Bhisma Parva, Mahabharata/Book VI Chapter 46
Mahabharata Book VI Chapter 46:English
Sanjaya said, "When the troops, O bull of Bharata's race, were withdrawn on the first day, and when Duryodhana was filled with delight upon (beholding) Bhishma excited with wrath in battle, king Yudhisthira the just, speedily repaired unto Janardana, accompanied by all his brothers and all the kings (on his side). Filled with great grief thinking of his defeat, and beholding Bhishma's prowess, O king, he addressed that scion of Vrishni's race, saying, 'Behold, O Krishna, that mighty bowman Bhishma of terrible prowess. He consumes with his arrow my troops like fire (consuming)
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dry grass. How shall we even look at that high-souled (warrior) who is licking up my troops like fire fed with clarified butter? Beholding; that tiger among men, that mighty warrior armed with the bow, my troops fly away, afflicted with arrows. Enraged Yama himself, or He armed with the thunder, or even Varuna noose in hand, or Kuvera armed with mace, may be vanquished in battle but the mighty car-warrior Bhishma, of great energy is incapable of being vanquished. Such being the case, I am sinking in the fathomless ocean represented by Bhishma, without a boat (to rescue me). 1 In consequence, O Kesava, of the weakness of my understanding, having obtained Bhishma (for a foe in battle), I shall, O Govinda, retire into woods. To live there is preferable to devoting these lords of earth to Death in the form of Bhishma. Conversant with mighty weapons, Bhishma, O Krishna, will annihilate my army. As insects rush into the blazing fire for their own destruction, the combatants of my army are even so. In putting forth prowess for the sake of kingdom, O thou of Vrishni's race, I am being led to destruction. My heroic brothers also are pained and afflicted with arrows for my sake, having been deprived of both sovereignty and happiness in consequence of their love for their eldest brother. We regard life very highly, for, under these circumstances, life is too precious (to be sacrificed). During the remainder of my days I will practise the severest of ascetic austerities. I will not, O Kesava, cause these friends of mine to be slain. 2 The mighty Bhishma incessantly stays, with his celestial weapon, many thousands of my car-warriors who are foremost of smiters. Tell me, O Madhava, without delay, what should be done that might do me good. As regards Arjuna, I see that he is an indifferent spectator in this battle. Endued with great might, this Bhima alone, remembering Kshatriya duties, fighteth putting forth the prowess of his arms and to the utmost of his power. With his hero-slaying mace, this high-souled (warrior), to the full measure of his powers, achieveth the most difficult feats upon foot-soldiers and steeds and cars and elephants. This hero, however, is incapable, O sire, of destroying in fair fight the hostile host in even a century. This thy friend (Arjuna) alone (amongst) is conversant with (mighty) weapons. He, however, beholding us consumed by Bhishma and the high-souled Drona, looketh indifferently on us. The celestial weapons of Bhishma and the high-souled Drona, incessantly applied, are consuming all the Kshatriyas. O Krishna, such is his prowess, that Bhishma, with wrath excited, aided by the kings (on his side), will, without doubt annihilate us. O Lord of Yoga, look for that great bowman, that mighty car-warrior, who will give Bhishma his quietus like rain-charged clouds quenching a forest conflagration. (Then) through thy grace, O Govinda, the son of Pandu, their foes being slain, will, after recovery of their kingdom, be happy with their kinsmen.
