History of Origin of Some Clans in India/Preface

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History of Origin of Some Clans in India

(with special Reference to Jats)

By Mangal Sen Jindal (1992)

Publisher - Sarup & Sons, 4378/4B, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002, ISBN 81-85431-08-6

The text of this chapter has been converted into Wiki format by Laxman Burdak



Having born in village Jaini Khurd of Meerut District (India), a Jat village, Like million others. I also believed that Jats are inhabited only in India. I also had an impression that they belong to the same stock as Gujars, Yadavs and Rajputs. Even some Gotras like Panwar are common in Jats and Rajputs. While reading 'Conquests of Tumarlane' my surprise found no bounds because Tamurlung gives a vivid description of 'Jats' in Samarkand, Tashkant, Bokhara, Khojend etc. in fourteenth century before his invasion on India. I then gathered that Jats were residing nut only in India but also in Uzbekistan and Iran. An important question arose in my mind that

  • if Jats are of foreign stock, when and from where they migrated in to India ? or
  • did they immigrate from India into Eurasia?

I therefore studied History of Russia and there I came across a word Jutland which I traced in my Atlas (old one when I was a student) and I found that Jutland is an important and vast peninsula of Denmark. I round myself into the marshes because I thought that Jutland must in the ancient times, be the original home land of the Juts or Jats. I resolved to study every fact about JATS. I studied number of books, which will be referred to in this article later on. How much indebted I am to the scholars, historians and writers from whose writings I have given quotations in proof of my allegation, I cannot express. Those authorities took unbound pains in preparing their treatises. I met a number of Jats, particularly of old age to know every thing about them and to find a n answer to my enquiry.

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You would be glad to note after studying this work that Jats who are backbone of agriculture and also militant, are the same all over the world, particularly in Eurasia. They remained conquerors not only in India but also in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Spain, Roman Empire, Greece, Mesopotamia, Turkey, Persia, Arabia, USSR, Mongolia and in many other small countries. Jats are not ordinary people but are daring, hard working, warriors of repute and not the least homesick. Most of Sikhs are Jats and during the course of my tour of the North hemisphere, I found Sikhs doing well in all Asian, European, American and East India countries including Japan. They have secured business in England, Canada and USA by the dint of their hard labour. In short, my acquaintance with Jats turned into high esteem, after having studied about them which I have quoted hereinafter. The more I read about them, more respect infused into my heart.

In writing this work, I feel as if somebody has tapped me on the shoulders. God works mysterious ways and may be I am a conduit for Him in this task of painstaking search to trace the Jats back to their Scandinavian Origin.

I am not a writer. I in my profession as an Advocate, to prove my case, have been quoting judgments and opinions of the Judges concerning my point to win the case. Being accustomed to this system, I have relied for this work also on the writings of reputed authors on history on the strength of which I could prove that Jutland is the original land of all Jats of the world.

I shall be satisfied if this book is read by English knowing people of India and abroad whereby the Jat tribe will be esteemed by all.

I am highly indebted and thankful to the authorities, that I have cited hereinafter. Many of the books are a rarity and were not available in libraries, where from they were missing, and being out of print could not be replaced. I could lay hands on a copy of 'History of Jats' by Qanungo only

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after a struggle of six months. Loss of such irreplaceable books is a loss to the nation and humanity.

After finishing my studies about Jats, my interest turned to other clans whose names are apparently connected with important cities which in Muslim period became only ruins and because of great upheavals, inhabitants of those cities were forced to migrate elsewhere. After study of the events about those cities I wrote about the origin of some other clans and of some sub-casts which are also incorporated in this book.

Any addition, alteration or suggestions will be appreciated.

Mangal Sen Jindal

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