Khatiwas (खातीवास) is a village in tehsil and district Charkhi Dadri of Haryana. Before 2017, this village was part of Bhiwani district (Charkhi Dadri district was created on 1 November 2016).
Note - There is another village of this name (KHATIWAS) which is just 5-6 kilometres away from Jhajjar city (going towards Jehazgarh). This village is inhibited by Ahir community and is not a Jat village.
Jat Gotras in Khatiwas, Dadri Tehsil
Since inception of village:
The Khatiwas village has population of 1875 of which 999 are males while 876 are females (as per Population Census 2011).[2]
Notable persons
- Raje Ram Phogat (श्री राजेराम फोगाट), from Khatiwas, Bhiwani was a social worker and freedom fighter in Bhiwani, Haryana. [3]
- Shri Ram Kumar Lor- Retired Head Teacher
External Links
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