Chahal (चहल) [1][2][3] Chahl (चहल) Chahar (चाहर)[4] Chahal (चाहल)[5] [6] Chail (चहल) Chahil (चाहिल) [7] [8]gotra Jats are found in Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh.Chahals from Punjab are pronounced as Chāhal (चाहल). Chehal or Chahals are mostly Sikh Jat .They are found in high numbers Pakistan. Dilip Singh Ahlawat has mentioned it as one of the ruling Jat clans in Central Asia.[9] Chauhan is branch of Chahal. It is an ancient clan today found from India to Lebanon and Israel. They were supporters of Chauhan Confederacy and Tomar Federation.
- चाहर ,चाहल ,चायल ,चहल एक ही गोत्र है। ब्रज क्षेत्र और राजस्थान में यह चाहर कहलाते हैं। आगरा से संभल जिले में गए चाहर को चाहल बोला जाता है
- चाहु के नाम पर चहल जाट गोत्र प्रचलित हुआ है.[11]
- अम्बाला के बराड़ा में चहल गोत्र का चहल माजरा के नाम से गांव हैं

Ram Swarup Joon[12] writes about Chol, Chahal, Cahhar, Chahar: This is a very old gotra. They had kingdoms in Central and Southern India. There is evidence to prove that they ruled in Gujrat also. They are found in large numbers in Bharatpur and Gurgaon. Chahars are also called Faujdars. In Agra they have 242 villages in one compact area. Chahar Sikhs is found scattered in all the districts of the Punjab. There are 19 references to Chol Kshatriyas in the Mahabharata.
Bhim Singh Dahiya writes about this clan that a part of Khionites/white Hunas, the Chahlas (Chols of European historians) in the fourth century AD, were settled on the east of Caspian sea. This was the period when Jauvlas/Johls were occupying Zabulistan in Ghazni area. In 438-39 AD the Iranian Emperor Yazdegirel II led an expedition against the Chahls to the north of Gurgan. It was at Gurgan in steppes of Dahistan that Yazdegird I had been killed by the Jats in 420 AD, even in his own military headquarters, as Gurgan really was.[13] The Chahls must have come to India in the fifth century AD.[14]
H.A. Rose[15] writes that Chahal (चाहल), or more correctly Chahil (चाहिल).— One of the largest Jat tribes in the Punjab. They are found in greatest numbers in Patiala, but are very numerous in Ambala and Ludhiana, Amritsar, and Gurdaspur, and extend all along under the hills as far west as Gujranwala and Sialkot. It is said that Raja Agarsen Surajbansi had four sons, Chahil, Chhina, Chima, and Sahi, and that the four Jat tribes who bear these names are sprung from them : (yet they intermarry). Their original home was Malwa, whence they migrated to the Punjab. According to another story one of their ancestor named Raja Rikh joined Tomar Federation, who came from the Deccan and settled at Kahlur. His son Birsi settled at Matti in the Malwa about the time of Akbar, and founded the tribe.
In Amritsar the Chahil say that Chahal was a son of Raja Khang, who once saw some fairies bathing in a tank. He seized their clothes and only restored them on condition that one of them became his bride. One Ichhran was given him, on condition that he never abused her, and she bore him a son, but one day he spoke harshly to her and she disappeared.* But to this day no Chahil ever abuses his daughter ! Settled first at Kot Gadana near Delhi, the Chahil migrated to Pakhi Chahilan near Ambala and there founded Rala Joga or Jogarla in the Malwa.
The Chahil affect Jogi Pir, originally Joga, son of Rajpal, who is said to have been killed, after fighting with the Mughals even when he had been decapitated. Jogi Pir is their chhara {?jathera), and a fair is held in his honour on the 4th nauratra in Asauj. In Jind the Chahil claim descent from Bala who joined Chauhan Confederacy and acquired influence by accepting offerings made to Guga, and Chahils, whatsoever their caste, still take these offerings.! In Jind the Chahil worship Khera Bhumia.
They are probably, says Mr. Pagan, Bagris, originally settled in Bikaner.
