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Jadeja (जाड़ेजा)[1] Jarija[2] Jareja is a gotra of Jats. They are Chandravanshi.


The branches of Yadu race are: 1. Yadu (Chief Karauli), 2. Bhatti (Chief Jaisalmer), 3. Jareja (Chief Cutch Bhuj), 4. Samecha (Muhammadans in Sind), 5. Madecha, 6. Bidman, 7. Badda, 8. Soha.[3]


Ram Sarup Joon[4] writes that...about 70 Jat Gotras joined the Gujar force and started calling themselves Gujars. Jarija is one of them.

The descendants of Jarija (जारिजा), the king of Khuntargarh, are known as Jitarwal. [5]

Jaralia clan originated from place named Jareja (जरेजा). [6]

According to Ram Sarup Joon[7] Gondal call themselves descendants in of the Chauhans, but others associate themselves with Lord Krishna. According to historical evidence Jarija and Yada Bhan were two brothers in the dynasty of Krishna. Jarija established his rule in Kathiawar, Gujarata. The present chieftains of Jamnagar, Dharol, Rajkot, Gonal and Morvi belonged to this very dynasty but all of, them now claim to be Rajputs. The Gondal of Rawalpindi, Cambalpur, Shapur, Mainwali are called Jats. Bosal, Tole, Jaspal, Sanatana and Gogh are branches of the Gondals.

Samo, or Shamo, is the titular name of the Jareja branch of the Yadu or Gadun Rajput of the Lunar race and Buddhist religion ; the chiefs of the Samo, or Shamo, have the title of Jam, and under that designation hold the petty principality of Las Bela in Balochistan. The Samo, according to Tod (Annals of Rajasthan), represent the tribe of Sambus against whom Alexander poured out the vials of his wrath. The ancient seat of the Samo was in the modern Sibi or Siwi, or Siwistan of Indian writers. [8]

James Todd[9] writes that Jareja, Jadeja is the most important tribe of Yadu race next to the Bhatti. Its history is similar. Descended from Krishna, and migrating simultaneously with the remains of the Harikulas, there is the strongest ground for believing that their range was not so wide as that of the elder branch, but that they settled themselves in the valley of the Indus, more especially on the west shore in Seistan; and in nominal and armorial distinctions, even in Alexander's time, they retained the marks of their ancestry [86].

Sambos, who brought on him the arms of the Grecians, was in ---- [p.103]: all likelihood a Harikula ; and the Minnagara of Greek historians Samanagara ('city of Sama'), his capital.The capital of Sambos was Sindimana, perhaps the modern Sihwan [10].

The most common epithet of Krishna, or Hari, was Shania or Syama, from his dark complexion. Hence the Jareja bore it as a patronymic, and the whole race were Samaputras (children of Sama), whence the titular name Sambos of its princes.

The modern Jareja, who, from circumstances has so mixed with the Muhammadans of Sind as to have forfeited all pretensions to purity of blood, partly in ignorance and partly to cover disgrace, says that his origin is from Sham, or Syria, and of the stock of the Persian Jamshid : consequently, Sam has been converted into Jam ; which epithet designates one of the Jareja petty governments, the Jam Raj. They have an infinitely better etymology for this, in being descendants of Jambuvati, one of Hari's eight wives. The origin of the term Jam is very doubtful.[11]

जरेजा वंशावली

जरेजा वंशावली में लिखा है कि उनके पुरुषा शाम या सीरिया से आये थे। सीरिया की प्राचीन राजधानी बेबीलोन मानी जाती है, जो कि अपभ्रंश है बाहुबलान् का। बाहुबलान् बहुवचन है बाहुबल का। यह नगर श्रीकृष्ण जी के उत्तराधिकारी महाराज बाहुबल का आवर्त्त कराया मालूम देता है। (देखो टॉड राजस्थान ऐनल्स ऑफ जैसलमेर पृष्ठ 1055)।[12]

नाभा के पुत्र, मरुस्थली के राजा पृथबाहु ने श्रीकृष्ण जी के राजचिह्न विश्वकर्मा के बनाए हुए राजसी छत्र के सहित धारण किए। पृथबाहु के पुत्र का नाम बाहुबल था। ‘बाहुल मंडप’ अपभ्रंश है “बाहुबल मंडप” का। तात्पर्य महाराज बाहुबल के सभा स्थान से है (पृ० 43-44)।[13]

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