Amrita Choudhary

Mrs Amrita Choudhary (born:5.9.1982) is a progressive innovator and social worker from village Gudabari in Sujangarh Tahsil of Churu district in Rajasthan.
- Graduate in Arts (2005)
- Speaks Hindi & Rajasthani
Technical Skills
- Primarily skilled in hand dyeing processes and resist dyeing techniques.
- Knowledge of Ms Office (word, excel and power point)
Work Experience
1. Cluster member: Urmul Setu: Lunkaransar, Bikaner, Rajasthan, Oct 2000- June 2005.
- 1. Responsible for 10 villages in the Bikaner district to help women form SHGs.
- 2. Addressed health and hygiene protocols and led awareness programs for a rightful living.
2. Cluster coordinator: July 2005- June 08.
- 1. Lead a successful team in Dhirera Station cluster of Urmul Setu consisting of 15 members.
- 2. Implemented projects addressing to education, SHGs, livelihood empowerment, primary health and hygiene, bridging the gap between farmers and science, social mobilization etc.
- 3. Responsible for micro planning and financial monitoring of the budget allocated for development.
Projects Undertaken Under Urmul Setu
1. Plan International: Oct 2000- June 2008. 1. Under the project sponsored by Plan International, as a cluster co-coordinator, actively planned and conducted development activities for 45 villages in the Bikaner district.
2. Care India: Oct 2002-Dec 2004.
- 1. Under the integrated child development service program, covered 25 villages under the Bikaner district for development and empowerment.
- 2. Planned and conducted activities to spread awareness amongst women regarding health, hygiene and encouragement of girl child education.
3. Oxfam India: Jan 2003- June 2008
- 1. Addressed agricultural issues and bridged the gap between farmers and technology by conducting awareness programs.
- 2. Empowered160 farmers across the Bikaner district.
- 3. Incorporated concepts of rain water harvesting/ drip irrigation.
4. Room to Read': July 2005- June 2006
- 1. Conducted residential camps periodically to educated young girls who had never been to school.
- 2. Coordinated activities like educating them, parent teacher interactions and interactions with the govt. appointed education officers etc.
5. Lok Jumbish & Siksha Karmi Project: Jan 2001- March 2003
- 1. Coordinated 50 Non formal education centers in the Lunkaransar block.
- 2. Formulated a Village education committee for monitoring rightful education to children and parent teacher interactions.
6. Women Empowerment Project
- 1. Under the existing 90 SHGs created my Urmul Setu, addressed women on issues like finance management, domestic violence, basic rights, legal advocacy etc.
- 2. Trained more than 2000 rural women till date on their basic rights and dignified livelihood.
7. Piramal Foundation, Jhunjhunu: Nov.2008- Feb. 2009
- 1. Facilitated young interns working on rural development projects and coordinated conduction of activities in villages like short courses on personality development, computer skills, English speaking courses etc.
8. Piramal Health Care: Feb 2009 to March 2010
- 1. Worked under ‘Piramal E Swasthya’ run by Piramal Health Care. After a training period of 3 months, I was appointed as a training incharge and eventually promoted as a state trainer.
- 2. Trained rural health entrepreneurs and persuaded them to join as partners.
9. Prajayatna, Bengaluru: June 2010- Jan 2011
- 1. Affiliated with Govt. schools for their development and standardization.
- 2. Worked as a district coordinator of Sikar, Rajasthan for development and improvisation of government schools and formulation of school management committees for monitoring education and teaching facilities across the district.
10. India Bulls, Gurugram: Feb 2011- Aug 2011
- 1. Worked as a consultant for empowering livelihood in rural India.
- 2. Conducted and coordinated the ‘Agarbatti project’ in Ladnun, Nagaur for women empowerment where a community of women was formed and taught agarbatti making. This project was in association with ITC.
11. Disha Shekhawati women and girls development institute, Sujangarh, Rajasthan: Aug 2011 – present
- 1. Founded an NGO for empowerment of women and girls of the region.
