Patachchara (पटच्चर) was a janapada mentioned by Panini in Gaṇa-pāṭha (IV.2.110) and in Mahabharata (II.13.25), (II.28.4),(IV.1.9), (VI.46.47). They fought Mahabharata War in Pandava's side
- Patachchara पटच्चर (AS, p.520)
Mention by Panini
Patachchara (पटच्चर) is mentioned by Panini in Ashtadhyayi. [1]
Patachchara (पटच्चर) is mentioned by Panini in Ashtadhyayi under Paladyadi (पलद्यादि) (4.5.110) group.[2]
V. S. Agrawala[3] writes that Gaṇa-pāṭha of Panini refers to janapada Paṭachchara (IV.2.110) = probably modern Pataudi.
Sandhya Jain[4] provides us the Tribes listed on Pandava Side, which include Patachchara (पटच्चर) - A tribe of the south-west, defeated by Sahdeva (II.28.4); they joined Yudhisthira's army (VI.46.47). The epic (II.13.25) lists them with the Yadava and Bhoja tribes who fled westwards for fear of Jarasandha.
Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur (p.520) writes that according to N L De their area is present Allahabad-Banda region but it is doubtful. Aparamatsya country is present Jaipur-Alwar region. The non-Aryan Nishads are mentioned beyond this region. From this description it appears that Patachchara Country may be somewhere between southern Punjab and northern Rajasthan.
Jat clans
In Mahabharata
Patachchara (पटच्चर) is mentioned in Mahabharata (II.13.25), (II.28.4),(IV.1.9), (VI.46.47),
Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 13 mentions the List of Kshatriyas leaving their dominions in the north, fled to other countries out of fear of Jarasandha. Patachchara (पटच्चर) is mentioned in Mahabharata (II.13.25).[5] .... the eighteen tribes of the Bhojas, from fear of Jarasandha, have all fled towards the west; so also have the Surasenas, the Bhadrakas, the Vodhas, the Salwas, the Patachcharas, the Susthalas, the Mukuttas, and the Kulindas, along with the Kuntis.
Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 28 mentions Sahadeva's march towards south: kings and tribes defeated....Patachchara (पटच्चर) is mentioned in Mahabharata (II.28.4).[6] ...The prince then brought under his sway Sukumara and then king Sumitra, and he next vanquished the other Matsyas (Aparamatsya) and then the Patacharas.
Virata Parva, Mahabharata/ Book IV Chapter 1 mentions countries surrounding the kingdom of the Kurus, suggested to spend the thirteenth year, which are beautiful and abounding in corn, such as Panchala, Chedi, Matsya, Surasena, Pattachchara, Dasarna, Navarashtra, Malla, Shalva, Yugandhara, Saurashtra, Avanti, and the spacious Kuntirashtra. (Mahabharata:IV.1.9) [7]
Bhisma Parva, Mahabharata/Book VI Chapter 46 mentions about arrangement and Pandavas waited for battle....Patachchara (पटच्चर) is mentioned in Mahabharata (VI.46.47)[8]... "And Yudhishthira, O king, with the Patachcharas, the Hunas, the Pauravakas and the Nishadas, became its two wings,..."
विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[9] ने लेख किया है ...पटच्चर (AS, p.520) 'सुकुमारं वशे चक्रे सुमित्रं च नराधिपम्, तदैवापरमत्स्यांश च वयजयत् स पटच्चरान्' महाभारत सभा पर्व 31,4 पटच्चरों को सहदेव ने अपनी दिग्विजय यात्रा के प्रसंग में जीता था. संदर्भ अनुसार पटच्चर-जनपद की स्थिति अपरमत्स्य देश के आसपास जान पड़ती है. श्री न. ला. डे के अनुसार यह इलाहाबाद-बांदा जिलों का प्रदेश है किंतु यह अभिज्ञान संदिग्ध है. अपरमत्स्य देश जयपुर-अलवर (मत्स्य) का पार्श्ववर्ती प्रदेश था. इसके पश्चात ही अनार्य जातीय निषादों के देश निषाद-भूमि का उल्लेख है. इससे जान पड़ता है कि पटच्चर देश दक्षिणी पंजाब और उत्तरी राजस्थान के बीच का इलाका रहा होगा. संस्कृत में पटच्चर शब्द चोर के अर्थ में प्रयुक्त है जिससे शायद पटच्चरों की तत्कालीन जातिगत विशेषता का पता चलता है. जान पड़ता है कि निषादों के समान पटच्चर भी किसी अर्ध सभ्य विदेशी जाति के लोग थे जो इस इलाके में भारत के बाहर से आकर बस गए थे. संभव है यह नाम (पटच्चर) कालांतर में दरिद्र शब्द की भांति ही ('दरद' देश के लोगों के नाम से बना विशेषण-- देखें दरद) जातिगत विशेषता के कारण संस्कृत में सामान्य विशेषण की भांति प्रयुक्त होने लगा.
External links
- ↑ V. S. Agrawala: India as Known to Panini, 1953, p.62
- ↑ V. S. Agrawala: India as Known to Panini, 1953, p.510
- ↑ V. S. Agrawala: India as Known to Panini, 1953, p.62
- ↑ Sandhya Jain: Adi Deo Arya Devata - A Panoramic View of Tribal-Hindu Cultural Interface, Rupa & Co, 7/16, Ansari Road Daryaganj, New Delhi, 2004, p.118
- ↑ शूरसेना भद्र कारा बॊधाः शाल्वाः पतच चराः, सुस्दराश च सुकुट्टाश च कुणिन्थाः कुन्तिभिः सह Mahabharata (II.13.25)
- ↑ सुकुमारं वशे चक्रे सुमित्रं च नराधिपम, तदैवापरमत्स्यांश च वयजयत स पटच चरान (II.28.4)
- ↑ सन्ति रम्या जनपथा बह्व अन्नाः परितः कुरून, पाञ्चालाश चेथिमत्स्याश च शूरसेनाः पटच्चराः, दशार्णा नवराष्ट्रं च मल्लाः शाल्व युगंधराः (Mahabharata:IV.1.9)
- ↑ पटच चरैश च हुण्डैश च राजन पौरवकैस तदा, निषाथैः सहितश चापि पृष्ठम आसीथ युधिष्ठिरः Mahabharata (VI.46.47)
- ↑ Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.520