Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 13
Mahabharata Book 2 Chapter 13: English
"Krishna said,--'O great king, thou art a worthy possessor of all the qualities essential for the performance of the Rajasuya sacrifice. Thou knowest everything, O Bharata. I shall, however, still tell thee something.
Those persons in the world that now go by the name of Kshatriyas are inferior (in everything) to those Kshatriyas that Rama, the son of Jamadagnya, exterminated.' O lord of the earth, O bull of the Bharata race, thou knowest what form of rule these Kshatriyas, guided by the instructions traditionally handed down from generation to generation, have established amongst their own order, and how far they are competent to perform the Rajasuya sacrifice.
The numerous royal lines and other ordinary Kshatriyas all represent themselves to be the descendants of Aila and Ikshwaku. The descendants of Aila, O king, as, indeed, the kings of Ikshwaku's race, are, know O bull of the Bharata race, each divided into a hundred separate dynasties. The descendants of Yayati and the Bhojas are great, both in extent (number) and accomplishments. O king, these last are to-day scattered all over the earth. And all the Kshatriyas worship the prosperity of those monarchs.
Kshatriyas in support of Jarasandha
Kshatriyas in support of Jarasandha: At present, however, O monarch, king Jarasandha, overcoming that prosperity enjoyed by their whole order, and overpowering them by his energy hath set himself over the heads of all these kings. And Jarasandha, enjoying the sovereignty over the middle portion of the earth (Mathura), resolved to create a disunion amongst ourselves. O monarch, the king who is the lord paramount of all kings, and in whom alone the dominion of the universe is centered, properly deserves to be called an emperor. And, O monarch, king Sisupala endued with great energy, hath placed himself under his protection and hath become the generalissimo of his forces. And, O great king, the mighty Vaka, the king of the Karushas, capable of fighting by putting forth his powers of illusion, waiteth, upon Jarasandha, as his disciple. There are two others, Hansa and Dimvaka, of great energy and great soul, who have sought the shelter of the mighty Jarasandha. There are others also viz., Dantavakra, Karusha, Karava, Meghavahana, that wait upon Jarasandha. He also that beareth on his head that gem which is known as the most wonderful on earth, that king of the Yavanas, who hath chastised Muru and Naraka, whose power is unlimited, and who ruleth the west like another Varuna, who is called Bhagadatta, and who is the old friend of thy father, hath bowed his head before Jarasandha, by speech and specially by act. In his heart, however, [p. 33]: tied as he is by affection to thee, he regardeth thee as a father regardeth his child. O king, that lord of the earth who hath his dominions on the west and the south, who is thy maternal uncle and who is called Purujit, that brave perpetuator of the Kunti race, that slayer of all foes, is the single king that regardeth thee from affection. He whom I did not formerly slay, that wicked wretch amongst the Chedis, who represented himself in this world as a divine personage and who hath become known also as such, and who always beareth, from foolishness, the signs that distinguish me that king of Vanga Pundra and the Kiratas, endowed with great strength, and who is known on earth by the names of Paundraka and Vasudeva hath also espoused the side of Jarasandha. And, O king of kings, Bhishmaka, the mighty king of the Bhojas--the friend of Indra--the slayer of hostile heroes--who governs a fourth part of the world, who by his learning conquered the Pandyas and the Krathakaishikas, whose brother the brave Akriti was like Rama, the son of Jamdagni, hath become a servitor to the king of Magadha. We are his relatives and are, therefore, engaged everyday in doing what is agreeable unto him. But although we regard him much, still he regardeth us not and is engaged in doing us ill. And, O king, without knowing his own strength and the dignity of the race to which he belongeth, he hath placed himself under Jarasandha's shelter at sight of the latter's blazing fame alone.
Tribes fled out of fear of Jarasandha (II.13.25)
Tribes fled out of fear of Jarasandha: And, O exalted one, the eighteen tribes of the Bhojas, from fear of Jarasandha, have all fled towards the west; so also have the Surasenas (II.13.25), the Bhadrakas, the Vodhas, the Salwas, the Patachcharas, the Susthalas, the Sukuttas, and the Kulindas, along with the Kuntis. And the king of the Salwayana tribe with their brethren and followers; and the southern Panchalas and the eastern Kosalas have all fled to the country of the Kuntis. So also the Matsyas and the Sannyastapadas, overcome with fear, leaving their dominions in the north, have fled into the southern country. And so all the Panchalas, alarmed at the power of Jarasandha, have left their own kingdom and fled in all directions.
