Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 28

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Mahabharata Book II Chapter 28:English


mentions Sahadeva's victory march towards south: kings and tribes defeated

Vaisampayana said,--"thus also Sahadeva, dismissed with affection by king Yudhisthira the just, marched towards the southern direction accompanied by a mighty host. Strong in strength, that mighty prince of the Kuru race, vanquishing completely at the outset the Surasenas, brought the king of Matsya under his sway.

And the hero then, defeating Dantavakra, the mighty king of the Adhirajas and making him pay tribute, re-established him on his throne. The prince then brought under his sway Sukumara and then king Sumitra, and he next vanquished the other Matsyas and then the Patacharas.

Endued with great intelligence, the Kuru warrior then conquered soon enough the country of the Nishadas and also the high hill called Gosringa, and that lord of earth called Srenimat.

And subjugating next the country called Navarashtra, the hero marched against Kuntibhoja, who with great willingness accepted the sway of the conquering hero. And marching thence to the banks of the Charmanwati, the Kuru warrior met the son of king Jamvaka, who had, on account of old hostilities, been defeated before by Vasudeva. O Bharata, the son of Jamvaka gave battle to Sahadeva.

And Sahadeva defeating the prince marched towards the south. The mighty warrior then vanquished the Sekas and others, and exacted tributes from them and also various kinds of gems and wealth.

Allying himself with the vanquished tribes the prince then marched towards the countries that lay on the banks of the Narmada. And defeating there in battle the two heroic kings of Avanti, called Vinda and Anuvinda, supported by a mighty host, the mighty son of the twin gods exacted much wealth from them.

After this (Avanti) the hero marched towards the town of Bhojakata, and there, O king of unfading glory, a fierce encounter took place between him and the king of that city for two whole days. But the son of Madri (Sahdeva), vanquishing the invincible Bhismaka, then defeated in battle the king of Kosala and the ruler of the territories lying on the banks of the Venwa, as also the Kantarakas and the kings of the eastern Kosalas. The hero then defeating both the Natakeyas and the Herambakas in battle, and subjugating the country of Marudha, reduced Ramyagrama by sheer strength. And the son of Pandu then vanquished the mighty monarchs of the Nachinas and the Arbukas and the various forest king of that part of

p. 63: the country. Endued with great strength the hero then reduced to subjection king Atavika. And defeating in battle the Pulindas, the hero then marched southward. And the younger brother of Nakula then fought for one whole day with the king of Pandya. The long-armed hero having vanquished that monarch marched further to the south.

And then he beheld the celebrated caves of Kishkindhya and in that region fought for seven days with the Vanar (monkey) kings Mainda and Dwivida. Those illustrious kings however, without being tired an the encounter, were gratified with Sahadeva. And joyfully addressing the Kuru prince, they said,--'O tiger among the sons of Pandu, go hence, taking with the tribute from us all. Let the mission of the king Yudhishthira the just possessed of great intelligence, be accomplished without hindrance.

And taking jewels and gems from them all, the hero marched towards the city of Mahishmati, and there that bull of men did battle with king Nila. The battle that took place between king Nila and the mighty Sahadeva the son of Pandu, that slayer of hostile heroes, was fierce and terrible. And the encounter was an exceedingly bloody one, and the life of the hero himself was exposed to great risk, for the god Agni himself assisted king Nila in that fight. Then the cars, heroes, elephants, and the soldiers in their coats of mail of Sahadeva's army all appeared to be on fire. And beholding this the prince of the Kuru race became exceedingly anxious. And, O Janamejaya, at sight of this the hero could not resolve upon what he should do.

Janamejaya said,--O regenerate one, why was it that the god Agni become hostile in battle unto Sahadeva, who was fighting simply for the accomplishment of a sacrifice (and therefore, for the gratification of Agni himself)?

Vaisampayana said,--'It is said, O Janamejaya, that the god Agni while residing in Mahishmati, earned the reputation of a lover. King Nila had a daughter who was exceedingly beautiful. She used always to stay near the sacred fire of her father, causing it to blaze up with vigour. And it so happened that king Nila's fire, even if fanned, would not blaze up till agitated by the gentle breath of that girl's fair lips. And it was said in King Nila's palace and in the house of all his subjects that the god Agni desired that beautiful girl for his bride. And it so happened that he was accepted by the girl herself. One day the deity assuming the form of a Brahmana, was happily enjoying the society of the fair one, when he was discovered by the king. And the virtuous king thereupon ordered the Brahmana to be punished according to law. At this the illustrious deity flamed up in wrath. And beholding this, the king wondered much and bent his head low on the ground. And after some time the king bowing low bestowed the daughter of his upon the god Agni, disguised as a Brahmana. And the god Vibhabasu (Agni) accepting that fair-browed daughter of king Nila, became gracious unto that monarch. And Agni, the illustrious gratifier (p. 64) of all desires also asked the monarch to beg a boon of him. And the king begged that his troops might never be struck with panic while engaged in battle. And from that time, O king, those monarchs who from ignorance of this, desire to subjugate king Nila's city, are consumed by Hutasana (Agni). And from that time, O perpetuator of the Kuru race, the girls of the city of Mahishmati became rather unacceptable to others (as wives). And Agni by his boon granted them sexual liberty, so that the women of that town always roam about at will, each unbound to a particular husband. And, O bull of the Bharata race, from that time the monarchs (of other countries) forsake this city for fear of Agni. And the virtuous Sahadeva, beholding his troops afflicted with fear and surrounded by flames of fire, himself stood there immovable as a mountain. And purifying himself and touching water, the hero (Sahadeva) then addressed Agni, the god that sanctifieth everything, in these words,--

'I bow unto thee, O thou whose track is always marked with smoke. These my exertions are all for thee. O thou sanctifier of all, thou art the mouth of the gods and thou art Sacrifice personified. Thou art called Pavaka because thou sanctifiest everything, and thou art Havyavahana, because thou carriest the clarified butter that is poured on thee.

The Veda have sprung for ministering unto thee, and, therefore, thou art called Jataveda. Chief of the gods as thou art, thou art called Chitrabhanu, Anala, Vibhavasu, Hutasana, Jvalana, Sikhi, Vaiswanara, Pingesa, Plavanga, Bhuritejah.

