Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 24

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Mahabharata Book 2 Chapter 24: English

mentions countries subjugated by Arjuna that lay to the North

Vaisampayana continued,--thus addressed, Dhananjaya replied unto Bhagadatta, saying,--'If thou wilt give thy promise to do this, thou hast done all I desire. And having thus subjugated the king of Pragjyotisha, Dhananjaya of long arms, the son of Kunti, then marched towards the north--the direction presided over by the lord of treasures. That bull amongst men, that son of Kunti, then conquered the mountainous tracts and their outskirts, as also the hilly regions. And having conquered all the mountains and the kings that reigned there, and bringing them under his sway, he exacted tributes from all. And winning the affections of those kings and uniting himself with them, he next marched, O king, against Vrihanta, the king of Uluka, making this earth tremble with the sound of his drums, the clatter of his chariot-wheels, and the roar of the elephants in his train. Vrihanta, however, quickly coming out of his city followed by his army consisting of four kinds of troops, gave battle to Falguna (Arjuna). And the fight that took place between Vrihanta and Dhananjaya was terrible. It so happened that Vrihanta was unable to bear the prowess of the son of Pandu. Then that invincible king of the mountainous region regarding the son of Kunti irresistible, approached him with all his wealth. Arjuna snatched out the kingdom from Vrihanta, but having made peace with him marched, accompanied by that king, against Senavindu whom he soon expelled from his kingdom. After this he subjugated Modapura, Vamadeva, Sudaman, Susankula, the Northern Ulukas, and the kings of those countries and peoples. Hereafter at the command of Yudhishthira, O monarch, Arjuna, did not move from the city of Senavindu but sent his troops only and brought under his sway those five countries and peoples (Panchagana). For Arjuna, having arrived at Devaprastha, the city of Senavindu, took up his quarters there with his army consisting of four kinds of forces. Thence, surrounded by the kings and the peoples he had subjugated, the hero marched against king Vishvagana--that bull of Puru's race. Having vanquished in battle the brave mountaineers, who were all great warriors, the son of Pandu, O king, then occupied with the help of his troops, the town protected by the Puru king. Having vanquished in battle the Puru king, as also the robber tribes, of the mountains, the son of Pandu brought under his sway the seven tribes called Utsava-sanketa. That bull of the Kshatriya race then defeated the brave Kshatriyas of Kashmira and also king Lohita along with ten minor chiefs. Then the Trigartas, the Darvas, the Kokanadas, and various other Kshatriyas, O king, advanced against the son of Pandu. That Prince of the Kuru race then took the delightful town of Abhisari (अभिसारी), and then brought under his sway Rochamana ruling in Uraga.

p. 58

[paragraph continues] Then the son of Indra (Arjuna), putting forth his might, pressed the delightful town of Singhapura that was well-protected (by Chitrayudha) with various weapons. Then Arjuna, that bull amongst the son of Pandu, at the head of all his troops, fiercely attacked the regions called Suhma and Sumala (? Chola). Then the son of Indra, endued with great prowess, after pressing them with great force, brought the Valhikas always difficult of being vanquished, under his sway. Then Falguna, the son of Pandu, taking with him a select force, defeated the Daradas along with the Kambojas. Then the exalted son of Indra vanquished the robber tribes that dwelt in the north-eastern frontier and those also that dwelt in the woods. And, O great king, the son of Indra also subjugated the allied tribes of the Lohas, the eastern Kambojas, and northern Rishikas. And the battle with the Rishikas was fierce in the extreme. Indeed, the fight that took place between them and the son of Pritha was equal to that between the gods and the Asuras in which Taraka (the wife of Vrihaspati) had become the cause of so much slaughter. And defeating, O king, the Rishikas in the field of battle, Arjuna took from them as tribute eight horses that were of the colour of the parrot's breast, as also other horses of the hues of the peacock, born in northern and other climes and endued with high speed. At last having conquered all the Himalayas and the Nishkuta mountains, that bull among men, arriving at the White mountains, encamped on its breast."