Some time before, the foolish Kansa, having persecuted the Yadavas, married two of the daughters of Jarasandha. They are called Asti and Prapti and are the sister of Sahadeva. Strengthened by such an alliance, the fool persecuting his relatives gained an ascendency over them all. But by this conduct he earned great obloquy. The wretch also began to oppress the old kings of the Bhoja tribe, but they, to protect themselves from the persecution of their relative, sought our help. Having bestowed upon Akrura the handsome daughter of Ahuka, with Sankarshana as my second I did a service to my relatives, for both Kansa and Sunaman were slain by me assisted by Rama. But after the immediate cause of fear was removed (by the death of Kansa), Jarasandha, his father-in-law, took up arms. Ourselves consisting of the eighteen younger branches of the Yadavas arrived at the conclusion that even if we struck our enemies continually with excellent weapons capable of taking the lives of the foes, we should [p. 34]: still be unable to do anything unto him even in three hundred years. He hath two friends that are like unto the immortals, and in point of strength the foremost of all men endued with might. They are called Hansa and Dimvaka who are both incapable of being slain by weapons. The mighty Jarasandha, being united with them, becomes incapable, I think, of being vanquished by even the three worlds. O thou foremost of all intelligent men, this is not our opinion alone but all other kings also are of the same mind. There lived, O monarch, a king of the name of Hansa, who was slain by Rama (Valadeva) after a battle of eighteen days. But, O Bharata, hearing people say that Hansa had been killed, Dimvaka, O king, thought that he could not live without Hansa. He accordingly jumped into the waters of the Yamuna and killed himself. Afterwards when Hansa, the subjugator of hostile heroes, heard that Dimvaka, had killed himself, he went to the Yamuna and jumped into its waters. Then, O bull of the Bharata race, king Jarasandha, hearing that both Hansa and Dimvaka had been killed, returned to his kingdom with an empty heart. After Jarasandha had returned, O slayer of all foes, we were filled with pleasure and continued to live at Mathura. Then the widow of Hansa and the daughter of Jarasandha, that handsome woman with eyes like lotus-petals, grieved at the death of her lord, went unto her father, and repeatedly urged, O Monarch, the king of Magadha, saying,--O slayer of all foes, kill thou the slayer of my husband.--Then, O great king, remembering the conclusion to which we had come of old we became exceedingly cheerless and fled from Mathura. Dividing our large wealth into small portions so as to make each portion easily portable, we fled from fear of Jarasandha, with our cousins and relatives. Reflecting upon everything, we fled towards the west. There is a delightful town towards the west called Kusasthali, adorned by the mountains of Raivata. In that city, O monarch, we took up our abode. We rebuilt its fort and made it so strong that it has become impregnable even to the Gods. And from within it even the women might fight the foe, what to speak of the Yadava heroes without fear of any kind? O slayer of all foes, we are now living in that city. And, O tiger of the Kuru race, considering the inaccessibility of that first of mountains and regarding themselves as having already crossed the fear of Jarasandha, the descendants of Madhu have become exceedingly glad. Thus, O king, though possessed of strength and energy, yet from the oppressions of Jarasandha we have been obliged to repair to the mountains of Gomanta, measuring three Yojanas in length. Within each yojana have been established one and twenty posts of armed men. And at intervals of each yojana are hundred gates with arches which are defended by valourous heroes engaged in guarding them. And innumerable Kshatriyas invincible in war, belonging to the eighteen younger branches of the Yadavas, are employed in defending these works. In our race, O king, there are full eighteen thousand brothers and cousins. Ahuka hath had a hundred sons, each of
[p. 35]: whom is almost like a god (in prowess), Charudeshna with his brother Chakradeva, Satyaki, myself, Valadeva the son of Rohini, and my son Samva who is equal unto me in battle--these seven, O king are Atirathas. Besides these, there are others, O king, whom I shall presently name. They are Kritavarman, Anadhrishti, Samika, Samitinjaya, Kanka, Sanku and Kunti. These seven are Maharathas. There are also two sons of Andhaka-bhoja, and the old king himself. Endued with great energy these are all heroes, each mighty as the thunderbolt. These Maharathas, choosing the middle country, are now living amongst the Vrishnis.