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"Having said this, the high-souled son of Pritha, with heart afflicted by grief and mind turned within, remained silent for a long while in a reflected mood. Beholding the son of Pandu stricken with grief and deprived of his senses by sorrow, Govinda then gladdening all the Pandavas said, 'Do not grieve, O chief of the Bharatas. It behoveth thee not to grieve, when thy brothers are all heroes and renowned bowmen in the world. I also am employed in doing thee good, as also that mighty car-warrior Satyaki and Virata and Drupada, both reverend in years, and Dhrishtadyumna of Prishata's line. And so also, O best of kings, all these monarchs with their (respective) troops are expectant of thy favour and devoted to thee, O king. This mighty car-warrior Dhrishtadyumna of Prishata's race placed in command of thy army is always desirous of thy welfare and engaged in doing that which is agreeable to thee, as also this Sikhandin, O thou of mighty arms, who is certainly the slayer of Bhishma. Hearing these words, the king (Yudhishthira), said, unto that mighty car-warrior Dhrishtadyumna, in that very assembly and in the hearing of Vasudeva, these words, O Dhrishtadyumna, mark these words that I say unto thee, O thou of Prishata's line. The words uttered by me should not be transgressed. Approved by Vasudeva, thou hast been the commander of our forces. As Kartikeya, in days of old, was ever the commander of the celestial host, so also art thou, O bull among men, the commander of the Pandava host. Putting forth thy prowess, O tiger among men, slay the Kauravas. I will follow thee, and Bhima, and Krishna also, O sire, and the sons of Madri united together, and the sons of Draupadi accoutred in mail, and all the other foremost of kings, O bull among men. Then gladdening (the listeners) Dhrishtadyumna said, 'Ordained of old by Sambhu himself, I am, O son of Pritha, the slayer of Drona. I shall now fight in battle against Bhishma, and Drona and Kripa and Shalya and Jayadratha and all the proud monarchs (on the Kuru side)'. When that foremost of princes, that slayer of foes, the son of Prishata, said this defiantly, the Pandava warriors, endued with great energy and incapable of being defeated in battle, all set up a loud shout. And then Pritha's son Yudhishthira said unto the commander of his army, the son of Prishata, (these words), 'An array known by the name of Krauncharuma, that is destructive of all foes, and that was spoken of by Vrihaspati unto Indra in days of old when the gods and the Asuras fought,--that array destructive of hostile divisions, do thou form. Unseen before, the kings behold it, along with the Kurus.' Thus addressed by that god among men, like Vishnu addressed by the wielder of the thunderbolt, 1 he (Dhrishtadyumna), when morning dawned, placed Dhananjaya in the van of the whole army. And Dhananjaya's standard, created at Indra's command by the celestial artificer, while moving through the skies, seemed wonderfully beautiful. Decked with banners bearing hues resembling
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those of Indra's bow, 1 coursing through the air like a ranger of the skies, and looking like the fleeting edifice of vapour in the welkin, it seemed, O sire to glide dancingly along the track of the car (to which it was attached). And the bearer of Gandiva with that (standard) graced with gems, and that standard itself with the bearer of Gandiva, looked highly adorned, like the Self-create with the Sun (and the Sun with the Self-create). 2 And king Drupada, surrounded by a large number of troops, became the head (of that array). And the two kings Kuntibhoja and Saivya became its two eyes. And the ruler of the Dasharnas, and the Prayagas, with the Dasherakas, and the Anupakas, and the Kiratas were placed in its neck, O bull of Bharata's race. And Yudhishthira, O king, with the Patachcharas, the Hunas, the Pauravakas and the Nishadas, became its two wings, so also the Pisachas, with the Kundivishas, and the Mandakas, Madaka, Kadaka and Tanganas other Tanganas, Balhikas, Tittiras, and Cholas Pandya. O Bharata, and the Shabaras, the Tumbupas, the Vatsas, and the Nakulas. And Nakula and Sahadeva placed themselves on the left wing. And on the joints of the wings were placed ten thousand cars and on the head a hundred thousand, and on the back a hundred millions and twenty thousand and on the neck a hundred and seventy thousand. And on the joints of the wings, the wings and the extremities of the wings proceeded elephants in large bodies, looking, O king, like blazing mountains. And the rear was protected by Virata aided by the Kekayas, and the ruler of Kasi and the king of the Chedis, with thirty thousand cars. 3 Forming, O Bharata, their mighty array thus, the Pandavas, expectant of sunrise, waited for battle, all cased in armour. And their white umbrellas, clean and costly, and brilliant as the sun, shone resplendent on their elephants and cars." 4
125:1 Aplavas and Alpave are both correct.
125:2 In the first line of the 14th verse Aviseshana seems to be incorrect. The Bombay text reads Avaseshena which I adopt.
126:1 The correct reading is Vishnu, and not Jishnu as in many of the Bengal texts.
127:1 Indrayudha is Indra's bow or the rainbow. Akasaga (literally a ranger of the skies) is a bird. The vapoury edifices and forms, constantly melting away and reappearing in new shapes, are called Gandharvanagar as (lit. towns of the Gandharvas or celestial choiristers).