Chauhan Sub divisions of Chahal
Bhim Singh Dahiya[16] provides us list of Jat clans who were supporters of the Chauhan when they gained political ascendancy. The Chauhan clan supported the ascendant clan Chahal and become part of a political confederacy.[17]
चहल गोत्र का इतिहास
- सन्दर्भ- अनूप सिंह चाहर, जाट समाज आगरा, नवम्बर 2013, पृ. 26-27
प्राचीन इतिहास के अनुसार चौथी शताब्दी में चहल (यूरोपियन इतिहासकारों के चोल) केस्पियन सागर के पूर्व में मध्य एशिया के दहिस्तान में गुरर्गन के शासक थे। सन 438-439 ई. में ईरान सम्राट यज्दगिर्द द्वितीय (Yazdegird II) ने चहलों के विरुद्ध अभियान छेड़ा। दहिस्तान के घास के मैदान में उत्तरी प्रजदिगिर्द गुरर्गन में सम्राट के सैनिक शिविर में ही चाहलों ने उसे मार दिया। सन 440 ई. यज्दगिर्द तृतीय (Yazdegird III) ने चाहलों को युद्ध में हरा दिया। चाहल भारत में सम्भवतः पांचवीं शदी में आये थे। इनको चहल-चाहल तथा चहर-चाहर दोनों रूप से उच्चारित किया जाता है।
इन्हें गीक, मध्य एशिया, दक्षिण भारत में चोल और चीन, मंगोलिया, ब्रज (भारत) में चाहर, पंजाब, हरयाणा, पाकिस्तान में चाहल-चहल के रूप में उच्चारित किया जाता है। भारत एवं विदेशों में मुसलमान, ईसाई , हिन्दू तथा अन्य धर्मों में चहल-चाहल जाट पाये जाते हैं।
रामायण, महाभारत, मैगस्थनीज के वृतांत, अशोक के शिलालेखों तथा अन्य ग्रंथों में चोलों का उल्लेख मिलता है।
चाहर उस चोल जाटवंश की शाखा हैं, जिसका शासन रामायण काल में दक्षिण भारत में था। महाभारत काल में इनका राज्य उत्तर दिशा में भी था।
महाभारत वन पर्व अध्याय-48 में उल्लेखित चोल देश के नरेश ने महाराजा युधिष्ठिर के राजसूय यज्ञ में काफी धनराशि भेंट की थी।
- यत्र सर्वान महीपालाञ शस्त्रतेजॊ भयार्थितान
- सवङ्गाङ्गान सपौण्ड्र उड्रान सचॊल थरविडान्धकान (III.48.18)
महाभारत सभा पर्व अधयाय-24 में अर्जुन द्वारा उत्तर में जीते गए राज्यों में चोल भी था।
- ततः सुह्मांश च चॊलांश च किरीटी पाण्डवर्षभः
- सहितः सर्वसैन्येन परामदत कुरुनन्थनः (II.24.20)
महाभारत भीष्म पर्व अध्याय-10 में भारतवर्ष के भूगोल का वर्णन किया गया है जिसमें चोल राज्य का उल्लेख दक्षिण के राज्यों के साथ किया गया है।
- कर्णिकाः कुन्तिकाश चैव सौब्धिदा नलकालकाः
- कौकुट्टकास तदा चॊलाः कॊङ्कणा मालवाणकाः (VI.10.58)
महाभारत भीष्म पर्व अध्याय-46 में चोल राजा का उल्लेख दक्षिण के राज्यों के साथ किया गया है।
- बाह्लिकास तित्तिराश चैव चॊलाः पाण्ड्याश च भारत
- एते जनपथा राजन थक्षिणं पक्षम आश्रिताः (VI.46.50)
आठवीं शताब्दी में दक्षिण भारत में चोल वंश जाटों का राज्य था, जिसमें तमिलनाडु और मैसूर के अधिकांश प्रदेश शामिल थे।
नौवीं शताब्दी में पालवों के ध्वंशावशेषों पर चोल वंश स्थापित हुआ। चोल वंश के संस्थापक विजयपाल नरकेशरी (850-891 ई.) थे इनकी राजधानी तांजाप (तंजौर या तंझुवर) थी। इस वंश में अनेकों पराक्रमी राजा हुए। राजेन्द्र चोल द्वितीय (1051–1063 ई.) और राजा राजराज (1063–1070 ई.) कुलोत्तुंग (1070–1120 ई.) के पश्चात् इस वंश के शासक कमजोर होते चले गए। चालुक्यों और मालिक काफूर ने 14 वीं शताब्दी में चोल वंश को जीत लिया।
दहिस्तान में चहल जाटवंश
चहल - इस जाटवंश का राज्य दहिस्तान देश (कैस्पियन सागर) के क्षेत्र पर था। इनको सन् 440 ई० में यज़देगिर्द तृतीय (Yazdegird III) ने युद्ध करके इसी क्षेत्र में हराया। जाट्स दी ऐनशन्ट रूलर्ज, पृ० 36, लेखक बी० एस० दहिया)। चहल गोत्र के जाटों की आबादी उत्तर प्रदेश, राजस्थान, पंजाब और हरयाणा के कई जिलों में है। पंजाब में ये लोग सिक्खधर्मी हैं। विदेशों में भी मुसलमान व ईसाई तथा अन्य धर्मी चहल जाट पाए जाते हैं। [18]
Distribution in Delhi
Bhor Garh, Jatwada (Daryaganj),
Distribution in Rajasthan
Villages in Bharatpur district
Distribution in Punjab
Villages in Mansa district
Biroke Kalan, Kanakwal Chahlan,
Villages in Amritsar district
Villages in Moga district
Villages in Faridkot district
- Bir Chahal village in Faridkot Tahsil of Faridkot district in Punjab.