O thou best of the Bharata line, thou alone art worthy of being an emperor. It behoveth thee, O Bharata, to establish thy empire over all the Kshatriyas. But this is my judgment, O king, that thou wilt not be able to celebrate the Rajasuya sacrifice as long as the mighty Jarasandha liveth. By him have been immured in his hillfort numerous monarchs, like a lion that hath deposited the slain bodies of mighty elephants within a cave of the king of mountains. O slayer of all enemies, king Jarasandha, desirous of offering in sacrifice hundred monarchs, adored for his fierce ascetic penances the illustrious god of gods, the lord of Uma. It is by this means that the kings of the earth have been vanquished by Jarasandha. And, O best of monarchs, he hath by that means been able to fulfil the vow he had made relative to his sacrifice. By defeating the kings with their troops and bringing all of them as captives into this city, he had swelled its crowds enormously. We also, O king, from fear of Jarasandha, at one time had to leave Mathura and fly to the city of Dwaravati. If, O great king, thou desirest to perform this sacrifice, strive to release the kings confined by Jarasandha, as also to compass his death. O son of the Kuru race, otherwise this undertaking of thine can never be completed. O thou foremost of intelligent men if the Rajasuya is to be performed by thee, you must do this in this way and not otherwise. This, O king, is my view (on the matter). Do, O sinless one, as thou thinkest. Under these circumstances, O king, having reflected upon everything, taking note of causes, tell us what thou thyself thinkest proper."
Mahabharata Book 2 Chapter 13: Sanskrit
1 [क] सर्वैर गुणैर महाराज राजसूयं तवम अर्हसि जानतस तव एव ते सर्वं किं चिथ वक्ष्यामि भारत 2 जामथग्न्येन रामेण कषत्रं यथ अवशेषितम तस्माथ अवरजं लॊके यथ इथं कषत्रसंज्ञितम 3 कृतॊ ऽयं कुलसंकल्पः कषत्रियैर वसुधाधिप निथेशवाग्भिस तत ते ह विथितं भरतर्षभ 4 ऐलस्येक्ष्वाकु वंशस्य परकृतिं परिचक्षते राजानः शरेणि बथ्धाश च ततॊ ऽनये कषत्रिया भुवि 5 ऐल वंश्यास तु ये राजंस तदैवेक्ष्वाकवॊ नृपाः तानि चैकशतं विथ्धि कुलानि भरतर्षभ 6 ययातेस तव एव भॊजानां विस्तरॊ ऽतिगुणॊ महान भजते च महाराज विस्तरः स चतुर्थशम 7 तेषां तदैव तां लक्ष्मीं सर्वक्षत्रम उपासते सॊ ऽवनीं मध्यमां भुक्त्वा मिदॊ भेथेष्व अमन्यत 8 चतुर्युस तव अपरॊ राजा यस्मिन्न एकशतॊ ऽभवत स साम्राज्यं