Thou art he from whom Kumara (Kartikeya) had his origin; thou art holy; thou art called Rudragarva and Hiranyakrit. Let thee, O Agni, grant me energy, let Vayu grant me life, let Earth grant me nourishment and strength, and let Water grant me prosperity. O Agni, thou who art the first cause of the waters, thou who art of great purity, thou for ministering unto whom the Vedas have sprung, thou who art the foremost of the deities, thou who art their mouth, O purify me by thy truth. Rishis and Brahmanas, Deities and Asuras pour clarified butter every day, according to the ordinance into thee during sacrifices. Let the rays of truth emanating from thee, while thou exhibitest thyself in those sacrifices, purify me. Smoke-bannered as thou art and possessed of flames, thou great purifier from all sins born of Vayu and ever present as thou art in all creatures, O purify me by the rays of thy truth. Having cleansed myself thus cheerfully, O exalted one, do I pray unto thee. O Agni, grant me now contentment and prosperity, and knowledge and gladness.

Vaisampayana continued.--'He that will pour clarified butter into Agni reciting these mantras, will ever be blessed with prosperity, and having his soul under complete control will also be cleansed from all his sins.

"Sahadeva, addressing Agni again, said,--'O carrier of the sacrificial libations, it behoveth thee not to obstruct a sacrifice!' Having said this, that tiger among men--the son of Madri--spreading some kusa grass on earth (p. 65) sat down in expectation of the (approaching) fire and in front of those terrified and anxious troops of his. And Agni, too, like the ocean that never transgresseth its continents, did not pass over his head. On the other hand approaching Sahadeva quietly and addressing that prince of the Kuru race, Agni that god of men gave him every assurance and said,--'O thou of the Kuru race, rise up from this posture. O rise up, I was only trying thee. I know all thy purpose, as also those of the son of Dharma (Yudhisthira). But, O best of the Bharata race, as long as there is a descendant of king Nila's line, so long should this town be protected by me. I will, however O son of Pandu, gratify the desires of thy heart. And at these words of Agni, O bull of the Bharata race, the son of Madri rose up with a cheerful heart, and joining his hands and bending his head worshipped that god of fire, sanctifier of all beings. And at last, after Agni had disappeared, king Nila came there, and at the command of that deity, worshipped with due rites Sahadeva, that tiger among men--that master of battle.

And Sahadeva accepted that worship and made him pay tribute. And having brought king Nila under his sway thus, the victorious son of Madri then went further towards the south.

The long-armed hero then brought the king of Tripura of immeasurable energy under his sway. And next turning his forces against the Paurava kingdom, he vanquished and reduced to subjection the monarch thereof.

And the prince, after this, with great efforts brought Ahriti, the king of Saurashtra and preceptor of the Kausikas under his sway. The virtuous prince, while staying in the kingdom of Saurashtra sent an ambassador unto king Rukmin of Bhishmaka within the territories of Bhojakata, who, rich in possessions and intelligence, was the friend of Indra himself. And the monarch along with his son, remembering their relationship with Krishna, cheerfully accepted, O king, the sway of the son of Pandu.

And the master of battle then, having exacted jewels and wealth from king Rukmin, marched further to the south. And, endued with great energy and great strength, the hero then, reduced to subjection, Surparaka and Talakata, and the Dandakas also.

The Kuru warrior then vanquished and brought under his subjection numberless kings of the Mlechchha tribe living on the sea coast (Sagaradvipa), and the Nishadas and the cannibals and even the Karnapravarnas, and those tribes also called the Kalamukhas who were a cross between human beings and Rakshasas, and the whole of the Cole mountains (Kolla-giri), and also Surabhipatana (Murchipattana), and the island called the Copper island (Tamradvipa), and the mountain called Ramaka.

The high-souled warrior, having brought under subjection king Timingila, conquered a wild tribe known by the name of the Kevakas who were men with one leg. The son of Pandu also conquered the town of Sanjayanti and the country of the Pashandas (Pichchhanda) and the Karahatakas by means of his messengers alone, and made all of them pay tributes to him.

The hero brought under his subjection and exacted tributes from the Paundrayas (Pandya) (p. 66) and the Dravidas along with the Udrakeralas (Udra+Kerala) and the Andhras and the Talavanas, the Kalingas and the Ushtrakarnikas, and also the delightful city of Antakhi and Roma and that of the Yavanas.

And, O king of kings, that slayer of all foes, the virtuous and intelligent son of Madri having arrived at the sea-shore Bharukachchha (भरुकच्छं), then despatched with great assurance messengers unto the illustrious Vibhishana, the grandson of Pulastya. And the monarch willingly accepted the sway of the son of Pandu, for that intelligent and exalted king regarded it all as the act of Time. And he sent unto the son of Pandu diverse kinds of jewels and gems, and sandal and also wood, and many celestial ornaments, and much costly apparel, and many valuable pearls. And the intelligent Sahadeva, accepting them all, returned to his own kingdom.

"Thus it was, O king, that slayer of all foes, having vanquished by conciliation and war numerous kings and having also made them pay tribute, came back to his own city. The bull of the Bharata race, having presented the whole of that wealth unto king Yudhisthira the just regarded himself, O Janamejaya, as crowned with success and continued to live happily."

