (standing right)
Sharda Muhal, Kadwasar
Shreya Chaudhari, Rampura
Sonika Tandi (Junior Hokey Player) with PM Narendra Modi
Swami Sachchidanand (On left chair)
Dr Tamanna Singh Mothsara, Dhadharia Charanan
Yash Pal Budania, Dudhwa Khara
External Links
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj: Bikaneriy Jagriti Ke Agradoot – Chaudhari Harish Chandra Nain, 1964, p.337
- ↑ Britannica
- ↑ Imperial Gazetteer of India, v. 10, p. 335
- ↑ Dr Pema Ram, The Jats Vol. 3, ed. Dr Vir Singh,Originals, Delhi, 2007 p. 206
- ↑ Churu article in Encylcopædia Britannica
- ↑ Imperial Gazetteer of India, v. 10, p. 335
- ↑ James Tod: Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, 1829-32
- ↑ ठाकुर देशराज, बिकानेरीय जागृति के अग्रदूत चौधरी हरिश्चंद्र नैन, पेज 335-337
- ↑ Dr Pema Ram, The Jats Vol. 3, ed. Dr Vir Singh,Originals, Delhi, 2007 p. 206
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj: Bikaneriy Jagriti Ke Agradoot – Chaudhari Harish Chandra Nain, 1964, p.336-338
- ↑ Falling Rain Genomics, Inc - Churu
- ↑ उद्देश्य:जाट कीर्ति संस्थान चूरू द्वारा आयोजित सर्व समाज बौधिक एवं प्रतिभा सम्मान समारोह चूरू, 9 जनवरी 2013,पृ. 77
- ↑ Jat Samaj, April 2010, p. 34
- ↑ Jat Gatha, September-2015,p. 15