जरासंधः पराप्तॊ भवति यॊनितः 9 तं स राजा महाप्राज्ञ संश्रित्य किल सर्वशः राजन सेनापतिर जातः शिशुपालः परतापवान 10 तम एव च महाराज शिष्यवत समुपस्दितः वक्रः करूषाधिपतिर माया यॊधी महाबलः 11 अपरौ च महावीर्यौ महात्मानौ समाश्रितौ जरासंधं महावीर्यं तौ हंसडिभकाव उभौ 12 दन्तवक्रः करूषश च कलभॊ मेघवाहनः मूर्ध्ना थिव्यं मणिं बिभ्रथ यं तं भूतमणिं विथुः 13 मुरं च नरकं चैव शास्ति यॊ यवनाधिपौ अपर्यन्त बलॊ राजा परतीच्यां वरुणॊ यदा 14 भगथत्तॊ महाराज वृथ्धस तव पितुः सखा स वाचा परणतस तस्य कर्मणा चैव भारत 15 सनेहबथ्धस तु पितृवन मनसा भक्तिमांस तवयि परतीच्यां थक्षिणं चान्तं पृदिव्याः पाति यॊ नृपः 16 मातुलॊ भवतः शूरः पुरुजित कुन्तिवर्धनः स ते संनतिमान एकः सनेहतः शत्रुतापनः 17 जरासंधं गतस तव एवं पुरा यॊ न मया हतः पुरुषॊत्तम विज्ञातॊ यॊ ऽसौ चेथिषु थुर्मतिः 18 आत्मानं परतिजानाति लॊके ऽसमिन पुरुषॊत्तमम आथत्ते सततं मॊहाथ यः स चिह्नं च मामकम 19 वङ्ग पुण्ड्र किरातेषु राजा बलसमन्वितः पौण्ड्रकॊ वासुथेवेति यॊ ऽसौ लॊकेषु विश्रुतः 20 चतुर्युः स महाराज भॊज इन्थ्र सखॊ बली विद्या वलाद् यॊ व्यजयत् पाण्ड्य क्रथकैशिकान् 21 भराता यस्याहृतिः शूरॊ जामथग्न्य समॊ युधि स भक्तॊ मागधं राजा भीष्मकः परवीरहा 22 परियाण्य आचरतः परह्वान सथा संबन्धिनः सतः भजतॊ न भजत्य अस्मान अप्रियेषु वयवस्दितः 23 न कुलं न बलं राजन्न अभिजानंस तदात्मनः पश्यमानॊ यशॊ थीप्तं जरासंधम उपाश्रितः 24 उथीच्यभॊजाश च तदा कुलान्य अष्टा दशाभिभॊ जरासंध भयाथ एव परतीचीं थिशम आश्रिताः 25 शूरसेना भद्र कारा बॊधाः शाल्वाः पतच चराः सुस्थलाश च सुकुट्टाश च कुणिन्थाः कुन्तिभिः सह 26 शाल्वेयानां च राजानः सॊथर्यानुचरैः सह थक्षिणा ये च पाञ्चालाः पूर्वाः कुन्तिषु कॊशलाः 27 तदॊत्तरां थिशं चापि परित्यज्य भयार्थिताः मत्स्याः संन्यस्तपाथाश च थक्षिणां थिशम आश्रिताः 28 तदैव सर्वपाञ्चाला जरासंध भयार्थिताः सवराष्ट्रं संपरित्यज्य विथ्रुताः सर्वतॊथिशम 29 कस्य चित तव अद कालस्य कंसॊ निर्मद्य बान्धवान बार्हथ्रद सुते थेव्याव उपागच्छथ वृदा मतिः 30 अस्तिः पराप्तिश च नाम्ना ते सहथेवानुजे ऽबले बलेन तेन स जञातीन अभिभूय वृदा मतिः 31 शरैष्ठ्यं पराप्तः स तस्यासीथ अतीवापनयॊ महान भॊजराजन्य वृथ्धैस तु पीड्यमानैर थुरात्मना 32 जञातित्राणम अभीप्सथ्भिर अस्मत संभावना कृता थत्त्वाक्रूराय सुतनुं ताम आहुक सुतां तथा 33 संकर्षण थवितीयेन जञातिकार्यं मया कृतम हतौ कंस सुनामानौ मया रामेण चाप्य उत 34 भये तु समुपक्रान्ते जरासंधे समुथ्यते मन्त्रॊ ऽयं मन्त्रितॊ राजन कुलैर अष्टा थशावरैः 35 अनारमन्तॊ निघ्नन्तॊ महास्त्रैः शतघातिभिः न हन्याम वयं तस्य तरिभिर वर्षशतैर बलम 36 तस्य हय अमरसंकाशौ बलेण बलिनां वरौ नामभ्यां हंसडिभकाव इत्य