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Dhananjaya (धनंजय) was a nagavanshi mahapurusha.


Kusthalapura (कुस्थलपुर) was an ancient kingdom ruled by Dhananjaya which is mentioned as one of the Daksinapatha kingdoms subdued by Samudragupta.

In Mahabharata

The Mahabharata Book 2: SECTION IX Sabha Parva Kisari Mohan Ganguli, tr. 1883-1896 writes about naga ruler Dhananjaya in Sabha Parva. It mentions names of following naga kings who attended the Sabha of Yudhishthira:

Vasuki and Takshaka, and the Naga called Airavata; Krishna and Lohita; Padma and Chitra endued with great energy; the Nagas called Kamvala and Aswatara; and Dhritarashtra and Valahaka; Matimat and Kundadhara and Karkotaka and Dhananjaya; Panimat and the mighty Kundaka, O lord of the Earth; and Prahlada and Mushikada, and Janamejaya,--all having auspicious marks and mandalas and extended hoods;--these and many other snakes. These have been described from shloka 8 to 11 as under:

वासुकिस तक्षकश चैव नागश चैरावतस तदा
कृष्णशलॊहितश चैव पद्मश चित्रश च वीर्यवान ।।8।।
कम्बलाश्वतरौ नागौ धृतराष्ट्र बलाहकौ
मणिमान कुण्डलधरः कर्कॊटक धनंजयौ ।।9।।
परह्लाथॊ मूषिकादश च तदैव जनमेजयः
पताकिनॊ मण्डलिनः फणवन्तश च सर्वशः ।।10।।
एते चान्ये च बहवः सर्पास तस्यां युधिष्ठिर
उपासते महात्मानं वरुणं विगतक्लमाः ।।11।।

The Mahabharata Book 9: Shalya Parva section 45 by Kisari Mohan Ganguli, tr. 1883-1896 while describing large bands of the mothers, that became the companions of Kumara (Kartikeya) writes,

Shiva gave him (Kartikeya a large army, exceedingly fierce and armed with diverse kinds of weapons, and endued with great energy begotten of ascetic penances. Invincible and possessing all the qualities of a good army, that force was known by the name of dhananjaya. It was protected by thirty 30,000 warriors each of whom was possessed of might equal to that of Rudra himself. That force knew not how to fly from battle.

Jat Gotras from Dhananjaya


  1. Dr Mahendra Singh Arya, Dharmpal Singh Dudee, Kishan Singh Faujdar & Vijendra Singh Narwar: Ādhunik Jat Itihas (The modern history of Jats), Agra 1998 p.258
  2. Dr Mahendra Singh Arya etc,: Ādhunik Jat Itihas (The modern history of Jats), Agra 1998 p.259

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