Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Bhinmal (भीनमाल) is town and tahsil in Jalor district in Rajasthan. Its ancient name was Shrimala (श्रीमाल).
Variants of name
- Shrimala श्रीमाल दे. Bhinnamala भिन्नमाल (AS, p.922)
- Bhinnamala भिन्नमाल = bhilamala भिलमाल = shrimala श्रीमाल, जिला जोधपुर, राज., (AS, p.667)
- Pilo-mo-lo/Pi-lo-mo-lo (पिलोमोलो ) (by Xuanzang)
- Bhillamal (भीलमल)
- Al Baylaman (by Arabs)
Jat Gotras
Villages in Bhinmal tahsil
Ajbar, Ambatri, Bara Bhawji, Basra Dhanji, Beethan, Betarna, Bhadarda, Bhagal Bhim, Bhagal Sephta, Bharoori, Bheempura, Bhinmal (M), Bhootwas, Bikanwas, Boogaon, Borta, Chandna, Chandoor, Chekla, Dantlawas, Daspan, Delwara, Derdi, Dhanpura, Dhansa, Dorda, Gajapura, Gajipura, Ghaseri, Gola, Golana, Jaswant Pura, Jawiya, Jeetpura, Jhak, Jodwara, Joojani, Kalapura, Karloo, Keebla, Kerwala, Khanda Deol, Khanpur, Khera Borta, Kodita, Kolar, Kora, Kot Kasta, Kotra, Kushlapura, Ledarmer, Loor, Malpura, Mandhar, Mandoli, Manoharji Ka Bas, Modra, Modra Ki Dhani, Mudtara Sili, Munthla Kaba, Narta, Nasoli, Navapura Chaupawatan, Nimbawas, Nimbora, Nohra, Padar, Paharpura, Panseri, Pawli, Pawti, Phaidani, Pooran, Punang Kalan, Punang Khurd, Raji Ka Bas, Rajpura, Ramseen, Ratpura, Rota, Ruchiyar, Sarthala, Sawidar, Seekwara, Serna, Shivgarh, Sindhara, Somta, Tatol, Tawab, Than Mataji, Thoor, Uchmat, Vishnoiyon Ka Goliya, Warka Goga,
Ram Sarup Joon[1] writes that Jats accepted Gujar leadership because Gujars were Buddhists and had arisen for a noble cause. The Jats who joined the Gujar force also came to be known as Gujars by and by. Kings of Solankhi Gotra,
History of the Jats, End of Page-115
Panwar or Partihars established two kingdoms named Bhinmal, and Tira (Achalgarh) in the area of Mount Abu.
The proof of Parmars and Pratihars being Gujars or Huns is that there was a town named Jablapuri which both these kingdoms claimed as their heritage. Jabila (Hun) was the chief of the tribe.
Bhinmal was the early capital of the kingdom of the Gurjars during medieval period.[2] The name of the town during the medieval age was Bhillamal (भीलमल). Hiuen Tsang visited Bhillamal in about 641 AD. According to Hiuen Tsang Bhillamala was capital of Gurjara kingdom. He stated that the Gurjars ruled a rich and populous kingdom with capital at Bhinmal (Pilo-mo-lo).[3]
This city has witnessed many rises and falls. Stone inscriptions of the year V. 1333 (1277 AD) are found among ruins of temples. There are signs here and there showing that Lord Mahavira Swami, the 24th Jain Tirthankar wandered about here. They can provide historical evidence to researchers. The King of the place was a Kshatriya, celebrated for his wisdom and virtue, a believer in Buddhism and a man of exceptional abilities. He was just twenty years old. The people of the place were flourishing. Brahmanism dominated the city. There was only one Buddhist monastery with 100 brothers.
Ala ud din Khilji also destroyed Srimala when he conquered Jalore in 1310 AD. Before that Srimala was a premier city of northern India. The city was laid out in the shape of a square. It has 84 gates. The mid-15th century chronicle Kanhadade Prabandha provide description of many Islamic attacks on Bhinmal.
There were several temples of Jain Tirthankar and Hindu god-Ganapatis, Kshetrapalas, Chandikadevis, Shivalingas and others. The temple of Bhinmal known as Jagatsvami temple was one of the earliest and most famous temples of Rajasthan. The temple had beautiful torana (archway). The temple was perhaps built during the reign of Gurjara Pratiharas who were sun worshippers. A festival was held at temple in the Hindu calendar month of Asvin.
