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Hisar district map

Litani or Latani (लितानी/ लतानी) is a village in Uklana tehsil of Hisar district, Haryana.


It is located about 12 KM. from Uklana. It is about 55 Km from Hisar on Hisar-Chandigarh road. The village is basically on Uklana-Uchana road, about 6 Kms from Hisar-Chandigarh state highway.


The village was founded by Chaudhary Durga and Durgai of Nain Jat Gotra ?


In 8th generation of Prithvi Raj, Raja Anandpal’s descendant Bachhal came from Bhirani in Rajasthan to Litani (Hisar) in 1387 AD and after staying one night over here made his permanent settlement at Danauda (Jind).

Ch. Durga and Durgai Nain came from Danoda village with their families. He came here in search of water following a buffalo. They reached Near a pond called Donala (with two tails) and started living there. They started farming and established a temple of god of village called Dada Khera. By time their family grew up and people with other gotras and of other casts also came in the village. And now there are about 3000 houses in the village.

Note - This history content needs verification as Kuldip Chahal has raised objection. This content is copy of content added by Vinodnain in Parbhuwala as of 13:10, 28 May 2012. Laxman Burdak (talk) 16:57, 26 March 2022 (UTC)

Jat Gotras

Nain is the main Gotra of the village.

Some other casts are also in the village except Doom (Mirasi).


There is a population of about 8000 in this village out of which most are Jats.

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