127:2 The Bengal reading is Savayambhuriva bhanuna which I have adopted. The Bombay reading is Merurivabhanuna, which means "like the mountain Meru with Sun." It is difficult to make a choice between the two.
127:3 The Bombay text differs in many respects from the Bengal texts as regards the positions assigned to the several warriors and races in the Pandava host. It is impossible to settle the true readings. I have, therefore, without any attempt at correction, followed the Bengal text.
127:4 The last word of the 28th verse is 'Ratheshu cha', and not 'Dhajeshu cha' for umbrellas could not possibly be fastened to standards.
Mahabharata Book VI Chapter 46:Sanskrit
1 [स] कृते ऽवहारे सैन्यानां परदमे भरतर्षभ भीष्मे च युधि संरब्धे हृष्टे थुर्यॊधने तदा 2 धर्मराजस ततस तूर्णम अभिगम्य जनार्थनम भरातृभिः सहितः सर्वैः सर्वैश चैव जनेश्वरैः 3 शुचा परमया युक्तश चिन्तयानः पराजयम वार्ष्णेयम अब्रवीथ राजन थृष्ट्वा भीष्मस्य विक्रमम 4 कृष्ण पश्य महेष्वासं भीष्मं भीमपराक्रमम शरैर थहन्तं सैन्यं मे गरीष्मे कक्षम इवानलम 5 कदम एनं महात्मानां शक्ष्यामः परतिवीक्षितुम लेलिह्यमानं सैन्यं मे हविष्मन्तम इवानलम 6 एतं हि पुरुषव्याघ्रं धनुष्मन्तं महाबलम थृष्ट्वा विप्रथ्रुतं सैन्यं मथीयं मार्गणाहतम 7 शक्यॊ जेतुं यमः करुथ्धॊ वज्रपाणिश च संयुगे वरुणः पाशभृच चापि कुबेरॊ वा गथाधरः 8 न तु भीष्मॊ महातेजाः शक्यॊ जेतुं महाबलः सॊ ऽहम एवंगते मग्नॊ भीष्मागाध जले ऽलपवः 9 आत्मनॊ बुथ्धिथौर्बल्याथ भीष्मम आसाथ्य केशव वनं यास्यामि गॊविन्थ शरेयॊ मे तत्र जीवितुम 10 न तव इमान पृदिवीपालान थातुं भीष्माय मृत्यवे कषपयिष्यति सेनां मे कृष्ण भीष्मॊ महास्त्रवित 11 यदानलं परज्वलितं पतंगाः समभिथ्रुताः विनाशायैव गच्छन्ति तदा मे सैनिकॊ जनः 12 कषयं नीतॊ ऽसमि वार्ष्णेय राज्यहेतॊः पराक्रमी भरातरश चैव मे वीराः कर्शिताः शरपीडिताः 13 मृत कृते भरातृसौहार्थाथ राज्याथ भरष्टास तदा सुखात जीवितं बहु मन्ये ऽहं जीवितं हय अथ्य थुर्लभम 14 जीवितस्य हि शेषेण तपस तप्स्यामि थुश्चरम न घातयिष्यामि रणे मित्राणीमानि केशव 15 रदान मे बहुसाहस्रान थिव्यैर अस्त्रैर महाबलः घातयत्य अनिशं भीष्मः परवराणां परहारिणाम 16 किं नु कृत्वा कृतं मे सयाथ बरूहि माधव माचिरम मध्यस्दम इव पश्यामि समरे सव्यसाचिनम 17 एकॊ भीमः परं शक्त्या युध्यत्य एष महाभुजः केवलं बाहुवीर्येण कषत्रधर्मम अनुस्मरन 18 गथया वीर घातिन्या यदॊत्साहं महामनाः करॊत्य असुकरं कर्म गजाश्वरदपत्तिषु 19 नालम एष कषयं कर्तुं परसैन्यस्य मारिष आर्जवेनैव युथ्धेन वीर