
From Jatland Wiki
Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Ganderbal district map

Kangan (कंगन) is a tahsil town in Ganderbal District of Jammu & Kashmir State, India.



It is situated across the Nallah Sindh and spread over a 50-km-long gorge valley. It is one of the beautiful places surrounded by various picnic spots like Sonamarg and Naranag.


  • It is believed that the place embraces its name with the fact that it is surrounded by mountains in all sides, gives it a ring shape, which is called in Hindi kangan.

Jat clans

List Of Villages in Kangan Tahsil

1 Akhal, 2 Anderwan, 3 Ara Hama, 4 Arigori Pora, 5 Bamlina, 6 Barwalah, 7 Berna Bugh, 8 Chater Gul, 9 Cheerwan, 10 Chiner, 11 Daraduder, 12 Drag Tanga, 13 Forest Block Kangan, 14 Fraw Haknar, 15 Gund Ari, 16 Gund Sarsingh, 17 Hardo Panzin, 18 Hari Ganiwan, 19 Hari Pora, 20 Hayan Palpora, 21 Kacha Nambal, 22 Kangan, 23 Khanan, 24 Kij Parah, 25 Kolan, 26 Lari, 27 Mamer, 28 Mar Gund, 29 Najwan Nilah, 30 Nilagrar, 31 Palang, 32 Porajat Gagangir, 33 Rayil, 34 Satrina, 35 Sonamarg, 36 Soraf Raw, 37 Sumbal Bala, 38 Tangchatir, 39 Thune, 40 Wangat, 41 Wossan , 42 Yechi Hama,

Source - https://www.census2011.co.in/data/subdistrict/46-kangan-ganderbal-jammu-and-kashmir.html


Rajatarangini of Kalhana[3] mentions ....The queen (Didda) was excessively grieved at the death of her son whose infant son Nandigupta became king. For a short time, the queen, remained sunk in grief and did not exercise much cruelty. And from that time she became religious. The superintendent of the city, named Bhuyya, brother of Sindhu, and a good man, was her adviser in her pious deeds. She was how once more loved by all, because of her affection towards her subjects. Ministers who allay the cruelty of their sovereigns are scarce. For [p.163]: the benefit; of her dead son, the queen built a town, named Abhimanyupura, and an image of a god, named Abhimanyusvami. She then went to Diddapura and set up a god Diddāsvami, and a temple for the convenience of travellers from the interior of the country. For the benefit of her dead husband, she built Kangkanapura, and there set up an image of another god (Vishnu) of white stone which was also called Diddāsvāmi. She also built a large house (a sarai) for the Kashmirians and for her own countrymen (the People of Lohara.) She set up a god named Sinoasvami after her father's name, and built a house far the dwelling of tho Brahmanas of her country.


कंगन (Kangan) भारत के जम्मू और कश्मीर राज्य के गांदरबल ज़िले में स्थित एक बड़ा गाँव है। यह ज़िले में तहसील का दर्जा रखता है। कंगन सिन्द नाले (सिन्धु नदी से भिन्न) नामक नदी की तंग घाटी में 50 किमी तक नदी के दोनो तरफ़ फैला हुआ है और उस नदी की वादी में स्थित सबसे बड़ी बस्ती है। यह 1,810 मीटर की ऊँचाई पर स्थित है।


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