Reference -

Sanskrit Verson

Mahabharata Book II Chapter 28:Sanskrit

 1  [व]
     तदैव सहथेवॊ ऽपि धर्मराजेन पूजितः
     महत्या सेनया सार्धं परययौ थक्षिणां थिशम
 2 स शूरसेनान कार्त्स्न्येन पूर्वम एवाजयत परभुः
     मत्स्यराजं च कौरव्यॊ वशे चक्रे बलाथ बली
 3 अधिराजाधिपं चैव थन्तवक्रं महाहवे
     जिगाय करथं चैव सवराज्ये संन्यवेशयत
 4 सुकुमारं वशे चक्रे सुमित्रं च नराधिपम
     तदैवापरमत्स्यांश च वयजयत स पटच चरान
 5 निषादभूमिं गॊशृङ्गं पर्वत परवरं तदा
     तरसा वयजयथ धीमाञ श्रेणिमन्तं च पार्दिवम
 6 नव राष्ट्रं विनिर्जित्य कुन्तिभॊजम उपाथ्रवत
     परीतिपूर्वं च तस्यासौ परतिजग्राह शासनम
 7 ततश चर्मण्वती कूले जम्भकस्यात्मजं नृपम
     थथर्श वासुथेवेन शेषितं पूर्ववैरिणा
 8 चक्रे तत्र स संग्रामं सह भॊजेन भारत
     स तम आजौ विनिर्जित्य थक्षिणाभिमुखॊ ययौ
 9 सेकानपरसेकांश्च रत्नानि विविधानि च
     ततस तैर एव सहितॊ नर्मदाम अभितॊ ययौ
 10 विन्दानुविन्दाव आवन्त्यौ सैन्येन महता वृतौ
    जिगाय समरे वीराव आश्विनेयः परतापवान
See (2-32-12a) to (2-32-22b) for additional shlokas from Wikisrota below
11 ततॊ रत्नान्य उपाथाय पुरीं माहिष्मतीं ययौ
    तत्र नीलेन राज्ञा सचक्रे युथ्धं नरर्षभः
12 पाण्डवः परवीरघ्नः सहथेवः परतापवान
    ततॊ ऽसय सुमहथ युथ्धम आसीथ भीरु भयंकरम
13 सैन्यक्षयकरं चैव पराणानां संशयाय च
    चक्रे तस्य हि साहाय्यं भगवान हव्यवाहनः
14 ततॊ हया रदा नागाः पुरुषाः कवचानि च
    परथीप्तानि वयथृश्यन्त सहथेव बले तथा
15 ततः सुसंभ्रान्त मना बभूव कुरुनन्थनः
    नॊत्तरं परतिवक्तुं च शक्तॊ ऽभूज जनमेजय
16 [ज]
    किमर्दं भगवान अग्निः परत्यमित्रॊ ऽभवथ युधि
    सहथेवस्य यज्ञार्दं घटमानस्य वै थविज
17 [व]
    तत्र माहिष्मती वासी भगवान हव्यवाहनः
    शरूयते निगृहीतॊ वै पुरस्तत पारथारिकः
18 नीलस्य राज्ञः पूर्वेषाम उपनीतश च सॊ ऽभवत
    तथा बराह्मणरूपेण चरमाणॊ यथृच्छया
19 तं तु राजा यदाशास्त्रम अन्वशाथ धार्मिकस तथा
    परजज्वाल ततः कॊपाथ भगवान हव्यवाहनः
20 तं थृष्ट्वा विस्मितॊ राजा जगाम शिरसा कविम
    चक्रे परसाथं च तथा तस्य राज्ञॊ विभावसुः
21 वरेण छन्थयाम आस तं नृपं सविष्टकृत्तमः
    अभयं च स जग्राह सवसैन्ये वै महीपतिः
22 ततः परभृति ये के चिथ अज्ञानात तां पुरीं नृपाः
    जिगीषन्ति बलाथ राजंस ते थह्यन्तीह वह्निना
23 तस्यां पुर्यां तथा चैव माहिष्मत्यां कुरूथ्वह
    बभूवुर अनभिग्राह्या यॊषितश छन्थतः किल
24 एवम अग्निर वरं पराथात सत्रीणाम अप्रतिवारणे
    सवैरिण्यस तत्र नार्यॊ हि यदेष्टं परचरन्त्य उत
25 वर्जयन्ति च राजानस तथ राष्ट्रं पुरुषॊत्तम
    भयाथ अग्नेर महाराज तथा परभृति सर्वथा
26 सहथेवस तु धर्मात्मा सैन्यं थृष्ट्वा भयार्थितम
    परीतम अग्निना राजन नाकम्पत यदा गिरिः
27 उपस्पृश्य शुचिर भूत्वा सॊ ऽबरवीत पावकं ततः
    तवथर्दॊ ऽयं समारम्भः कृष्णवर्त्मन नमॊ ऽसतु ते