There were a number of Jain temples too, temple of Mahavira being the most famous. In ancient time this temple was built by king Kumarapala and established by Acharya Hemachandra, dedicated to 1st Jain Tirthankar Lord Rishabhadeva, currently this is dedicated to 24th Jain Tirthankar Lord Mahavira.
Centre of learning - The town is the birth place of the Sanskrit poet Magha and mathematician and astronomer Brahmagupta. Bhinmal was a great centre of learning. The scholars of Srimala were known far and wide for their scholarship and learning. The well known Sanskrit poet Magha , the author of Sisupalavadha also lived here in 680 AD. Brahmagupta was born in 598 AD in Bhinmal. He is likely to have lived most of his life in Bhillamala (modern Bhinmal) in the empire of Harshavardhana. As a result Brahmagupta is often referred to as Bhillamalacarya, the teacher from Bhillamala (Bhinmal). He was the head of the astronomical observatory at Ujjain, and during his tenure he wrote two texts on mathematics and astronomy: The Brahma Sphuta Siddhanta in 628 AD, and the Khandakhadyaka in 665. The well known Jain scholar Siddharshi Gani, a resident of Bhinmal wrote Upmitibahava prapancha katha in 905 AD. The Jain Ramayana was written by Jain monk Vijayagani in 1595 AD. Jain Acharya Udyotan Suri wrote kuvyalmala (a Sanskrit story book) here.
The city of Bhinmal had four gates. At a distance of 8 kilometres in the north there was the Jalori gate, in the south Laxmi gate, in the east the Sun gate and in the west Sanchori gate.
James Tod[4] writes that Bhinmal and Sanchor are the two principal subdivisions to the south, and together nearly equal the remainder of the province, each containing eighty villages. These towns are on the high-road to Kutch and Gujarat, which has given them from the most remote times a commercial celebrity. Bhinmal is said to contain fifteen hundred houses, and Sanchor about
half the number. Very wealthy Mahajans, or ' merchants,' used to reside here, but insecurity both within and without has much
injured these cities, the first of which has its name, Mal , from its wealth as a mart. There is a temple of Baraha (Varaha, the incarnation of the hog), with a great sculptured boar. Sanchor possesses also a distinct celebrity from being the cradle of a class of Brahmans called Sanchora, who are the officiating priests of some of the most celebrated temples in these
regions, as that of Dwarka, Mathura, Pushkar, Nagar-Parkar, etc. The name of Sanchor is corrupted from Satipura, Sati, or Suttee's town, said to be very ancient.
भिन्नमाल =भिलमाल = श्रीमाल
विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[5] ने लेख किया है ...भिन्नमाल = भिलमाल = श्रीमाल (AS, p.667), जिला जालोर, राजस्थान में आबू पहाड़ से 50 मील उत्तर-पश्चिम में स्थित है। चीनी यात्री युवानच्वांग ने भिन्नमाल को सम्भवतः पिलोमोलो नाम से अभिहित किया है और इस नगर को गुर्जर देश की राजधानी बताया है। भिन्नमाल गुर्जरों के साम्राज्य की प्रथम राजधानी थी। भिन्नमाल के अन्य नाम श्रीमाल और भिलमाल भी प्रचलित है। 12वीं-13वीं शती में रचित प्रभावकचरित नामक ग्रंथ में प्रभाचंद्र ने श्रीमाल को गुर्जर देश का प्रमुख नगर कहा है- 'अस्ति-गुर्जरदेशोऽन्यसज्जराजन्यदुर्जरः तत्र श्रीमालमित्यस्ति पुरं मुखमिव क्षितेः'. इस ग्रंथ में यहाँ के तत्कालीन राजा श्रीवर्मल का उल्लेख है।