Villages in Gurdaspur district
- Chahal(चहल) village in Batala Tahsil of Gurdaspur district in Punjab.
- Chahal Khurd (चहल खुर्द) village in Batala Tahsil of Gurdaspur district in Punjab.
Villages in Hoshiarpur district
- Chahal is village in Dasua tahsil in Hoshiarpur district in Punjab
Villages in Nawanshahr district
- Chahal is village in Balachaur tahsil in Nawanshahr district in Punjab.
- Chahal Kalan, Chahal Khurd village in Nawanshahr tahsil in Nawanshahr district in Punjab.
Villages in Patiala district
Villages in Sangrur district
- Kheri Chahalan is Village in Dhuri tahsil of Sangrur district in Punjab.
Distribution in Haryana
Villages in Jind district
Anoopgarh Jind, Alewa, Badanpur, Baroda, Barodi, Bhongra, Budha Khera, Dablain,Frain Kalan, Darya Wala, Frain Khurd, Gatauli, Kheri Bulanwali, Mohal Khera, Ponkar Kheri, Radhana, Ujhana,
Villages in Kaithal district
Bhaini Majra, Kurar, Narar,Sangatpur,Guhna,Kithana
Villages in Karnal district
Villages in Sonipat district
Gangana, Gharwal, Jauli, Mahmudpur (Gohana), Rukhi
Villages in Bhiwani district
Villages in Hisar district
Bobua, Khanda Kheri, Mahazat, Pali, Rajli
Villages in Kurukshetra district
Villages in Yamunanagar district
Villages in Ambala district
Villages in Rewari district
Villages in Rohtak district
Distribution in Uttar Pradesh
Villages in Bijnor district
Mukrandpur, Bhawanipur Gagairan
Villages in Jyotiba Phuley Nagar district
Villages in Moradabad district
Ismailpur, Madhuva Khalsa, Mundha Kheri, Phoolpur, Pota, Hazibada sattupura Saidpur Gangu
Villages in Sambhal district
संभल जिले में चाहल जाट आगरा की चाहरवाटी से आकर बसे हैं: Bada Tajuddin, Bhadraola, Bhartal Sirsi, Bhatawalii, Chandawli, Echowara Dingar, Gelua, Gurudwara Baba Joga Singh Chahal (Sambhal), Haji Bera, Lakhori Jalalpur (Sambhal), Manni Khera (Sambhal), Mehmoodpur Kunj (Sambhal), Mehrana, Saidpur Jaskoli, Sainda (Sambhal), SalaKhana, Sharifpur, Singhpur, Sirshanal, Sondhan, Turtipur Enayatpur,
Villages in Hapur district
Villages in Bulandsahar district
Salabad Dhamaira (सलाबाद धमैडा)
Villages in Meerut district
Distribution in Madhya Pradesh
Distribution in Pakistan
Chahal is One of the larger Jat clans, found through out central Punjab. The Chahal are also found in Jhelum and Gujrat Districts. They were also one of the larger Muslim Jat clan in East Punjab.
Gurudwara Baba Joga Singh Chahal - also known as jogi peer. in punjab in most of the chahal villages Gurudwara Baba Joga Singh Chahal is situated and it is also sittuated in Sambhal district's Bhartal Sirsi village . Annual fare is held every year in all the Gurudwara Baba Joga Singh Chahal places
Notable persons
- Rohit Chahal - Youth leader
- Anoop Chahal (Faridabad Rockers) - Social Media Personality
- Chaudhry Sadhu Ram Chahal - Advocate-Retd. D.P.E.O (Haryana). from village Sankhera district Yamunanagar , Haryana.(Jat Samaj)
- Chaudhry Jitender Singh Chahal - Advocate- Chamber No. 89,Punjab & Haryana High Court,Chandigarh Ph. 9417230216,9467932395. from village Sankhera district Yamunanagar,Haryana. (Jat Samaj).