28 मुखं तवम असि थेवानां यज्ञस तवम असि पावक
    पावनात पावकश चासि वहनाथ धव्यवाहनः
29 वेथास तवथर्दं जाताशजातवेथास ततॊ हय असि
    यज्ञविघ्नम इमं कर्तुं नार्हस तवं हव्यवाहन
30 एवम उक्त्वा तु माद्रेय: कुशैर आस्तीर्य मेथिनीम
    विधिवत पुरुषव्याघ्रः पावकं परत्युपाविशत
31 परमुखे सर्वसैन्यस्य भीतॊथ्विग्नस्य भारत
    न चैनम अत्यगाथ वह्निर वेलाम इव महॊथधिः
32 तम अभ्येत्य शनैर वह्निर उवाच कुरुनन्थनम
    सहथेवं नृणां थेवं सान्त्वपूर्वम इथं वचः
33 उत्तिष्ठॊत्तिष्ठ कौरव्य जिज्ञासेयं कृता मया
    वेथ्मि सर्वम अभिप्रायं तव धर्मसुतस्य च
34 मया तु रक्षितव्येयं पुरी भरतसत्तम
    यावथ राज्ञॊ ऽसय नीलस्य कुलवंशधरा इति
    ईप्सितं तु करिष्यामि मनसस तव पाण्डव
35 तत उत्दाय हृष्टात्मा पराञ्जलिः शिरसानतः
    पूजयाम आस माथ्रेयः पावकं पुरुषर्षभः
36 पावके विनिवृत्ते तु नीलॊ राजाभ्ययात तथा
    सत्कारेण नरव्याघ्रं सहथेवं युधां पतिम
37 परतिगृह्य च तां पूजां करे च विनिवेश्य तम
    माथ्री सुतस ततः परायाथ विजयी थक्षिणां थिशम
38 त्रैपुरं स वशे कृत्वा राजानम अमितौजसम
    निजग्राह महाबाहुस तरसा पॊतनेश्वरम
39 आहृतिं कौशिकाचार्यं यत्नेन महता ततः
    वशे चक्रे महाबाहुः सुराष्ट्राधिपतिं तदा
40 सुराष्ट्र विषयस्दश च परेषयाम आस रुक्मिणे
    राज्ञे भॊजकटस्दाय महामात्राय धीमते
41 भीष्मकाय स धर्मात्मा साक्षाथ इन्थ्र सखाय वै
    स चास्य ससुतॊ राजन परतिजग्राह शासनम
42 परीतिपूर्वं महाबाहुर वासुथेवम अवेक्ष्य च
    ततः स रत्नान्य आथाय पुनः परायाथ युधां पतिः
43 ततः शूर्पारकं चैव गणं Talakata ? चॊपकृताह्वयम
    वशे चक्रे महातेजा दण्डकांश च महाबलः
44 सागरद्वीपवासांश च नृपतीन मलेच्छ यॊनिजान
    निषादान पुरुषाथांश च कर्णप्रावरणान अपि
45 ये च कालमुखा नाम नरा राक्षसयॊनयः
    कृत्स्नं कॊल्ल गिरिं चैव मुरची पत्तनं तदा
46 द्वीपं ताम्राह्वयं चैव पर्वतं रामकं तदा
    तिमिङ्गिलं च नृपतिं वशे चक्रे महामतिः
47 एकपादांश च पुरुषान केवलान वनवासिनः
    नगरीं संजयन्तींपिच्छण्डं करहाटकम
    दूतैर एव वशे चक्रे करं चैनान अथापयत
48 पाण्ड्यांशदरविदांश चैव सहितांश चॊथ्र केरलैः
    अन्ध्रांस तलवनांश चैव कलिङ्गान ओष्ट्र कर्णिकान
49 अन्ताखीं चैव रॊमांयवनानां पुरं तदा
    दूतैर एव वशे चक्रे करं चैनान अथापयत
50 भरु कच्छं गतॊ धीमान थूतान माथ्रवतीसुतः
    परेषयाम आस राजेन्थ्र पौलस्त्याय महात्मने
    विभीषणाय धर्मात्मा परीतिपूर्वम अरिंथमः
51 स चास्य परतिजग्राह शासनं परीतिपूर्वकम
    तच च कालकृतं धीमान अन्वमन्यत स परभुः
52 ततः संप्रेषयाम आस रत्नानि विविधानि च
    चन्थनागुरुमुख्यानि थिव्यान्य आभरणानि च
53 वासांसि च महार्हाणि मणींश चैव महाधनान
    नयवर्तत ततॊ धीमान सहथेवः परतापवान
54 एवं निर्जित्य तरसा सान्त्वेन विजयेन च
    करथान पार्दिवान कृत्वा परत्यागच्छथ अरिंथमः
55 धर्मराजाय तत सर्वं निवेथ्य भरतर्षभ
    कृतकर्मा सुखं राजन्न उवास जनमेजय