सातवीं सदी में गुर्जर-प्रतिहार राजपूतों की शक्ति का विकास दक्षिणी मारवाड़ में प्रारंभ हुआ था. इन्होंने अपने राजधानी भिन्नमाल में बनाई। ये राजपूत स्वयं को विशुद्ध क्षत्रिय और श्रीराम के प्रतिहार लक्ष्मण का वंशज मानते थे। भिन्नमाल और कन्नौज के गुर्जर-प्रतिहार राजा बहुत प्रतापी और यशस्वी हुए हैं। भिन्नमाल के राजाओं में वत्सराज (775-800 ई.) पहला प्रतापी राजा था। इसने बंगाल तक अपनी विजय पताका फहराई और वहाँ के पालवंशीय राजा धर्मपाल को युद्ध में पराजित किया। मालवा पर भी इसका शासन स्थापित हो गया था। वत्सराज को राष्ट्रकूट नरेश राजध्रुव से पराजित होना पड़ा, अतः उसका
[p.668]: महाराष्ट्र-विजय का स्वप्न साकार न हो सका। वत्सराज के पुत्र नागभट्ट द्वितीय ने धर्मपाल को मुंगेर की लड़ाई में हराया और उसके द्वारा नियुक्त कन्नौज के शासक चक्रायुध से कन्नौज को छीन लिया। उसके प्रभुत्व का विस्तार काठियावाड़ से बंगाल तक और कन्नौज से आन्ध्र प्रदेश तक स्थापित था। उसने सिंध के अरबों को भी पश्चिमी भारत में अग्रसर होने से रोका। किन्तु अपने पिता की भाँति नागभट्ट को भी राष्ट्रकूट नरेश से हार माननी पड़ी। इस समय राष्ट्रकूट का शासक गोविन्द तृतीय था। नागभट्ट के पौत्र मिहिरभोज (836-890 ई.) ने उत्तर भारत में गुर्जर-प्रतिहारों के समाप्त होते हुए प्रभुत्व को सम्भाला। इसने अपने विस्तृत राज्य का भली-भाँति शासन प्रबन्ध करने के लिए, अपनी राजधानी भिन्नमाल से हटाकर कन्नौज में स्थापित की। इस प्रकार भिन्नमाल को लगभग 100 वर्षों तक प्रतापी गुर्जर-प्रतिहारों की राजधानी बने रहने का सौभाग्य प्राप्त हुआ। भिन्नमाल में इनके शासनकाल के अनेक ऐतिहासिक अवशेष स्थित हैं। अनुमान है कि इनका समय 7वीं शती का उत्तरार्घ और 8वीं शती का पूर्वार्ध था।
संस्कृत के विख्यात कवि माघ का यह कार्यक्षेत्र रहा है। शिशुपाल वध की कई प्राचीन हस्तलिपियों में महाकवि माघ का भिन्नमाल या भिन्नमालव से सम्बन्ध इस प्रकार बताया गया है- 'इति श्री भिन्नमालववास्तव्यदत्तकसूनोर्महावैयाकरणस्य माघस्य कृतो शिशुपालवधे महाकाव्ये'.
माघ के पितामह सुप्रभदेव श्रीमालनरेश वर्मलात या वर्मल के महामात्य थे। ऐतिहासिक किंवदन्तियों से भी यही सूचित होता है कि संस्कृत के महाकवि माघ भिन्नमाल के ही निवासी थे। भिन्नमाल का रूपान्तर भिलमाल भी प्रचलित है।
अन्य तथ्य
इतिहास के अनुसार 5वीं सदी में गुर्जरों ने भीनमाल को अपने साम्राज्य की राजधानी बनाया था।[6]भरुच का साम्राज्य भी गुर्जरो के अधीन था। चीनी यात्री ह्वेन त्सांग अपने लेखों में गुर्जरो के साम्राज्य का उल्लेख करता है तथा इसे kiu-che-lo बोलता है।[7]यात्री युवानच्वांग ने लिखा है कि गुर्जरो ने यहाँ समृद्ध राज्य किया था। [8]
भीनमाल राजस्थान के मारवाड़ अंचल में जालौर के ज़िलांतर्गत अवस्थित इस ग्राम का जैन तथा संस्कृत साहित्य में अनेक बार इसका उल्लेख हुआ है। निशीथचूर्णी तथा शिशुपाल वध में इस स्थान का विशेष उल्लेख हुआ है। प्रारम्भिक ऐतिहासिक युग की संस्कृत का प्रतिनिधित्व करने वाले प्राचीन स्थलों में भीनमाल का अपना एक अलग महत्त्व है। इस स्थल पर आर.सी. अग्रवाल द्वारा 1953-1954 ई. में उत्खनन करवाया गया। यहाँ पर पक्की ईंटों से निर्मित मध्ययुगीन भवनों के अवशेष प्राप्त हुए हैं, जो विशेष रूप से उल्लेखनीय हैं। भीनमाल से कतिपय गुप्तकालीन मूर्तियाँ भी प्राप्त हुई हैं। यहाँ से रोमन ऐम्फोरा (सुरापात्र) भी प्राप्त हुआ है, जो प्रथम शताब्दी ईसा का है। इस आधार पर प्राचीन भीनमाल का विश्व के अन्य देशों के साथ व्यापारिक सम्बन्धों का ज्ञान प्राप्त होता है।
संदर्भ: भारतकोश-भिन्नमाल
XX Bhinmal Stone Inscription of Udayasimhadeva S.V. 1306 (1249 AD)
This Inscription was found in the walled enclosure of of the temple of Nilakantha-Mahadeva about a mile from the city of Bhinmal in the Jaswantpura district of Jodhpur state. It contains 25 lines. Characters are Nagari.
