
From Jatland Wiki
Location of Amroha in Jyotiba Phule Nagar District

Kailsa (कैलसा) is a village in tehsil Amroha in district Jyotiba Phule Nagar in Uttar Pradesh.


This village in District Jyotiba Phule Nagar (Now Amroha). Kailsa is the next railway station from Amroha towards Moradabad.


In Amroha district there is a place named Kafoorpur, its railway station also. Kafoorpur & Kailsa Both are the Jat Belt of the district. Kafoorpur, is that place where Jats captured railway track for 23 days for the demand of Jat Reservation in center. This movement was carried out under the leadership of Jat leader Yashpal Malik.

Jat Gotras


Kailsa's total population is approx 2200 voters and 1/3 voters are Jats.

Notable Persons

  • Kapil Rana- (Personal): 09917700476, (Office): 07500100122. Email Id is: kapilypd@gmail.com, facebook : kapilchoudharymba@gmail.com

External Links


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