वर्षशतैर अपि 20 एकॊ ऽसत्रवित सखा ते ऽयं सॊ ऽपय अस्मान समुपेक्षते निर्थह्यमानान भीष्मेण थरॊणेन च महात्मना 21 थिव्यान्य अस्त्राणि भीष्मस्य थरॊणस्य च महात्मनः धक्ष्यन्ति कषत्रियान सर्वान परयुक्तानि पुनः पुनः 22 कृष्ण भीष्मः सुसंरब्धः सहितः सर्वपार्दिवैः कषपयिष्यति नॊ नूनं याथृशॊ ऽसय पराक्रमः 23 स तवं पश्य महेष्वासं यॊगीष्वर महारदम यॊ भीष्मं शमयेत संख्ये थावाग्निं जलथॊ यदा 24 तव परसाथाथ गॊविन्थ पाण्डवा निहतथ्विषः सवराज्यम अनुसंप्राप्ता मॊथिष्यन्ति स बान्धवाः 25 एवम उक्त्वा ततः पार्दॊ धयायन्न आस्ते महामनाः चिरम अन्तर मना भूत्वा शॊकॊपहतचेतनः 26 शॊकार्तं पाण्डवं जञात्वा थुःखेन हतचेतसम अब्रवीत तत्र गॊविन्थॊ हर्षयन सर्वपाण्डवान 27 मा शुचॊ भरतश्रेष्ठ न तवं शॊचितुम अर्हसि यस्य ते भरातरः शूराः सर्वलॊकस्य धन्विनः 28 अहं च परियकृथ राजन सात्यकिश च महारदः विराटथ्रुपथौ वृथ्धौ धृष्टथ्युम्नश च पार्षतः 29 तदैव सबलाः सर्वे राजानॊ राजसत्तम तवत्प्रसाथं परतीक्षन्ते तवथ भक्ताश च विशां पते 30 एष ते पार्षतॊ नित्यं हितकामः परिये रतः सेनापत्यम अनुप्राप्तॊ धृष्टथ्युम्नॊ महाबलः शिखण्डी च महाबाहॊ भीष्मस्य निधनं किल 31 एतच छरुत्वा ततॊ राजा धृष्टथ्युम्नं महारदम अब्रवीत समितौ तस्यां वासुथेवस्य शृण्वतः 32 धृष्टथ्युम्न निबॊधेथं यत तवा वक्ष्यामि मारिष नातिक्रम्यं भवेत तच च वचनं मम भाषितम 33 भवान सेनापतिर मह्यं वासुथेवेन संमतः कार्त्तिकेयॊ यदा नित्यं थेवानाम अभवत पुरा तदा तवम अपि पाण्डूनां सेनानीः पुरुषर्षभ 34 स तवं पुरुषशार्थूल विक्रम्य जहि कौरवान अहं च तवानुयास्यामि भीमः कृष्णश च मारिष 35 माथ्रीपुत्रौ च सहितौ थरौपथेयाश च थंशिताः ये चान्ये पृदिवीपालाः परधानाः पुरुषर्षभ 36 तत उथ्धर्षयन सर्वान धृष्टथ्युम्नॊ ऽभयभाषत अहं थरॊणान्तकः पार्द विहितः शम्भुना पुरा 37 रणे भीष्मं तदा थरॊणं कृपं शल्यं जयथ्रदम सर्वान अथ्य रणे थृप्तान परतियॊत्स्यामि पार्दिव 38 अदॊत्क्रुष्टं महेष्वासैः पाण्डवैर युथ्धथुर्मथैः समुथ्यते पार्दिवेन्थ्र पार्षते शत्रुसूथने 39 तम अब्रवीत ततः पार्दः पार्षतं पृतना पतिम वयूहः करौञ्चारुणॊ नाम सर्वशत्रुनिबर्हणः 40 यं बृहस्पतिर इन्थ्राय तथा थेवासुरे ऽबरवीत तं यदावत परतिव्यूह परानीक विनाशनम अथृष्टपूर्वं राजानः पश्यन्तु कुरुभिः सह 41 तदॊक्तः स नृथेवेन विष्णुर वज्रभृता इव परभाते सर्वसैन्यानाम अग्रे चक्रे धनंजयम 42 आथित्यपदगः केतुस तस्याथ्भुत मनॊरमः शासनात पुरुहूतस्य निर्मितॊ विश्वकर्मणा 43 इन्थ्रायुधसवर्णाभिः पताकाभिर अलंकृतः आकाशग इवाकाशे गन्धर्वनगरॊपमः नृत्यमान इवाभाति रदचर्यासु मारिष 44 तेन रत्नवता पार्दः स च गाण्डीवधन्वना बभूव परमॊपेतः सवयम्भूर