Excepting verse in lines 1-3, the record is in prose. The language is Sanskrit, interspersed with solecisms and provincialisms. With regard to orthography, it is sufficient to say that a consonant is but occasionally doubled in conjunction with a preceding r and that in L.IV dimvasa in used instead of divasa. As regards lexicography, the following words may be noticed : ( 1 ) godhuma pakua, L.11, which seems, I think, to mean a crop of wheat ready for being reaped ; (2) muga in LL.11 and 19, obviously the well-known mung pulse; (3) chosha, i.e. chokha, LL, 11 and 19, a desi word meaning 'rice'; (4) vyasa, LL. 12 and 22, a Brahmana, who recites the Puranas in public; (5) nirvapa, LL. 12 and 19, a dole; and (6) amga-bhoga, unguents to be applied to the body immediately after bathing. Again, abbreviated forms of some words are used. Thus, dra stands for dramma, ka for kalasa, ma for mana, pa, for payala, or payali, and se for sei, For the table of weights still observed in Gadvad, see my remarks on No. X. Kalasia in of course a measure of capacity.
The inscription opens with obeisance to Surya, and then follows a verso in praise of the same deity. The date is afterwards given, which is the 14th of the dark half of Asvina in the [Vikrama] year 1306. The Maharajadhiraja Sri-Udayasimhadeva was tho king and the pancha consisting of the mahamta Gajasimha and others appointed by him was exorcising- local authority at Shrimala (Bhinmal). The object of the inscription is to record two benefactions. One was made by two brothers, the name of the first of whom is gone but that of the second is Mahanasiha. They were both sons of the thakura Udayasiha, and were Mathura Kayaslhas by caste. Forty dramma coins were deposited in the treasury of the god Jagatsvamin, which was the name of the Surya divinity of Bhinmal, as is proved by other inscription and the Srimalapurana. Out of it were to be defrayed the expenses of the divasa-bali and KO forth , m the Uth of the dark half daring the yatra festival of Asvina. As regards tho fixed alawances of provisions for the bali, there was to be wheat 2 sei, and boiled ghee 8 kalasas For naivedya or offering to the god, mung pulse 1 mana, rice (chokha) 2 payalis, and ghee 1/2 kalala wore to be taken. The vyasa and the aboti were to be given each a dole of 1 dramma. The second benefaction was made on the same day for his spiritual merit by one Tathaka, who deposited 15 drammas in the treasury of god Jagatswamin. Out of it the expenses of bali on the fifth of dark half of Magha were to be born. The vyasas, Abottis, Seths are and the members of goshthisare then conjured to look after this arrangement. The prasasti was written by Dhruwa Nagula son of Bahada. This Nagula is no doubt same as the Nagavala, father of Dedaka, who wrote some other published inscriptions of Bhinmal.