आस्तां यॊधसत्तमौ 37 ताव उभौ सहितौ वीरौ जरासंधश च वीर्यवान तरयस तरयाणां लॊकानां पर्याप्ता इति मे मतिः 38 न हि केवलम अस्माकं यावन्तॊ ऽनये च पार्दिवाः तदैव तेषाम आसीच च बुथ्धिर बुथ्धिमतां वर 39 अद हंस इति खयातः कश चिथ आसीन महान नृपः स चान्यैः सहितॊ राजन संग्रामे ऽषटा थशावरैः 40 हतॊ हंस इति परॊक्तम अद केनापि भारत तच छरुत्वा डिभकॊ राजन यमुनाम्भस्य अमज्जत 41 विना हंसेन लॊके ऽसमिन नाहं जीवितुम उत्सहे इत्य एतां मतिम आस्दाय डिभकॊ निधनं गतः 42 तदा तु डिभकं शरुत्वा हंसः परपुरंजयः परपेथे यमुनाम एव सॊ ऽपि तस्यां नयमज्जत 43 तौ स राजा जरासंधः शरुत्वाप्सु निधनं गतौ सवपुरं शूरसेनानां परययौ भरतर्षभ 44 ततॊ वयम अमित्रघ्न तस्मिन परतिगते नृपे पुनर आनन्थिताः सर्वे मथुरायां वसामहे 45 यथा तव अभ्येत्य पितरं सा वै राजीवलॊचना कंस भार्या जरासंधं थुहिता मागधं नृपम 46 चॊथयत्य एव राजेन्थ्र पतिव्यसनथुःखिता पतिघ्नं मे जहीत्य एवं पुनः पुनर अरिन थम 47 ततॊ वयं महाराज तं मन्त्रं पूर्वमन्त्रितम संस्मरन्तॊ विमनसॊ वयपयाता नराधिप 48 पृदक्त्वेन थरुता राजन संक्षिप्य महतीं शरियम परपतामॊ भयात तस्य सधन जञातिबान्धवाः 49 इति संचिन्त्य सर्वे सम परतीचीं थिशम आश्रिताः कुश सदलीं पुरीं रम्यां रैवतेनॊपशॊभिताम 50 पुनर निवेशनं तस्यां कृतवन्तॊ वयं नृप तदैव थुर्ग संस्कारं थेवैर अपि थुरासथम 51 सत्रियॊ ऽपि यस्यां युध्येयुः किं पुनर वृष्णिपुंगवाः तस्यां वयम अमित्रघ्न निवसामॊ ऽकुतॊभयाः 52 आलॊक्य गिरिमुख्यं तं माधवी तीर्दम एव च माधवाः कुरुशार्थूल परां मुथम अवाप्नुवन 53 एवं वयं जरासंधाथ आथितः कृतकिल्बिषाः सामर्द्यवन्तः संबन्धाथ भवन्तं (?गोमन्तं) समुपाश्रिताः 54 तरियॊजनायतं सथ्म तरिस्कन्धं यॊजनाथ अधि यॊजनान्ते शतथ्वारं विक्रमक्रमतॊरणम अष्टा थशावरैर नथ्धं कषत्रियैर युथ्धथुर्मथैः 55 अष्टा थशसहस्राणि वरतानां सन्ति नः कुले आहुकस्य शतं पुत्रा एकैकस तरिशतावरः 56 चारु थेष्णः सह भरात्रा चक्रथेवॊ ऽद सात्यकिः अहं च रौहिणेयश च साम्बः शौरि समॊ युधि 57 एवम एते रदा सप्त राजन्न अन्यान निबॊध मे कृतवर्मा अनाधृष्टिः समीकः समितिंजयः 58 कह्वः शङ्कुर निथान्तश च सप्तैवैते महारदाः पुत्रौ चान्धकभॊजस्य(Andhaka+Bhoja) वृथ्धॊ राजा च ते थश 59 लॊकसंहनना वीरा वीर्यवन्तॊ महाबलाः समरन्तॊ मध्यमं थेशं वृष्णिमध्ये गतव्यदाः 60 स तवं सम्राड गुणैर युक्तः सथा भरतसत्तम कषत्रे सम्राजम आत्मानं कर्तुम अर्हसि भारत 61 न तु शक्यं जरासंधे जीवमाने महाबले राजसूयस तवया पराप्तुम एषा राजन मतिर मम 62 तेन रुथ्धा हि राजानः सर्वे जित्वा गिरिव्रजे कन्थरायां गिरीन्थ्रस्य सिंहेनेव महाथ्विपाः 63 सॊ ऽपि राजा जरासंधॊ यियक्षुर वसुधाधिपैः आराध्य हि महाथेवं निर्जितास तेन पार्दिवाः 64 स हि निर्जित्य निर्जित्य