इव भानुना 45 शिरॊ ऽभूथ थरुपथॊ राजा महत्या सेनया वृतः कुन्तिभॊजश च चैथ्यश च चक्षुष्य आस्तां जनेश्वर 46 दाशार्णकाः परयागाश च दाश्रेरक गणैः सह अनूपगाः किराताश च गरीवायां भरतर्षभ 47 पटच चरैश च हुण्डैश च राजन पौरवकैस तदा निषाथैः सहितश चापि पृष्ठम आसीथ युधिष्ठिरः 48 पक्षौ तु भीमसेनश च धृष्टथ्युम्नश च पार्षतः थरौपथेयाभिमन्युश च सात्यकिश च महारदः 49 पिशाचा दरदाश चैव पुण्ड्राः कुण्डी विषैः सह मडका कडकाश चैव तङ्गणाः परपङ्गणाः 50 बाह्लिकास तित्तिराश चैव चॊलाः पाण्ड्याश च भारत एते जनपथा राजन थक्षिणं पक्षम आश्रिताः 51 अग्निवेष्या जगत तुण्डा पलथाशाश च भारत शबरास तुम्बुपाश चैव वत्साश च सह नाकुलैः नकुलः सहथेवश च वामं पार्श्वं समाश्रिताः 52 रदानाम अयुतं पक्षौ शिरश च नियुतं तदा पृष्ठम अर्बुथम एवासीत सहस्राणि च विंशतिः गरीवायां नियुतं चापि सहस्राणि च सप्ततिः 53 पक्षकॊटिप्रपक्षेषु पक्षान्तेषु च वारणाः जग्मुः परिवृता राजंश चलन्त इव पर्वताः 54 जघनं पालयाम आस विराटः सह केकयैः काशिराजश च शैब्यश च रदानाम अयुतैस तरिभिः 55 एवम एतं महाव्यूहं वयूह्य भारत पाण्डवाः सूर्यॊथयनम इच्छन्तः सदिता युथ्धाय थंशिताः 56 तेषाम आथित्यवर्णानि विमलानि महान्ति च शवेतच छत्राण्य अशॊभन्त वारणेषु रदेषु च
Mahabharata Book VI Chapter 46:Transliteration
1 [s] kṛte 'vahāre sainyānāṃ prathame bharatarṣabha bhīṣme ca yudhi saṃrabdhe hṛṣṭe duryodhane tathā 2 dharmarājas tatas tūrṇam abhigamya janārdanam bhrātṛbhiḥ sahitaḥ sarvaiḥ sarvaiś caiva janeśvaraiḥ 3 śucā paramayā yuktaś cintayānaḥ parājayam vārṣṇeyam abravīd rājan dṛṣṭvā bhīṣmasya vikramam 4 kṛṣṇa paśya maheṣvāsaṃ bhīṣmaṃ bhīmaparākramam śarair dahantaṃ sainyaṃ me grīṣme kakṣam ivānalam 5 katham enaṃ mahātmānāṃ śakṣyāmaḥ prativīkṣitum lelihyamānaṃ sainyaṃ me haviṣmantam ivānalam 6 etaṃ hi puruṣavyāghraṃ dhanuṣmantaṃ mahābalam dṛṣṭvā vipradrutaṃ sainyaṃ madīyaṃ mārgaṇāhatam 7 śakyo jetuṃ yamaḥ kruddho vajrapāṇiś ca saṃyuge varuṇaḥ pāśabhṛc cāpi kubero vā gadādharaḥ 8 na tu bhīṣmo mahātejāḥ śakyo jetuṃ mahābalaḥ so 'ham evaṃgate magno bhīṣmāgādha jale 'lpavaḥ 9 ātmano buddhidaurbalyād bhīṣmam āsādya keśava vanaṃ yāsyāmi govinda śreyo me tatra jīvitum 10 na tv imān pṛthivīpālān dātuṃ bhīṣmāya mṛtyave kṣapayiṣyati senāṃ me kṛṣṇa bhīṣmo mahāstravit 11 yathānalaṃ prajvalitaṃ pataṃgāḥ samabhidrutāḥ vināśāyaiva gacchanti tathā me sainiko janaḥ 12 kṣayaṃ nīto 'smi vārṣṇeya rājyahetoḥ parākramī bhrātaraś caiva me vīrāḥ karśitāḥ śarapīḍitāḥ 13 mṛt kṛte bhrātṛsauhārdād rājyād bhraṣṭās tathā sukhāt jīvitaṃ bahu manye 'haṃ jīvitaṃ hy adya durlabham 14 jīvitasya hi śeṣeṇa tapas tapsyāmi duścaram na ghātayiṣyāmi raṇe mitrāṇīmāni keśava 15 rathān me bahusāhasrān divyair astrair mahābalaḥ ghātayaty aniśaṃ bhīṣmaḥ pravarāṇāṃ prahāriṇām 16 kiṃ nu kṛtvā kṛtaṃ me syād brūhi mādhava māciram madhyastham iva paśyāmi samare savyasācinam 17 eko bhīmaḥ paraṃ śaktyā yudhyaty eṣa mahābhujaḥ kevalaṃ bāhuvīryeṇa kṣatradharmam anusmaran 18 gadayā vīra ghātinyā yathotsāhaṃ mahāmanāḥ karoty asukaraṃ karma gajāśvarathapattiṣu 19 nālam eṣa kṣayaṃ kartuṃ parasainyasya māriṣa ārjavenaiva yuddhena vīra varṣaśatair api 20 eko 'stravit sakhā te 'yaṃ so 'py asmān samupekṣate nirdahyamānān bhīṣmeṇa droṇena ca mahātmanā 21 divyāny astrāṇi bhīṣmasya droṇasya ca mahātmanaḥ dhakṣyanti kṣatriyān sarvān prayuktāni punaḥ punaḥ 22 kṛṣṇa bhīṣmaḥ susaṃrabdhaḥ sahitaḥ sarvapārthivaiḥ kṣapayiṣyati no nūnaṃ yādṛśo 'sya parākramaḥ 23 sa tvaṃ paśya maheṣvāsaṃ yogīṣvara mahāratham yo bhīṣmaṃ śamayet saṃkhye dāvāgniṃ jalado yathā 24 tava prasādād govinda pāṇḍavā nihatadviṣaḥ svarājyam anusaṃprāptā modiṣyanti sa bāndhavāḥ 25 evam uktvā tataḥ pārtho dhyāyann āste mahāmanāḥ ciram antar manā bhūtvā śokopahatacetanaḥ 26 śokārtaṃ pāṇḍavaṃ jñātvā duḥkhena hatacetasam abravīt tatra govindo harṣayan sarvapāṇḍavān 27 mā śuco bharataśreṣṭha na tvaṃ śocitum arhasi yasya te bhrātaraḥ śūrāḥ sarvalokasya dhanvinaḥ 28 ahaṃ ca priyakṛd rājan sātyakiś ca mahārathaḥ virāṭadrupadau vṛddhau dhṛṣṭadyumnaś ca pārṣataḥ 29 tathaiva sabalāḥ sarve rājāno rājasattama tvatprasādaṃ pratīkṣante tvad bhaktāś ca viśāṃ pate 30 eṣa te pārṣato nityaṃ hitakāmaḥ priye rataḥ senāpatyam anuprāpto dhṛṣṭadyumno mahābalaḥ śikhaṇḍī ca mahābāho bhīṣmasya nidhanaṃ kila 31 etac chrutvā tato rājā dhṛṣṭadyumnaṃ mahāratham abravīt samitau tasyāṃ vāsudevasya śṛṇvataḥ 32 dhṛṣṭadyumna nibodhedaṃ yat tvā vakṣyāmi māriṣa nātikramyaṃ bhavet tac ca vacanaṃ mama bhāṣitam 33 bhavān senāpatir mahyaṃ vāsudevena saṃmataḥ kārttikeyo yathā nityaṃ devānām abhavat purā tathā tvam api pāṇḍūnāṃ senānīḥ puruṣarṣabha 34 sa tvaṃ puruṣaśārdūla vikramya jahi kauravān ahaṃ ca tvānuyāsyāmi bhīmaḥ kṛṣṇaś ca māriṣa 35 mādrīputrau ca sahitau draupadeyāś ca