Kunwaliya (कुंवलिया) is a village in Gangrar tehsil of Chittorgarh distrcit in Rajasthan.
It is located 29 KM towards North from Chittorgarh and 13 KM from Gangrar town.
Jat Gotras
- Deru (5 f) डेरू
- Fardoda (1 f) फिडौदा/फडोदा/फरदोड़ा
- Jalaniya (15 f) जलानिया
- Langar (9 f) लांगर
- Leda (10 f) लेढ़ा
There are 40 jat families in this village. It has 15 families of Jalaniya gotra, 10 families of Leda, 9 families of Langar gotra, 5 families of Deru and 1 family of Fardoda gotra. Majority of the members of Jat families in this village are progressive farmers, whereas one of them is an advocate, one bank manager and a few are in other government services.
- Total population: 2,468
- Households: 577
- Males: 1,223.
- Females: 1,245.
- Children: 386.
Notable persons
- Shri Mohan Lal Jat - Advocate (Mobile- 09252004592)
External Links
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