पार्दिवान पृतना गतान पुरम आनीय बथ्ध्वा च चकार पुरुषव्रजम 65 वयं चैव महाराज जरासंध भयात तथा मथुरां संपरित्यज्य गता दवारवतीं पुरीम 66 यथि तव एनं महाराज यज्ञं पराप्तुम इहेच्छसि यतस्व तेषां मॊक्षाय जरासंध वधाय च 67 समारम्भॊ हि शक्यॊ ऽयं नान्यदा कुरुनन्थन राजसूयस्य कार्त्स्न्येन कत्रुं मतिमतां वर 68 इत्य एषा मे मती राजन यदा वा मन्यसे ऽनघ एवंगते ममाचक्ष्व सवयं निश्चित्य हेतुभिः
Mahabharata Book 2 Chapter 13: Transliteration
1 [k] sarvair guṇair mahārāja rājasūyaṃ tvam arhasi jānatas tv eva te sarvaṃ kiṃ cid vakṣyāmi bhārata 2 jāmadagnyena rāmeṇa kṣatraṃ yad avaśeṣitam tasmād avarajaṃ loke yad idaṃ kṣatrasaṃjñitam 3 kṛto 'yaṃ kulasaṃkalpaḥ kṣatriyair vasudhādhipa nideśavāgbhis tat te ha viditaṃ bharatarṣabha 4 ailasyekṣvāku vaṃśasya prakṛtiṃ paricakṣate rājānaḥ śreṇi baddhāś ca tato 'nye kṣatriyā bhuvi 5 aila vaṃśyās tu ye rājaṃs tathaivekṣvākavo nṛpāḥ tāni caikaśataṃ viddhi kulāni bharatarṣabha 6 yayātes tv eva bhojānāṃ vistaro 'tiguṇo mahān bhajate ca mahārāja vistaraḥ sa caturdaśam 7 teṣāṃ tathaiva tāṃ lakṣmīṃ sarvakṣatram upāsate so 'vanīṃ madhyamāṃ bhuktvā mitho bhedeṣv amanyata 8 caturyus tv aparo rājā yasminn ekaśato 'bhavat sa sāmrājyaṃ jarāsaṃdhaḥ prāpto bhavati yonitaḥ 9 taṃ sa rājā mahāprājña saṃśritya kila sarvaśaḥ rājan senāpatir jātaḥ śiśupālaḥ pratāpavān 10 tam eva ca mahārāja śiṣyavat samupasthitaḥ vakraḥ karūṣādhipatir māyā yodhī mahābalaḥ 11 aparau ca mahāvīryau mahātmānau samāśritau jarāsaṃdhaṃ mahāvīryaṃ tau haṃsaḍibhakāv ubhau 12 dantavakraḥ karūṣaś ca kalabho meghavāhanaḥ mūrdhnā divyaṃ maṇiṃ bibhrad yaṃ taṃ bhūtamaṇiṃ viduḥ 13 muraṃ ca narakaṃ caiva śāsti yo yavanādhipau aparyanta balo rājā pratīcyāṃ varuṇo yathā 14 bhagadatto mahārāja vṛddhas tava pituḥ sakhā sa vācā praṇatas tasya karmaṇā caiva bhārata 15 snehabaddhas tu pitṛvan manasā bhaktimāṃs tvayi pratīcyāṃ dakṣiṇaṃ cāntaṃ pṛthivyāḥ pāti yo nṛpaḥ 16 mātulo bhavataḥ śūraḥ purujit kuntivardhanaḥ sa te saṃnatimān ekaḥ snehataḥ śatrutāpanaḥ 17 jarāsaṃdhaṃ gatas tv evaṃ purā yo na mayā hataḥ puruṣottama vijñāto yo 'sau cediṣu durmatiḥ 18 ātmānaṃ pratijānāti loke 'smin puruṣottamam ādatte satataṃ mohād yaḥ sa cihnaṃ ca māmakam 19 vaṅga puṇḍra kirāteṣu rājā balasamanvitaḥ pauṇḍrako vāsudeveti yo 'sau lokeṣu viśrutaḥ 20 caturyuḥ sa mahārāja bhoja indra sakho balī vidyā balād yo vyajayat pāṇḍya krathaka kaiśikān 21 