विकिस्रोत: महाभारतम्-02-सभापर्व-032

दक्षिणदिग्विजये शूरसेनादीञ्जितवतः सहदेवस्य माहिष्मत्यां नीलेन सह युद्धम् ।। 1।।
नोलस्य अग्निसाहाय्यकरणकारणकथनम्।। 2।।
सहदेवस्तुत्या तुष्टस्याग्नेराज्ञया नीलेनार्चितस्य सहदेवस्य विभीषणात्करग् रहणार्थं घटोत्कचप्रेषणम्।। 3।।
वैशम्पाय उवाच।। 2-32-1x
तथैव सहदेवोऽपि धर्मराजेन पूजितः। 2-32-1a
महत्या सेनया राजन्प्रययौ दक्षिणां दिशम्।। 2-32-1b
स शूरसेनान्कार्त्स्न्येन पूर्वमेवाजयत्प्रभुः। 2-32-2a
मत्स्यराजं च कौरव्यो वशे चक्रे बलाद्बली।। 2-32-2b
अधिराजाधिपं चैव दन्तवक्रं महाबलम्। 2-32-3a
जिगाय करदं चैव कृत्वा राज्ये न्यवेशयत्।। 2-32-3b
सुकुमारं वशे चक्रे सुमित्रं च नराधिपम्। 2-32-4a
तथैवापरमत्स्यांश्च व्यजयत्स पटच्चरान्।। 2-32-4b
निषादभूमिं गोशृङ्गं पर्वतप्रवरं तथा। 2-32-5a
तरसैवाजयद्धीमाञ्श्रेणिमन्तं च पार्थिवम्।। 2-32-5b
नरराष्ट्रं च निर्जित्य कुन्तिभोजमुपाद्रवत्। 2-32-6a
प्रीतिपूर्वं च तस्यासौ प्रतिजग्राह शासनम्।। 2-32-6b
ततश्चर्मण्वतीकूले जम्भकस्यात्मजं नृपम्। 2-32-7a
ददर्श वासुदेवेन शेषितं पूर्ववैरिणा।। 2-32-7b
चक्रे तेन स सङ्ग्रामं सहदेवेन भारत। 2-32-8a
स तमाजौ विनिर्जित्य दक्षिणाभिमुखो ययौ।। 2-32-8b
सेकानपरसेकांश्च रत्नानि विविधानि च।। 2-32-9a
ततस्तेनैव सहितो नर्मदामभितो ययौ। 2-32-9b
`भगदत्तं महाबाहुं क्षत्रियं नरकात्मजम्। 2-32-10a
अर्जुनाय करं दत्तं श्रुत्वा तत्र न्यवर्तत'।। 2-32-10b
विन्दानुविन्दावावन्त्यौ सैन्येन महतावृतौ। 2-32-11a
जिगाय समरे वीरावाश्विनेयः प्रतापवान्।। 2-32-11b
ततो रत्नान्युपादाय पुरं भोजकटं ययौ। 2-32-12a
तत्र युद्धमभूद्राजन्दिवसद्वयमच्युत।। 2-32-12b
स विजित्य दुराधर्षं भीष्मकं माद्रिनन्दनः। 2-32-13a
कोसलाधिपतिं चैव तथा वेणातटाधिपम्।। 2-32-13b
कान्तारकांश्च समर तथा प्राकोटकान्नृपान्। 2-32-14a
नाटकेयांश्च समरे तथा हेरम्बकान्युधि।। 2-32-14b
मारुधं च विनिर्जित्य रम्यग्राममथो (मुंजग्राम[1]) बलात्। 2-32-15a
नाचीनानर्बुकांश्चैव राजानश्च महाबलः।। 2-32-15b
तांस्तानाटविकान्सर्वानजयत्पाण्डुनन्दनः। 2-32-16a
नाताधिपं च नृपतिं वशे चक्रे महाबलः।। 2-32-16b
पुलिन्दांश्च रणे जित्वा ययौ दक्षिणतः पुरः। 2-32-17a
युयुधे पाण्ड्यराजेन दिवसं नकुलानुजः।। 2-32-17b
तं जित्वा स महाबाहुः प्रययौ दक्षिणापथम्। 2-32-18a
गुहामासादयामास किष्किन्धां लोकविश्रुताम्।। 2-32-18b
`पुरा वानरराजेन वालिना चाभिरक्षिताम्। 2-32-19a
ततः कोसलराजस्य रामस्यैवानुगेन च। 2-32-19b
सुग्रीवेणाभिगुप्तां तां प्रविष्टस्तमथाह्वयत्'।। 2-32-19c
तत्र वानरराजाभ्यां मैन्देन द्विविदेन च। 2-32-20a
युयुधे दिवसान्सप्त न च तौ विकृतिं गतौ।। 2-32-20b
ततस्तुष्टौ महात्मानौ सहदेवाय वानरौ। 2-32-21a
ऊचतुश्चैव संहृष्टौ प्रीतिपूर्वमिदं वचः।। 2-32-21b
गच्छ पाण्डवशार्दूल रत्नान्यादाय सर्वशः। 2-32-22a
अविघ्नमस्त कार्याय धर्मराजाय धीमते।। 2-32-22b
ततो रत्नान्युपादाय पुरीं माहिष्मतीं ययौ।। 2-32-23a
तत्र नीलेन राज्ञा स चक्रे युद्धं नरर्षभः।। 2-32-23b
पाण्डवः परवीरघ्नः सहदेवः प्रतापवान्।। 2-32-24a
ततोऽस्य सुमहद्युद्धमासीद्भीरुभयङ्करम्।। 2-32-24b
सैन्यक्षयकरं चैव प्राणानां संशयावहम्। 2-32-25a
चक्रे तस्य हि साहाय्यं भगवान्हव्यवाहनः।। 2-32-25b
ततो रथा हया नागाः पुरुषाः कवचानि च। 2-32-26a
प्रतीप्तानि व्यदृश्यन्त सहदेवबले तदा।। 2-32-26b
ततः सुसंभ्रान्तमना बभूव कुरुनन्दनः। 2-32-27a
नोत्तरं प्रतिवक्तुं च शक्तोऽभूज्जनमेजय।। 2-32-27b
जनमेजय उवाच। 2-32-28x
किमर्थं भगवान्वह्निः प्रत्यमित्रोऽभवद्युधि। 2-32-28a
सहदेवस्य यज्ञार्थं घटमानस्य वै द्विज।। 2-32-28b
वैशम्पायन उवाच। 2-32-29x
तत्र माहिष्मतीवासी भगवान्हव्यवाहनः। 2-32-29a
श्रूयते हि गृहीतो वै पुरस्तात्पारदारिकः।। 2-32-29b
नीलस्य राज्ञो दुहिता बभूवतातीव शोभना। 2-32-30a
साऽग्निहोत्रमुपातिष्ठद्बोधनाय पितुः सदा।। 2-32-30b
व्यजनैर्धूयमानोऽपि तावत्प्रज्वलते न सः।। 2-32-31a
यावच्चारुपुटौष्ठेन वायुना न विधूयते।। 2-32-31b
ततः स भगवानग्निश्चकमे तां सुदर्शनाम्। 2-32-32a
नीलस्य राज्ञः सर्वेषामुपनीतश्च सोऽभवत्।। 2-32-32b
ततो ब्रह्मणरूपेण रममाणो यदृच्छया।। 2-32-33a
चकमे तां वरारोहां कन्यामुत्पललोचनाम्।। 2-32-33b
तं तु राजा यथाशास्त्रमशासद्धार्मिकस्तदा।। 2-32-33c
प्रजज्वाल ततः कोपाद्भगवान्हव्यवाहनः। 2-32-34a
तं दृष्ट्वा विस्मितो राजा जगाम शिरसाऽवनिम्।। 2-32-34b
ततः कालेन तां कन्यां तथैव हि तदा नृपः। 2-32-35a
प्रददौ विप्ररूपाय वह्रये शिरसा नतः।। 2-32-35b
प्रतिगृह्य च तां सुभ्रुं नीलराज्ञः सुतां तदा।2-32-36a
चक्रे प्रसादं भगवांस्तस्य राज्ञो विभावसुः।। 2-32-36b
वरेण च्छन्दयामास तं नृपं स्विष्टकृत्तमः। 2-32-37a
अभयं च स जग्राह स्वसैन्ये वै महीपतिः।। 2-32-37b
ततः प्रभृति ये केचिदज्ञानात्तां पुरीं नृपाः। 2-32-38a
जिगीषन्ति बलाद्राजंस्ते दह्यन्ते स्म वह्निना।। 2-32-38b
स्यां पुर्यां तदा चैव माहिष्मत्यां कुरूद्वह। 2-32-39a
बभूवुरनतिग्राह्य योषितश्छन्दतः किल।। 2-32-39b
एवमग्निर्वरं प्रादात्स्त्रीणामप्रतिवारणे। 2-32-40a
रिण्यस्तत्र च राजानस्तत्पुरं भरतर्षभ। 2-32-40b
र्जयन्ति च राजानस्तत्पुरं भरतर्षभ। 2-32-41a
भयादग्नेर्महाराज तदाप्रभृति सर्वदा।। 2-32-41b
सहदेवस्तु धर्मात्मा सैन्यं दृष्ट्वा भयार्दितम्। 2-32-42a
परीतमग्निना राजन्नाकम्पत यथाऽचलः। 2-32-42b
उपस्पृश्य शुचिर्भूत्वा सोऽब्रवीत्पावकं ततः।। 2-32-42c
सहदेव उवाच। 2-32-43x
त्वदर्थोऽयं समारम्भः कृष्णवर्त्मन्नमोस्तु ते। 2-32-43a
मुखं त्वमसि देवानां यज्ञस्त्वमसि पावक।। 2-32-44b
पावनात्पावकश्चासि वहनाद्धव्यवाहनः। 2-32-44a
वेदास्त्वदर्थं जाता वै जातवेदास्ततो ह्यसि।। 2-32-44b
चित्रभानुः सुरेशश्च अनलस्त्वं विभावसो। 2-32-45a
स्वर्गद्वारस्पृशश्चासि हुताशो ज्वलनः शिखी।। 2-32-45b
वैश्वानरस्त्वं पिङ्गेशः प्लवङ्गो भूरितेजसः। 2-32-46a
कुमारसूस्त्वं भगवान्रुद्रगर्भो हिरण्यकृत्।। 2-32-46b
अग्निर्ददातु मे तेजो वायुः प्राणं ददातु मे। 2-32-47a
पृथिवी बलमादध्याच्छिवं चापो दिशन्तु मे।। 2-32-47b
अपां गर्भ महासत्व जातवेदः सुरेश्वर। 2-32-48a
देवानां मुखमग्ने त्वं सत्येन विपुनीहि माम्।। 2-32-48b
ऋषिभिर्ब्राह्मणैश्चैव दैवतैरसुरैरपि। 2-32-49a
नित्यं सुहुत यज्ञेषु सत्येन विपुनीहि माम्।। 2-32-49b
धूमकेतुः शिखी च त्वं पापहाऽनिसम्भवः। 2-32-50a
सर्वप्राणिषु नित्यस्थः सत्येन विपुनीहि माम्।। 2-32-50b
एवं स्तुतोऽसि भगवन्प्रीतेन शिचिना मया। 2-32-51a
तुष्टिं पुष्टिं श्रुतं चैव प्रीति चाग्ने प्रयच्छ मे।। 2-32-51b
वैशम्पायन उवाच। 2-32-52x
इत्येवं मन्त्रमाग्नेयं पठन्यो जुहुयाद्विभुम्। 2-32-52a
ऋद्धिमान्सततं दान्तः सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते।। 2-32-52b
सहदेव उवाच। 2-32-53x
यज्ञविघ्नमिमं कर्तुं नार्हस्त्वं यज्ञवाहन। 2-32-53a
एवमुक्त्वा तु माद्रेयः कुशैरास्तीर्य मेदिनीम्।। 2-32-53b
विधिवत्पुरुषव्याघ्रः पावकं प्रत्युपाविशत्। 2-32-54a
