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Joosri (जूसरी) or Jusari is a large village in Makrana tehsil of Nagaur district in Rajasthan.
PIN Code of the village is: 341505. It is situated 6km away from Makrana town and 116km away from Nagaur city. Being a large village, Joosri has got its own gram panchayat. Joosariya, Deori and Barwala are some of the neighbouring villages.
According to Census-2011 information:
- With total 945 families residing, Joosri village has the population of 6249 (of which 3247 are males while 3002 are females).[1]
Jat gotras
Notable persons
- Hari Bhakar from village Joosri, Makarana, Nagaur, Rajasthan became martyr on 23.3.2019. The 21-year-old martyr Grenadier Hari Bhakar was killed in a ceasefire violation along the LoC in Jammu and Kashmir by Pakistani troops.
- आसाराम बुरड़क पुत्र चौ. मानाराम ग्रा. जूसरी त. परबतसर जिला नागौर
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