
Kochhor (कोछोर) or Kuchaur is a large village in Danta Ramgarh tehsil of Sikar district in Rajasthan. Its ancient name, mentioned in Harsha Inscription 961 AD (L-38), was Lavanakutaka (लवणकूटक).
It is 97 km far from jaipur in north-west & 30 km far from sikar in south east side, west of Palsana town. Nearby villages Sawaipura (north) & Rooppura (south).
- As per Census-2001 data, its population was 4933, out of them 752 were SC and 392 ST.
As per Census-2011 statistics, Kochhor village has the total population of 5002 (of which 2651 are males while 2351 are females).[1]
Jat Gotras in Kochhori
The Harsha inscription of 961-975 AD tells us names of villages which were donated by nearby Chauhan rulers or chieftains from their controlled area to the temple of Harshadeva. The village Lawana (लवण) mentioned as donated by Shakambhari in this inscription has been identified as Kochhor.
Notable Persons
External links
- Information on Kochhor village - villageinfo.in website
- Geo Location of Kochhor
- http://www.fallingrain.com/world/IN/24/Kuchaur.html
- http://wikimapia.org/3849105/kochhor
- http://ceorajasthan.nic.in/Census2001/DIST_SIKAR_DL006.PDF.
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