प्रमुखे तस्य सैन्यस्य भीतोद्विग्रस्य भारत।। 2-32-54b
न चैनमत्यगाद्वह्निरुवाच महोदधिः। 2-32-55a
तमुपेत्य शनैर्वह्निरुवाच कुरुनन्दनम्।। 2-32-55b
सहदेवं नृणां देवं सान्त्वपूर्वमिदं वचः। 2-32-56a
उत्तिष्ठोत्तिष्ठ कौरव्य जिज्ञासेयं कृता मया।। 2-32-56b
वेद्मि सर्वमभिप्रायं तव धर्मसुतस्य च। 2-32-57a
मया तु रक्षितव्या पूरियं भरतसत्तम।। 2-32-57b
यावद्राज्ञो हि नीलस्य कुले वंशधरा इति। 2-32-58a
ईप्सितं तु करिष्यामि मनसस्तव पाण्डव।। 2-32-58b
तत उत्थाय हृष्टात्मा प्राञ्जलिः शिरसा नतः। 2-32-59a
पूजयामास माद्रेयटः पावकं भरतर्षभ।। 2-32-59b
पावके विनिवृत्ते तु नीलो राजाऽभ्यगात्तदा। 2-32-60a
पावकस्याज्ञया चैनमर्चयामास पार्थिवः।। 2-32-60b
सत्कारेण नरव्याघ्रं सहदेवं युधां पतिम्। 2-32-61a
प्रतिगृह्य च तां पूजां करे च विनिवेश्य च।। 2-32-61b
माद्रीसुतस्ततः प्रायाद्विजयी दक्षिणां दिशम्। 2-32-62a
त्रैपुरं स वशे कृत्वा राजानममितौजसम्।। 2-32-62b
निजग्राह महाबाहुस्तरसा पौरवेश्वरम्। 2-32-63a
आकृतिं कौशिकाचार्यं यत्ने महता ततः।। 2-32-63b
वशे चक्रे महाबाहुः सुराष्ट्राधिपतिं तदा। 2-32-64a
सुराष्ट्रविषयस्थश्च प्रेषयामास रुक्मिणे।। 2-32-64b
राज्ञे भोजकटस्थाय महामात्राय धीमते। 2-32-65a
भीष्मकायस धर्मात्मा साक्षादिन्द्रसखाय वै।। 2-32-65b
च चास्य प्रतिजग्राह ससुतः शासनं तदा। 2-32-66a
प्रीतिपूर्वं महाराज वासुदेवमवेक्ष्य च।। 2-32-66b
ततः स रत्नान्यादाय पुनः प्रायाद्युधां पतिः। 2-32-67a
ततः शूर्पारकं चैव तालाकटमथापि च।। 2-32-67b
वशे चक्रे महातेजा दण्डकांश्च महाबलः। 2-32-68a
सागरद्वीपवासांश्च नृपतीन्म्लेच्छयोनिजान्।। 2-32-68b
निषादान्पुरुषादांश्च कर्णप्रावरणानपि। 2-32-69a
ये च कालमुखा नाम नरराक्षसयोनयः।। 2-32-69b
कृत्स्नं कोलगिरिं चैव सुरभीपट्टनं तथा। 2-32-70a
द्वीपं ताम्राह्वयं चैव पर्वतं रामकं तथा।। 2-32-70b
तिमिङ्गिलं च स नृपं वशे कृत्वा महामतिः। 2-32-71a
एकपादांश्च पुरुषान्केरलान्वनवासिनः।। 2-32-71b
नगरीं सञ्जयन्तीं च पाषण्डं करहाटकम्। 2-32-72a
दूतैरेव वशे चक्रे करं चैनानदापयत्।। 2-32-72b
पाण्ड्यांश्च द्रविडांश्चैव सहितांश्चोड्रकेरलैः। 2-32-73a
अन्ध्रांस्तावनांश्चैव कलिङ्गानुष्ट्रकर्णिकान्।। 2-32-73b
आटवीं च पुरीं रम्यां यवनानां पुरं तथा। 2-32-74a
दूतैरेव वशे चक्रे करं चैनानदापयत्।। 2-32-74b
`तात्रपर्णी ततो गत्वा कन्यातीर्थमतीत्य च। 2-32-75a
दक्षिणां च दिशं सर्वा विजित्य कुरुनन्दनः।। 2-32-75b
उत्तरं तीरमासाद्य सागरस्योर्मिमालिनः। 2-32-76a
चिन्तयामास कौन्तेयो भ्रातुः पुत्रं घटोत्कचम्।। 2-32-76b
ततश्चिन्तितमात्रस्तु राक्षसः प्रत्यदृश्यत। 2-32-77a
तं मेरुशिखराकारमागतं पाण्डुनन्दनः।। 2-32-77b
भृगुकच्छात्ततो धीमान्साम्नैवामित्रकर्शनः। 2-32-78a
आगम्यतामिति प्राह धर्मराजस्य शसनाः।। 2-32-78b
स राक्षसपरीवारस्तं प्रणम्याशु संस्थितः। 2-32-79a
घटोत्कचं महात्मानं राक्षसं घोरदर्शनम्।। 2-32-79b
तत्रस्थः प्रेषयामास पौलस्त्याय महात्मने'। 2-32-80a
बिभीषणाय धर्मात्मा प्रीतिपूर्वमरिन्दमः।। 2-32-80b
स चास्य प्रतिजग्राह शासनं प्रीतिपूर्वकम्। 2-32-81a
तच्च कृष्णकृतं धीमानभ्यमन्यत स प्रभुः।। 2-32-81b
ततः सम्प्रेषयामास रत्नानि विविधानि च। 2-32-82a
चन्दनागुरुकाष्ठानि दिव्यान्याभरणानि च।। 2-32-82b
वासांसि च महार्हाणि मणींश्चैव महाधनान्।। 2-32-82x
।। इति श्रीमन्महाभारते सभापर्वणि
दिग्विजयपर्वणि द्वात्रिंशोऽध्यायः।। 32।।

