
Jaguwas (जागूवास), is a village in Behror tehsil of Alwar district in Rajasthan. Jaguwas is situated near NH-8, and 3 kms away from Behror town to east of it at +27° 52', +76° 18' .
Jaggu Jat of Gotra Kakodia founded Jaguwas.
The Village was founded about 200 yrs ago, by Jaggu Jat, Gotra Kakodia. Its people served Alwar's Kings, as army personals and consultants. The base village has enclosed Hawelis. It was also affected during 1897 epidemic when 20% people of this village died. After this there occurred a little disturbance during 1947, when some people moved to Pakistan. After that it has developed good resources and upfront technology.
The Jaguwas village has a total population of 2281, of which 1235 are males while 1046 are females (as per Population Census 2011).[1]
Jat gotras
- Kakodia, Main Jat's gotra.
- 3 other gotras Jat family also came to reside in this village.
The village has good civilians facilities as Govt. Hospital, Ayurvedic Hospital, Govt. Middle Girls school, Govt. Sec. School, a Dharmshala, 4-5 Temples, 3-4 Ponds. It is well connected with Behror, Bardod, and nearby villages via road. Village provided with night time electricity and 8 hours agriculture power supply. Most families having tractors and tube-wells. Quality of water is very good.
People are serving in different service sectors in India. Main occupation of the people of the village is farming along with Army and police. Now some people are moving to Teaching, Engineering and Medical fields too. This village comprising Doctors, IITians, Engineers, Teachers, Amy personals, Policemen, Agents (LIC, Agriculture, Banking), carpenters, and all odd occupations including farming.
People are well connected with Politicians and the Government. People do share the knowledge and professional experiences with one another and provide guidance to the new generation.
= Notable person
1)Jaggu jat
2)शहीद भूपेंद्र सिंह
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