- Krishna Kumar Chahal - World Record of memory in 2006. (Jat Samaj:11/2013,p.24)
- Prateek Chahal - Son of Shri Jagbir Chahal from Pali, Hisar village of Haryana studying in India’s top College St Stephen’s College, Delhi. He was awarded by Foreign Secretary of India in G-20 (2023).
- Gurbaksh Chahal- Indian-American internet entrepreneur. top 10 eunterprenuers of world, wikipedia link- ( )
- Baba Joga Singh Chahal - Jat Warrior and Saint . many chahal villages in punjab have Baba Joga Singh Chahal Gurudwaras which are also called jogi peer . In Uttar Pradesh vill. Bhartal Sirsi in Sambhal district also have his gurudwara where annual fare happens for Chahals.
- Chitrangada Singh - Bollywood actress from village Turtipur milak near Singpur Saani district Sambhal , Uttar Pradesh , her father was in army his name is Col Niranjan Singh Chahal, wikipedia link - ( )
- Digvijay Singh - International Golfer. from village Turtipur milak near Singpur Saani district Sambhal , Uttar Pradesh . Big brother of Chitrangada Singh, wikipedia link ( )
- Professor Hari Raj Singh from Village Saidpur Gangu Moradabad, Ex Vice -Chancellor of Allahabad University, Allahabad. Famous Scientist and Noted Poet, writes under pen name 'Noor Moradabadi".
- Ranbir Singh Chahal (Nimri/Bhiwani) Sr. Accounts Officer at Controller General of Accounts, New Delhi residing in Bahadurgarh Haryana. Mob 9968441277

- Hawa Singh Chahal (Second Lt), Vir Chakra, became martyr on 21.11.1971 during Indo-Pakistan War-1971 in Eastern Sector (now Bangladesh). He was from village Mirzapur in Hisar district of Haryana. Unit:5 Gorkha Rifles
- Surender Chahal-Programmer
- Mahak Chahal - Actress
- Kavita Chahal - Boxer
- Yuzvendra Chahal - Cricketer
- Harman Chahal - punjabi singer ( Armani fame)-
- Inder Chahal - punjabi singer ( Follow fame)-
- Gavie Chahal - punjabi superstar actor.
- Gulzar Inder Chahal - punjabi superstar actor.
- Simi Chahal - punjabi modal and actor.
- Kanwar Chahal - punjabi singer(gal sun ja fame )
- HS Chahal (Maj) - From....?, Rajasthan, Martyr of Op Cactus Lily Martyr 1971, The Grenadiers Regiment
- Bhuvnesh Kumar Chahal from Village Saidpur Gangu Moradabad,IIT ROORKEE1989, Dy General Manager, NTPC NOIDA 9650991471
- Kuldeep Chahal - IPS, Punjab, Resident of Vill.-Ujhna district Jind, Haryana secured 82nd rank in Civil Service Exam.-2008. कुलदीप सिंह चहल पंजाब पुलिस मे SSP है जो अब तक 25 से ज़्यादा Encounter कर चुके हैं !
- Dr.S.M.Chahal - Dean, College Of Anilmal Science, CCS HAU, Hissar
- Mr. Wazir Singh Chahal - S/O Balwant Singh DOB 15-03-1957, Govt. Service Manager Punjab national Bank, B.O. - Kassar, Dist. - Jhajjar, Haryana-124507, House No. - 1269, Sector-6, Bahadurgarh (Haryana) Ph: 01276-242838, 9315876216 (PP-911)
- Mr. Jagdish Singh Chahal - Govt Service Lecturer Education, Haryana Govt. 101/22, Laxmi Nagar Sonepat, Haryana, Ph: 01262-251929 (PP-938)
- Mr. Raj Kumar Chahal - Asstt. Manager NSC Agriculture, C-128, Salimar Garden, Extn-II, Sahibabad Ghaziabad UP, Ph: 011-25712295 (PP-104)
- Bahadur Sardar Arjun Singh Chahal, Chahal - Jat, From Amritsar district was in the List of Punjab Chiefs.