Mahabharata Book 2 Chapter 24: Sanskrit

 1  [वै]
     तं विजित्य महाबाहुः कुन्तीपुत्रॊ धनंजयः
     परययाव उत्तरां तस्माथ थिशं धनथ पालितम
 2 अन्तर गिरिंकौन्तेयस तदैव च बहिर गिरिम
     तदॊपरि गिरिं चैव विजिग्ये पुरुषर्षभः
 3 विजित्य पर्वतान सर्वान ये च तत्र नराधिपाः
     तान वशे सदापयित्वा स रत्नान्य आथाय सर्वशः
 4 तैर एव सहितः सर्वैर अनुरज्य च तान नृपान
     कुलूतवासिनं राजन बृहन्तम उपजग्मिवान
 5 मृथङ्गवरनाथेन रदनेमि सवनेन च
     हस्तिनां च निनाथेन कम्पयन वसुधाम इमाम
 6 ततॊ बृहन्तस तरुणॊ बलेन चतुरङ्गिना
     निष्क्रम्य नगरात तस्माथ यॊधयाम आस पाण्डवम
 7 सुमहान संनिपातॊ ऽभूथ धनंजय बृहन्तयॊः
     न शशाक बृहन्तस तु सॊढुं पाण्डव विक्रमम
 8 सॊ ऽविषह्यतमं जञात्वा कौन्तेयं पर्वतेश्वरः
     उपावर्तत थुर्मेधा रत्नान्य आथाय सर्वशः
 9 स तथ राज्यम अवस्दाप्य कुलूत सहितॊ ययौ
     सेना बिन्दुम अदॊ राजन राज्याथ आशु समाक्षिपत
 10 मॊदा पुरं वामदेवं सुदामानं सुसंकुलम
    कुलूतान उत्तरांश चैव तांश च राज्ञः समानयत
11 तत्रस्दः पुरुषैर एव धर्मराजस्य शासनात
    वयजयथ धनंजयॊ राजन थेशान पञ्च परमाणतः (?पंचगणांस्तत:)
12 स देवप्रस्थमासाद्य  सेना बिन्दो पुरं महत
    बलेन चतुरङ्गेण निवेशम अकरॊत परभुः
13 स तैः परिवृतः सर्वैर विष्वग अश्वं नराधिपम
    अभ्यगच्छन महातेजाः पौरवं पुरुषर्षभः
14 विजित्य चाहवे शूरान पार्वतीयान महारदान
    धवजिन्या वयजयथ राजन पुरं पौरवरक्षितम
15 पौरवं तु विनिर्जित्य थस्यून पर्वतवासिनः
    गणान उत्सव संकेतान अजयत सप्त पाण्डवः
16 ततः काश्मीरकान वीरान क्षत्रियान क्षत्रियर्षभः
    वयजयल लॊहितं चैव मण्डलैर थशभिः सह
17 ततस त्रिगर्तान कौन्तेयॊ दार्वान कॊक नदाश च ये
    क्षत्रिया बहवॊ राजन्न उपावर्तन्त सर्वशः
18 अभिसारीं ततॊ रम्यां विजिग्ये कुरुनन्थनः
    उरगावासिनं चैव रॊचमानं रणे ऽजयत
19 ततः सिंहपुरं रम्यं चित्रायुधसुरक्षितम
    परामदथ बलम आस्दाय पाकशासनिर आहवे
20 ततः सुह्मांशचॊलांशकिरीटी पाण्डवर्षभः
    सहितः सर्वसैन्येन परामदत कुरुनन्थनः
21 ततः परमविक्रान्तॊ बाह्लीकान कुरुनन्थनः
    महता परिमर्थेन वशे चक्रे थुरासथान
22 गृहीत्वा तु बलं सारं फल्गु चॊत्सृज्य पाण्डवः
    दरदान सह काम्बॊजैर अजयत पाकशासनिः
23 परागुत्तरां थिशं ये च वसन्त्य आश्रित्य थस्यवः
    निवसन्ति वने ये च तान सर्वान अजयत परभुः
24 लॊहान परमकाम्बॊजान ऋषिकान उत्तरान अपि
    सहितांस तान महाराज वयजयत पाकशासनिः
25 ऋषिकेषु तु संग्रामॊ बभूवातिभयं करः
    तारका मय संकाशः परमर्षिक पार्दयॊः
26 स विजित्य ततॊ राजन्न ऋषिकान रणमूर्धनि
    शुकॊथर समप्रख्यान हयान अष्टौ समानयत
    मयूरसथृशान अन्यान उभयान एव चापरान
27 स विनिर्जित्य संग्रामे हिमवन्तंनिष्कुटम
    शवेतपर्वतम आसाथ्य नयवसत पुरुषर्षभः