संदर्भ: विकिस्रोत:महाभारतम्-02-सभापर्व-032

Mahabharata Book II Chapter 28:Transliteration

 1 [v]
     tathaiva sahadevo 'pi dharmarājena pūjitaḥ
     mahatyā senayā sārdhaṃ prayayau dakṣiṇāṃ diśam
 2 sa śūrasenān kārtsnyena pūrvam evājayat prabhuḥ
     matsyarājaṃ ca kauravyo vaśe cakre balād balī
 3 adhirājādhipaṃ caiva dantavakraṃ mahāhave
     jigāya karadaṃ caiva svarājye saṃnyaveśayat
 4 sukumāraṃ vaśe cakre sumitraṃ ca narādhipam
     tathaivāparamatsyāṃś ca vyajayat sa paṭac carān
 5 niṣādabhūmiṃ gośṛṅgaṃ parvata pravaraṃ tathā
     tarasā vyajayad dhīmāñ śreṇimantaṃ ca pārthivam
 6 nava rāṣṭraṃ vinirjitya kuntibhojam upādravat
     prītipūrvaṃ ca tasyāsau pratijagrāha śāsanam
 7 tataś carmaṇvatī kūle jambhakasyātmajaṃ nṛpam
     dadarśa vāsudevena śeṣitaṃ pūrvavairiṇā
 8 cakre tatra sa saṃgrāmaṃ saha bhojena bhārata
     sa tam ājau vinirjitya dakṣiṇābhimukho yayau
 9 karāṃs tebhya upādāya ratnāni vividhāni ca
     tatas tair eva sahito narmadām abhito yayau
 10 vindānuvindāv āvantyau sainyena mahatā vṛtau
    jigāya samare vīrāv āśvineyaḥ pratāpavān
11 tato ratnāny upādāya purīṃ māhiṣmatīṃ yayau
    tatra nīlena rājñā sacakre yuddhaṃ nararṣabhaḥ
12 pāṇḍavaḥ paravīraghnaḥ sahadevaḥ pratāpavān
    tato 'sya sumahad yuddham āsīd bhīru bhayaṃkaram
13 sainyakṣayakaraṃ caiva prāṇānāṃ saṃśayāya ca
    cakre tasya hi sāhāyyaṃ bhagavān havyavāhanaḥ
14 tato hayā rathā nāgāḥ puruṣāḥ kavacāni ca
    pradīptāni vyadṛśyanta sahadeva bale tadā
15 tataḥ susaṃbhrānta manā babhūva kurunandanaḥ
    nottaraṃ prativaktuṃ ca śakto 'bhūj janamejaya
16 [j]
    kimarthaṃ bhagavān agniḥ pratyamitro 'bhavad yudhi
    sahadevasya yajñārthaṃ ghaṭamānasya vai dvija
17 [v]
    tatra māhiṣmatī vāsī bhagavān havyavāhanaḥ
    śrūyate nigṛhīto vai purastat pāradārikaḥ
18 nīlasya rājñaḥ pūrveṣām upanītaś ca so 'bhavat
    tadā brāhmaṇarūpeṇa caramāṇo yadṛcchayā
19 taṃ tu rājā yathāśāstram anvaśād dhārmikas tadā
    prajajvāla tataḥ kopād bhagavān havyavāhanaḥ
20 taṃ dṛṣṭvā vismito rājā jagāma śirasā kavim
    cakre prasādaṃ ca tadā tasya rājño vibhāvasuḥ
21 vareṇa chandayām āsa taṃ nṛpaṃ sviṣṭakṛttamaḥ
    abhayaṃ ca sa jagrāha svasainye vai mahīpatiḥ
22 tataḥ prabhṛti ye ke cid ajñānāt tāṃ purīṃ nṛpāḥ
    jigīṣanti balād rājaṃs te dahyantīha vahninā
23 tasyāṃ puryāṃ tadā caiva māhiṣmatyāṃ kurūdvaha
    babhūvur anabhigrāhyā yoṣitaś chandataḥ kila
24 evam agnir varaṃ prādāt strīṇām aprativāraṇe
    svairiṇyas tatra nāryo hi yatheṣṭaṃ pracaranty uta
25 varjayanti ca rājānas tad rāṣṭraṃ puruṣottama
    bhayād agner mahārāja tadā prabhṛti sarvadā
26 sahadevas tu dharmātmā sainyaṃ dṛṣṭvā bhayārditam
    parītam agninā rājan nākampata yathā giriḥ
27 upaspṛśya śucir bhūtvā so 'bravīt pāvakaṃ tataḥ
    tvadartho 'yaṃ samārambhaḥ kṛṣṇavartman namo 'stu te
28 mukhaṃ tvam asi devānāṃ yajñas tvam asi pāvaka
    pāvanāt pāvakaś cāsi vahanād dhavyavāhanaḥ
29 vedās tvadarthaṃ jātāś ca jātavedās tato hy asi
    yajñavighnam imaṃ kartuṃ nārhas tvaṃ havyavāhana
30 evam uktvā tu mādreyaḥ kuśair āstīrya medinīm
    vidhivat puruṣavyāghraḥ pāvakaṃ pratyupāviśat
31 pramukhe sarvasainyasya bhītodvignasya bhārata
    na cainam atyagād vahnir velām iva mahodadhiḥ
32 tam abhyetya śanair vahnir uvāca kurunandanam
    sahadevaṃ nṛṇāṃ devaṃ sāntvapūrvam idaṃ vacaḥ
33 uttiṣṭhottiṣṭha kauravya jijñāseyaṃ kṛtā mayā
    vedmi sarvam abhiprāyaṃ tava dharmasutasya ca
34 mayā tu rakṣitavyeyaṃ purī bharatasattama
    yāvad rājño 'sya nīlasya kulavaṃśadharā iti
    īpsitaṃ tu kariṣyāmi manasas tava pāṇḍava
35 tata utthāya hṛṣṭātmā prāñjaliḥ śirasānataḥ
    pūjayām āsa mādreyaḥ pāvakaṃ puruṣarṣabhaḥ
36 pāvake vinivṛtte tu nīlo rājābhyayāt tadā
    satkāreṇa naravyāghraṃ sahadevaṃ yudhāṃ patim
37 pratigṛhya ca tāṃ pūjāṃ kare ca viniveśya tam
    mādrī sutas tataḥ prāyād vijayī dakṣiṇāṃ diśam
38 traipuraṃ sa vaśe kṛtvā rājānam amitaujasam
    nijagrāha mahābāhus tarasā potaneśvaram
39 āhṛtiṃ kauśikācāryaṃ yatnena mahatā tataḥ
    vaśe cakre mahābāhuḥ surāṣṭrādhipatiṃ tathā
40 surāṣṭra viṣayasthaś ca preṣayām āsa rukmiṇe
    rājñe bhojakaṭasthāya mahāmātrāya dhīmate
41 bhīṣmakāya sa dharmātmā sākṣād indra sakhāya vai
    sa cāsya sasuto rājan pratijagrāha śāsanam
42 prītipūrvaṃ mahābāhur vāsudevam avekṣya ca
    tataḥ sa ratnāny ādāya punaḥ prāyād yudhāṃ patiḥ
43 tataḥ śūrpārakaṃ caiva gaṇaṃ copakṛtāhvayam
    vaśe cakre mahātejā daṇḍakāṃś ca mahābalaḥ
44 sāgaradvīpavāsāṃś ca nṛpatīn mleccha yonijān
    niṣādān puruṣādāṃś ca karṇaprāvaraṇān api
45 ye ca kālamukhā nāma narā rākṣasayonayaḥ
    kṛtsnaṃ kolla giriṃ caiva muracī pattanaṃ tathā
46 dvīpaṃ tāmrāhvayaṃ caiva parvataṃ rāmakaṃ tathā
    timiṅgilaṃ ca nṛpatiṃ vaśe cakre mahāmatiḥ
47 ekapādāṃś ca puruṣān kevalān vanavāsinaḥ
    nagarīṃ saṃjayantīṃ ca picchaṇḍaṃ karahāṭakam
    dūtair eva vaśe cakre karaṃ cainān adāpayat
48 pāṇḍyāṃś ca dravidāṃś caiva sahitāṃś codra keralaiḥ
    andhrāṃs talavanāṃś caiva kaliṅgān oṣṭra karṇikān
49 antākhīṃ caiva romāṃ ca yavanānāṃ puraṃ tathā
    dūtair eva vaśe cakre karaṃ cainān adāpayat
50 bharu kacchaṃ gato dhīmān dūtān mādravatīsutaḥ
    preṣayām āsa rājendra paulastyāya mahātmane
    vibhīṣaṇāya dharmātmā prītipūrvam ariṃdamaḥ
51 sa cāsya pratijagrāha śāsanaṃ prītipūrvakam
    tac ca kālakṛtaṃ dhīmān anvamanyata sa prabhuḥ
52 tataḥ saṃpreṣayām āsa ratnāni vividhāni ca
    candanāgurumukhyāni divyāny ābharaṇāni ca
53 vāsāṃsi ca mahārhāṇi maṇīṃś caiva mahādhanān
    nyavartata tato dhīmān sahadevaḥ pratāpavān
54 evaṃ nirjitya tarasā sāntvena vijayena ca
    karadān pārthivān kṛtvā pratyāgacchad ariṃdamaḥ
55 dharmarājāya tat sarvaṃ nivedya bharatarṣabha
    kṛtakarmā sukhaṃ rājann uvāsa janamejaya


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  1. बंगाल पाठ में मुंजग्राम