- गोगामेड़ी वाले - चहल गोत्री जाट, राजस्थान के गजरेरा गांव के रहने वाले थे, जिनके नाम पर मेड़ीधाम विख्यात है। यहां सभी धर्मों के लोग इन्हें पूजने जाते हैं।
- Navneet S. Chahel: IAS, UP Cadre, 2011 Batch, Currently posted as Collector Agra, M: 9837503629
- Manjit Singh Chahal (born 1 September 1989), from Ujhana, Jind, is an Indian middle-distance runner who specialises in the 800 metres and 1500 metres events. He represented India at the 2018 Asian Games and won the gold in the 800 metres event at Jakarta.
- Dr.Wazir Singh Chahal-Director Principal in Ch. Devi Lal State Institute Of Engineering & Technology,Panniwala Mota,Sirsa,Haryana.He had completed phd in chemistry from Kurukshetra University in 1995.He was the first person to complete phd in his village Guhna,Kaithal,Haryana.He loves to sing and writing haryanvi ragni.
- श्री इकबाल सिंह चहल IAS 1989 कमिश्नर (B M C) मुंबई
- Dr. Ved Parkash Chahal (born 10 May 1963), Assistant Director General and Principal Scientist, Indian Council of Agriculture Research, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, He was the first person to complete phd in his village Nimri, Charkhi Dadri, Haryana. He is fond of reading newspapers and listening to old hindi songs. He also loves to take care of his terrace garden that he has set up at his home.
- यशदीप चहल: दिल्ली ज्यूडिशियल का रिजेल्ट में आपके लाडले जाट वीर यशदीप चहल, जींद खेड़ी, ने टॉप किया.

- Deepu Chahal: मुरादाबाद मंडल के पछादे (पंजाबी) जट्टो की मेहनत और कामयाबी की बड़ी संख्या मौजूद है। बस एक दूसरे से सीख लेते सहयोग करते सम्मान देते आगे बढ़ते रहों। हाजिबेड़ा गांव एक मिसाल है पंजाबी जट्टो की कामयाबी का दीपू चहल ने कुल 388 (314 भारतीय 74 विदेशी) अपने साथियों के साथ लेफ्टिनेंट का प्रशिक्षण कंप्लीट किया। जियोन्दा रह चहला दे पुत्त तेरे सर ते जोगा पीर पुरख दा आशीर्वाद बना रहे।

- Tejbans Singh Chehal (Captain ) as Observation Post Officer of the special task force on 07 May 1989 in Siachen displayed conspicuous courage and undaunted bravery in the face of enemy. Awarded Vir Chakra. [19] He is from Bathinda, Punjab. Unit: 175 Field Regiment.

- Harbans Singh Chahal (Major) (08.12.1938-14.12.1971) became martyr on 14.12.1971 during Indo-Pak War-1971 in the Battle of Daruchian. He was from Ganganagar in Rajasthan.
- Unit - 14 Grenadiers Regiment

- Gurpratap Singh Chahal (Captain) became martyr of militancy on 25.02.2000. He was awarded Sena Medal for his act of bravery. He was from Jalandhar, Punjab.
- Unit - 20 Sikh Regiment
- Kuljit Singh Chahal - NDMC Vice President
Gallery of Chahal people
Iqbal Singh Chahal IAS, Maharashtra
Deepu Chahal
Kuljit Singh Chahal, Vice President NADMC, Delhi
External Links
- ↑ Dr Ompal Singh Tugania: Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p.37, sn-719.
- ↑ Dr Pema Ram:Rajasthan Ke Jaton Ka Itihas, p.300
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I,s.n. च-70.
- ↑ B S Dahiya:Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study), p.237, s.n.34
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I,s.n. च-70.
- ↑ Dr Ompal Singh Tugania: Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p.37, sn-719.
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I,s.n. च-70.
- ↑ Dr Ompal Singh Tugania: Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p.37, sn-719.
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter IV (Page 342)
- ↑ Mahendra Singh Arya et al.: Adhunik Jat Itihas, p.244
- ↑ Dr Ompal Singh Tugania, Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu/Gotra, p.6
- ↑ Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats/Chapter V,p. 77-78
- ↑ See Erashahr by J. Harquart, p. 56
- ↑ Bhim Singh Dahiya, Jats the Ancient Rulers, p. 249
- ↑ A glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province By H.A. Rose Vol II/C, p.146
- ↑ Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/Appendices/Appendix I,p.316-17
- ↑ A glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province By H.A. Rose Vol II/J,p.375-76
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter IV,p.352
- ↑
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