bhrātā yasyāhṛtiḥ śūro jāmadagnya samo yudhi sa bhakto māgadhaṃ rājā bhīṣmakaḥ paravīrahā 22 priyāṇy ācarataḥ prahvān sadā saṃbandhinaḥ sataḥ bhajato na bhajaty asmān apriyeṣu vyavasthitaḥ 23 na kulaṃ na balaṃ rājann abhijānaṃs tathātmanaḥ paśyamāno yaśo dīptaṃ jarāsaṃdham upāśritaḥ 24 udīcyabhojāś ca tathā kulāny aṣṭā daśābhibho jarāsaṃdha bhayād eva pratīcīṃ diśam āśritāḥ 25 śūrasenā bhadra kārā bodhāḥ śālvāḥ patac carāḥ sustharāś ca sukuṭṭāś ca kuṇindāḥ kuntibhiḥ saha 26 śālveyānāṃ ca rājānaḥ sodaryānucaraiḥ saha dakṣiṇā ye ca pāñcālāḥ pūrvāḥ kuntiṣu kośalāḥ 27 tathottarāṃ diśaṃ cāpi parityajya bhayārditāḥ matsyāḥ saṃnyastapādāś ca dakṣiṇāṃ diśam āśritāḥ 28 tathaiva sarvapāñcālā jarāsaṃdha bhayārditāḥ svarāṣṭraṃ saṃparityajya vidrutāḥ sarvatodiśam 29 kasya cit tv atha kālasya kaṃso nirmathya bāndhavān bārhadratha sute devyāv upāgacchad vṛthā matiḥ 30 astiḥ prāptiś ca nāmnā te sahadevānuje 'bale balena tena sa jñātīn abhibhūya vṛthā matiḥ 31 śraiṣṭhyaṃ prāptaḥ sa tasyāsīd atīvāpanayo mahān bhojarājanya vṛddhais tu pīḍyamānair durātmanā 32 jñātitrāṇam abhīpsadbhir asmat saṃbhāvanā kṛtā dattvākrūrāya sutanuṃ tām āhuka sutāṃ tadā 33 saṃkarṣaṇa dvitīyena jñātikāryaṃ mayā kṛtam hatau kaṃsa sunāmānau mayā rāmeṇa cāpy uta 34 bhaye tu samupakrānte jarāsaṃdhe samudyate mantro 'yaṃ mantrito rājan kulair aṣṭā daśāvaraiḥ 35 anāramanto nighnanto mahāstraiḥ śataghātibhiḥ na hanyāma vayaṃ tasya tribhir varṣaśatair balam 36 tasya hy amarasaṃkāśau baleṇa balināṃ varau nāmabhyāṃ haṃsaḍibhakāv ity āstāṃ yodhasattamau 37 tāv ubhau sahitau vīrau jarāsaṃdhaś ca vīryavān trayas trayāṇāṃ lokānāṃ paryāptā iti me matiḥ 38 na hi kevalam asmākaṃ yāvanto 'nye ca pārthivāḥ tathaiva teṣām āsīc ca buddhir buddhimatāṃ vara 39 atha haṃsa iti khyātaḥ kaś cid āsīn mahān nṛpaḥ sa cānyaiḥ sahito rājan saṃgrāme 'ṣṭā daśāvaraiḥ 40 hato haṃsa iti proktam atha kenāpi bhārata tac chrutvā ḍibhako rājan yamunāmbhasy amajjata 41 vinā haṃsena loke 'smin nāhaṃ jīvitum utsahe ity etāṃ matim āsthāya ḍibhako nidhanaṃ gataḥ 42 tathā tu ḍibhakaṃ śrutvā haṃsaḥ parapuraṃjayaḥ prapede yamunām eva so 'pi tasyāṃ nyamajjata 43 tau sa rājā jarāsaṃdhaḥ śrutvāpsu nidhanaṃ gatau svapuraṃ śūrasenānāṃ prayayau bharatarṣabha 44 tato vayam amitraghna tasmin pratigate nṛpe punar ānanditāḥ sarve mathurāyāṃ vasāmahe 45 yadā tv abhyetya pitaraṃ sā vai