Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Gurgi (गुर्गी) is a historical place in Goorh tahsil of Rewa district in Madhya Pradesh.

Gurgi and Rehunta remains are a large mound with fort and temple and irregularly shaped mounds of Kalchuri period.[1]
Hargouri Bust, Rewa was found in the 11th century from a place called Gurgi in Rewa district, this large idol is under the shade of a canopy in Padamdhar Park near Ghora Chauraha in Rewa city. This idol is significant from the archaeological point of view. It shows Shiva holding Parvati in embrace. In the upper section of the tablet garlanded love making couple in a flying posture can be seen from both the sides. On the forehead of Shiva is his third eye while the head is crowned with matted hair. In his ears he is wearing large earrings and a three stringed chain adorns his neck. His chest is decorated with seven stringed pearls. On his right shoulder he wears the sacred thread. There is a girdle round his navel. He is also embellished with armlets and anklets. On the left of Shiva Parvati stands, her is arms are full of bangles and bracelets. A long chain hangs from her neck while a broad necklace covers her breasts. In between her breasts she wears a pendant and a chain encircles her navel. Anklets adorn her feet. Below her navel she wears a transparent corset bedecked with flowers. The right hand of Parvati is placed on the shoulder of Shiva and she holds a lotus flower in her left hand. The monument is protected by the State Archaeology.[2]
Gurgi, not unlikely, is built on the site of reknowned city of Kausambi. It may have happened that the city was much altered, or perhaps rebuilt during the dominion of Chandela and Kalchuris. And most of the old landmarks noted by Xuanzang or Buddhist accounts were obliterated.[3]
विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[4] ने लेख किया है ...गुर्गी (AS, p.292) रीवा (म.प्र.) से प्राय: 12 मील पूर्व की ओर स्थित है एक ऊंचे टीले पर कलचुरी नरेशों के समय के भग्नावशेष प्राप्त हुए हैं. यहां से प्राप्त एक प्राचीन कलापूर्ण तोरण , रीवा के राज महल में ले जाया गया था. इसके स्तम्भों तथा शीर्ष पाषाणों (सिरदलों) पर अनेक सुंदर मूर्तियां खुदी हुई हैं. इनमें से एक पर शिव की बारात का मनोहर दृश्य मूर्तिकारी के रूप में अंकित है. युवराजदेव प्रथम के काल में बने हुए एक विशाल मंदिर के खंडहरों से 12 फुट x 5 फुट परिमाप के प्रस्तर खंड पर शयन मुद्रा में अंकित शिवपार्वती की एक सुंदर मूर्ति प्राप्त हुई है.