Sanskrit Text
- 1. नम: [सू]र्या[य] || यस्योदयास्तसमये सुरमुकु[ट]नि-
- 2.धृष्टचर*]णकमलोपि | कुरूतेSजलिं त्रिनेत्र: स जय[ित]
- 3. [धाम्नां नि] [धि:] सूर्य:|| संवतु (त्) 1306 (|)वर्षे अश्विनवदि 14 अद्ये-
- 4. [ह श्रीश्री]माले महाराजाधिराजश्री [उद]यसिंहदेवकल्या-
- 5. [णविज*]यराज्ये तन्नियुक्महं. [गजसीहप्र]भृतिपं [चकु]लप्र.
- 6. [तिपतौ*] माथुरान्वय[क]यस्थजातीयठकु [रउद]यसीहपु [त्र]
- 7.- - - सीह[तथा] भा[भ्रा]तृ महणसीहाम्यां [श्री] मान[वे]यीह
- 8. - - - [ज*][ग]त्स्वामिदेवीयभांडागारे [क्षेपित] द्र 40 चत्वारियं[श]-
- 9. - - - [|] अश्विन य[त्र]ायां अश्विनवदि 14 दिने दिवसव-
- 10. [लि*] - - मालयो देवेन स्वकीयभांडागारात् कारापनी(कारणी)या [|*]ब-
- 11. [लिनि]बंधे गोधूम शे2 पक्के घृत क- नवैद्ये मुग मा1 [चो]-
- 12. [षां] पा2 घृत क.|| तथा व्यासनिर्वाप 1 अबोटीनिर्वाप 1 तथा [अं]ग-
- 13. भोगे अगरूकर्पूर [कुं]कुमप्रत्यं द्र2 तथा पुफप्रत्यं द्र 1 तथा पत्र-
- 14. पुगप्रत्यं द्र 1 तथा प्रमदाकुलप्रत्यं द्र 1 एतत् स[र्व्व] प्रतिवर्षं [दे]-
- 15. वेन कारापनीय | तथा दिने तथाकेन श्रीजगत्स्वामिदेवीय-
- 16. भांडागारे आत्मन [श्रे]यार्थं क्षेपित द्र15 पंचादश द्रमा [म]-
- 17. [हा]मासे माघवदि 5 दिने दिम्वमसबली देवेन स्वकीयभां[डा]-
- 18. गारात् कारापनीया बलिनिबंधे गोधूम मे 1 पक्के घृत क.
- 19. [नै]वद्ये मुग पा2 चोषां पा2 घृत क. || तथा अबोटीनिर्वाप 1 (त*)-
- 20. [था] अंगभोगप्रत्यं द्र1 एतत् सर्व्व द्दौ बली [पाल ए] कामत्क-
- 21. - भांडागारात् देवेन वर्षं वर्षं प्रति आचंद्रार्ककालं याव [त्का]-
- 22. [रा]पनीयं व्यासअबोट्टीश्रेष्टिगोष्टिकतथा समस्तप्रमदा[कु]-
- 23. [ले]न वर्त्तापनीयं | वरिपंथा केनापि न करणीय| लिखि[तं]
- 24. - वाहहसुत. ध्रुव नागुलेन हीनाक्षरमधिकाक्ष[रं*]
- 25. [प्रं]म्वाणमिति ||
Reference - Epigraphia Indica Vol. XI (1911-12): A S I, Edited by E. Hultzsoh, Ph.D. pp.55-57
Notes by Wiki editor-
- Shrimala (श्रीमाल) = Modern Bhinmal in Jalor Rajasthan
- Mathur = Mentioned as Thakur though they are Kayastha by caste
Notable persons
External links
- ↑ Ram Sarup Joon: History of the Jats/Chapter VI,p.115-116
- ↑ The Gurjaras of Rajputana and Kanauj, Vincent A. Smith, The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, (Jan., 1909), pp. 53-75
- ↑ Campbell James MacNabb, Reginald Edward Enthoven, Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency, 1901, Govt. Central Press, ISBN =8120606515
- ↑ James Todd Annals/Sketch of the Indian Desert, Vol. III,p. 1269
- ↑ Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.667
- ↑ The Gurjaras of Rajputana and Kanauj, Vincent A. Smith, The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, (Jan., 1909), pp. 53-75
- ↑ [Juzr or Jurz]
- ↑ Campbell, James MacNabb; Reginald Edward Enthoven (1901) Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency। Govt. Central Press, 2।
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