rājīvalocanā kaṃsa bhāryā jarāsaṃdhaṃ duhitā māgadhaṃ nṛpam 46 codayaty eva rājendra pativyasanaduḥkhitā patighnaṃ me jahīty evaṃ punaḥ punar arin dama 47 tato vayaṃ mahārāja taṃ mantraṃ pūrvamantritam saṃsmaranto vimanaso vyapayātā narādhipa 48 pṛthaktvena drutā rājan saṃkṣipya mahatīṃ śriyam prapatāmo bhayāt tasya sadhana jñātibāndhavāḥ 49 iti saṃcintya sarve sma pratīcīṃ diśam āśritāḥ kuśa sthalīṃ purīṃ ramyāṃ raivatenopaśobhitām 50 punar niveśanaṃ tasyāṃ kṛtavanto vayaṃ nṛpa tathaiva durga saṃskāraṃ devair api durāsadam 51 striyo 'pi yasyāṃ yudhyeyuḥ kiṃ punar vṛṣṇipuṃgavāḥ tasyāṃ vayam amitraghna nivasāmo 'kutobhayāḥ 52 ālokya girimukhyaṃ taṃ mādhavī tīrtham eva ca mādhavāḥ kuruśārdūla parāṃ mudam avāpnuvan 53 evaṃ vayaṃ jarāsaṃdhād āditaḥ kṛtakilbiṣāḥ sāmarthyavantaḥ saṃbandhād bhavantaṃ samupāśritāḥ 54 triyojanāyataṃ sadma triskandhaṃ yojanād adhi yojanānte śatadvāraṃ vikramakramatoraṇam aṣṭā daśāvarair naddhaṃ kṣatriyair yuddhadurmadaiḥ 55 aṣṭā daśasahasrāṇi vratānāṃ santi naḥ kule āhukasya śataṃ putrā ekaikas triśatāvaraḥ 56 cāru deṣṇaḥ saha bhrātrā cakradevo 'tha sātyakiḥ ahaṃ ca rauhiṇeyaś ca sāmbaḥ śauri samo yudhi 57 evam ete rathā sapta rājann anyān nibodha me kṛtavarmā anādhṛṣṭiḥ samīkaḥ samitiṃjayaḥ 58 kahvaḥ śaṅkur nidāntaś ca saptaivaite mahārathāḥ putrau cāndhakabhojasya vṛddho rājā ca te daśa 59 lokasaṃhananā vīrā vīryavanto mahābalāḥ smaranto madhyamaṃ deśaṃ vṛṣṇimadhye gatavyathāḥ 60 sa tvaṃ samrāḍ guṇair yuktaḥ sadā bharatasattama kṣatre samrājam ātmānaṃ kartum arhasi bhārata 61 na tu śakyaṃ jarāsaṃdhe jīvamāne mahābale rājasūyas tvayā prāptum eṣā rājan matir mama 62 tena ruddhā hi rājānaḥ sarve jitvā girivraje kandarāyāṃ girīndrasya siṃheneva mahādvipāḥ 63 so 'pi rājā jarāsaṃdho yiyakṣur vasudhādhipaiḥ ārādhya hi mahādevaṃ nirjitās tena pārthivāḥ 64 sa hi nirjitya nirjitya pārthivān pṛtanā gatān puram ānīya baddhvā ca cakāra puruṣavrajam 65 vayaṃ caiva mahārāja jarāsaṃdha bhayāt tadā mathurāṃ saṃparityajya gatā dvāravatīṃ purīm 66 yadi tv enaṃ mahārāja yajñaṃ prāptum ihecchasi yatasva teṣāṃ mokṣāya jarāsaṃdha vadhāya ca 67 samārambho hi śakyo 'yaṃ nānyathā kurunandana rājasūyasya kārtsnyena katruṃ matimatāṃ vara 68 ity eṣā me matī rājan yathā vā manyase 'nagha evaṃgate mamācakṣva svayaṃ niścitya hetubhiḥ
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