Mahabharata Book 2 Chapter 24: Transliteration

1  [vai]
     taṃ vijitya mahābāhuḥ kuntīputro dhanaṃjayaḥ
     prayayāv uttarāṃ tasmād diśaṃ dhanada pālitam
 2 antar giriṃ ca kaunteyas tathaiva ca bahir girim
     tathopari giriṃ caiva vijigye puruṣarṣabhaḥ
 3 vijitya parvatān sarvān ye ca tatra narādhipāḥ
     tān vaśe sthāpayitvā sa ratnāny ādāya sarvaśaḥ
 4 tair eva sahitaḥ sarvair anurajya ca tān nṛpān
     kulūtavāsinaṃ rājan bṛhantam upajagmivān
 5 mṛdaṅgavaranādena rathanemi svanena ca
     hastināṃ ca ninādena kampayan vasudhām imām
 6 tato bṛhantas taruṇo balena caturaṅginā
     niṣkramya nagarāt tasmād yodhayām āsa pāṇḍavam
 7 sumahān saṃnipāto 'bhūd dhanaṃjaya bṛhantayoḥ
     na śaśāka bṛhantas tu soḍhuṃ pāṇḍava vikramam
 8 so 'viṣahyatamaṃ jñātvā kaunteyaṃ parvateśvaraḥ
     upāvartata durmedhā ratnāny ādāya sarvaśaḥ
 9 sa tad rājyam avasthāpya kulūta sahito yayau
     senā bindum atho rājan rājyād āśu samākṣipat
 10 modā puraṃ vāmadevaṃ sudāmānaṃ susaṃkulam
    kulūtān uttarāṃś caiva tāṃś ca rājñaḥ samānayat
11 tatrasthaḥ puruṣair eva dharmarājasya śāsanāt
    vyajayad dhanaṃjayo rājan deśān pañca pramāṇataḥ
12 sa divaḥ prastham āsādya senā bindoḥ puraṃ mahat
    balena caturaṅgeṇa niveśam akarot prabhuḥ
13 sa taiḥ parivṛtaḥ sarvair viṣvag aśvaṃ narādhipam
    abhyagacchan mahātejāḥ pauravaṃ puruṣarṣabhaḥ
14 vijitya cāhave śūrān pārvatīyān mahārathān
    dhvajinyā vyajayad rājan puraṃ pauravarakṣitam
15 pauravaṃ tu vinirjitya dasyūn parvatavāsinaḥ
    gaṇān utsava saṃketān ajayat sapta pāṇḍavaḥ
16 tataḥ kāśmīrakān vīrān kṣatriyān kṣatriyarṣabhaḥ
    vyajayal lohitaṃ caiva maṇḍalair daśabhiḥ saha
17 tatas trigartān kaunteyo dārvān koka nadāś ca ye
    kṣatriyā bahavo rājann upāvartanta sarvaśaḥ
18 abhisārīṃ tato ramyāṃ vijigye kurunandanaḥ
    uragāvāsinaṃ caiva rocamānaṃ raṇe 'jayat
19 tataḥ siṃhapuraṃ ramyaṃ citrāyudhasurakṣitam
    prāmathad balam āsthāya pākaśāsanir āhave
20 tataḥ suhmāṃś ca colāṃś ca kirīṭī pāṇḍavarṣabhaḥ
    sahitaḥ sarvasainyena prāmathat kurunandanaḥ
21 tataḥ paramavikrānto bāhlīkān kurunandanaḥ
    mahatā parimardena vaśe cakre durāsadān
22 gṛhītvā tu balaṃ sāraṃ phalgu cotsṛjya pāṇḍavaḥ
    daradān saha kāmbojair ajayat pākaśāsaniḥ
23 prāguttarāṃ diśaṃ ye ca vasanty āśritya dasyavaḥ
    nivasanti vane ye ca tān sarvān ajayat prabhuḥ
24 lohān paramakāmbojān ṛṣikān uttarān api
    sahitāṃs tān mahārāja vyajayat pākaśāsaniḥ
25 ṛṣikeṣu tu saṃgrāmo babhūvātibhayaṃ karaḥ
    tārakā maya saṃkāśaḥ paramarṣika pārthayoḥ
26 sa vijitya tato rājann ṛṣikān raṇamūrdhani
    śukodara samaprakhyān hayān aṣṭau samānayat
    mayūrasadṛśān anyān ubhayān eva cāparān
27 sa vinirjitya saṃgrāme himavantaṃ sa niṣkuṭam
    śvetaparvatam āsādya nyavasat puruṣarṣabhaḥ


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