
Johra (जोहरा) is village in Khatauli tahsil of Muzaffarnagar district in Uttar Pradesh
Jat Gotras
There are 455 people of kadiyan gotras in the village.
The history of village Johra goes back to more than 250 years.
According to 2011 Census data, the population of Johra is shown below[1] -
- Total Population - 2691
- Males - 1397
- Females - 1294
Notable persons
- Ashok Kadiyan,
- Virendra Kadiyan,
- Neeraj Kadiyan,
- Rohit Kadiyan,
- Vikas Kadiyan,
- Arun Kadiyan,
- Sachin Kadiyan,
- Tushar Kadiyan
External links
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