- 2. The organization mainly works towards 3 aspects:
- a. Generating employment opportunities for young women by enhancing their practice of age old craft of Bandhani and Shibori. Women here make products like Saris, dupattas and Yardages which are sold in country popular exhibitions like Dastakar, Dastakari haat Samiti, craft council of India, Kalaghoda fest etc.
- b. Spreading awareness about govt. schemes and aid and helping women voice their opinions and rights legally, against issues widely prevailing in the region.
- c. Supporting child education.
Training Undertaken And Further Conducted
Oxfam India Trust: Training on legal rights and Right to Information
Plan International:
- 1. Women Empowerment & constitutional rights,
- 2. Child rights 3 Days training
- 3. Pre- Educations
- 4. Integrated child development services.
- 5. Health and hygiene
The hunger project: Training on Panchayati Raj
Global Rights, Bengaluru: Training on Para legal advocacy.
Awards & Accolades
2012: Award for best performing craft of the season in Mahalakshmi Saras Mela, Mumbai
2016: Award of excellence by the World Craft Council, Kuwait
2019: Kala Nidhi Award, Surajkund, Haryana
2020: Kamala Award by Craft council of India, Chennai
Contact details
अमृता चौधरी का परिचय
अमृता चौधरी - चूरू जिले के गुडावड़ गांव की अमृता चौधरी ने राजस्थान की परम्परागत वस्त्र कला "बांधनी" व जापानी वस्त्र कला "सिबोरी" का मिश्रण कर सर्वप्रथम राजस्थान में "दिशा शेखावाटी वस्त्र संस्थान "स्थापित किया है,जिसमें 400 महिलाओं को रोजगार दिया गया है। अमृता के द्वारा तैयार परिधान देश के सम्मानित वस्त्र मेलों यथा "दस्तकार" व "क्राफ्ट काँसिल ऑफ इन्डिया" मे प्रदर्शित होते है। साधारण किसान बेटी की मेहनत से तैयार वस्त्र जब देश के टाॅप फैशन ब्रांड "फेब इन्डिया", "नल्ली" व "जरी" वस्त्र श्रृंखलाओं में प्राथमिकता से खरीदे जाते है तब इस गैर परम्परागत कार्य क्षेत्र टाई एन्ड डाई, बांधनी, प्रिन्टिग आदि में भी हमारी बेटियों की श्रेष्ठता स्वत:सिद्ध होती है।
इनके सामाजिक सरोकार भी उल्लेखनीय है अमृता ने निराश्रित बालिकाओं हेतु आवासीय शिक्षण कैम्पों की स्थापना की है। लूणकरणसर ब्लाॅक (बीकानेर)मे 50 अनौपचारिक शिक्षण सेन्टर की व्यवस्था करना तथा सीकर जिले की बालिका विद्यालयों मे सुविधाओं हेतु अर्थ दान के अलावा ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में महिलाओं के स्वास्थ्य सुधार क्षेत्र में भी बहुत कार्य किया है।
ऐतिहासिक किसान आंदोलन मे भी ट्रेक्टर रैली में इन्होने अपना अहम योगदान दिया।
अम्रता को "World craft council "कुवैत द्वारा "Award of Excellence-2016" कलानिधि सम्मान हरियाणा सरकार-2019 तथा "कमला एवार्ड क्राफ्ट ऑफ इन्डिया-2020"दिया है। हेन्डलूम व दस्तकारी क्षेत्र की जानी मानी हस्ती अमृता को कुम्भाराम आर्य किसान फाउंडेशन की प्रदेश कार्य कारिणी मे "मानद सदस्यता" दी गई है. अलका चौधरी व उनकी महिला समूह द्वारा प्रस्तावित प्रदेश स्तरीय महिला संगठन में भी कार्य करने की दिली इच्छा अमृता ने जाहिर की है। इस संगठन की शीघ्र ही विधिवत घोषणा होने वाली है। (Source -
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