daṃśitāḥ ye cānye pṛthivīpālāḥ pradhānāḥ puruṣarṣabha 36 tata uddharṣayan sarvān dhṛṣṭadyumno 'bhyabhāṣata ahaṃ droṇāntakaḥ pārtha vihitaḥ śambhunā purā 37 raṇe bhīṣmaṃ tathā droṇaṃ kṛpaṃ śalyaṃ jayadratham sarvān adya raṇe dṛptān pratiyotsyāmi pārthiva 38 athotkruṣṭaṃ maheṣvāsaiḥ pāṇḍavair yuddhadurmadaiḥ samudyate pārthivendra pārṣate śatrusūdane 39 tam abravīt tataḥ pārthaḥ pārṣataṃ pṛtanā patim vyūhaḥ krauñcāruṇo nāma sarvaśatrunibarhaṇaḥ 40 yaṃ bṛhaspatir indrāya tadā devāsure 'bravīt taṃ yathāvat prativyūha parānīka vināśanam adṛṣṭapūrvaṃ rājānaḥ paśyantu kurubhiḥ saha 41 tathoktaḥ sa nṛdevena viṣṇur vajrabhṛtā iva prabhāte sarvasainyānām agre cakre dhanaṃjayam 42 ādityapathagaḥ ketus tasyādbhuta manoramaḥ śāsanāt puruhūtasya nirmito viśvakarmaṇā 43 indrāyudhasavarṇābhiḥ patākābhir alaṃkṛtaḥ ākāśaga ivākāśe gandharvanagaropamaḥ nṛtyamāna ivābhāti rathacaryāsu māriṣa 44 tena ratnavatā pārthaḥ sa ca gāṇḍīvadhanvanā babhūva paramopetaḥ svayambhūr iva bhānunā 45 śiro 'bhūd drupado rājā mahatyā senayā vṛtaḥ kuntibhojaś ca caidyaś ca cakṣuṣy āstāṃ janeśvara 46 dāśārṇakāḥ prayāgāś ca dāśreraka gaṇaiḥ saha anūpagāḥ kirātāś ca grīvāyāṃ bharatarṣabha 47 paṭac caraiś ca huṇḍaiś ca rājan pauravakais tathā niṣādaiḥ sahitaś cāpi pṛṣṭham āsīd yudhiṣṭhiraḥ 48 pakṣau tu bhīmasenaś ca dhṛṣṭadyumnaś ca pārṣataḥ draupadeyābhimanyuś ca sātyakiś ca mahārathaḥ 49 piśācā daradāś caiva puṇḍrāḥ kuṇḍī viṣaiḥ saha maḍakā kaḍakāś caiva taṅgaṇāḥ parapaṅgaṇāḥ 50 bāhlikās tittirāś caiva colāḥ pāṇḍyāś ca bhārata ete janapadā rājan dakṣiṇaṃ pakṣam āśritāḥ 51 agniveṣyā jagat tuṇḍā paladāśāś ca bhārata śabarās tumbupāś caiva vatsāś ca saha nākulaiḥ nakulaḥ sahadevaś ca vāmaṃ pārśvaṃ samāśritāḥ 52 rathānām ayutaṃ pakṣau śiraś ca niyutaṃ tathā pṛṣṭham arbudam evāsīt sahasrāṇi ca viṃśatiḥ grīvāyāṃ niyutaṃ cāpi sahasrāṇi ca saptatiḥ 53 pakṣakoṭiprapakṣeṣu pakṣānteṣu ca vāraṇāḥ jagmuḥ parivṛtā rājaṃś calanta iva parvatāḥ 54 jaghanaṃ pālayām āsa virāṭaḥ saha kekayaiḥ kāśirājaś ca śaibyaś ca rathānām ayutais tribhiḥ 55 evam etaṃ mahāvyūhaṃ vyūhya bhārata pāṇḍavāḥ sūryodayanam icchantaḥ sthitā yuddhāya daṃśitāḥ 56 teṣām ādityavarṇāni vimalāni mahānti ca śvetac chatrāṇy aśobhanta vāraṇeṣu ratheṣu ca
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