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Uluka (उलूक) was a Nagavanshi king. Uluka (उलूक) was name of a Janapada of which King was Vrihanta and defeated by Arjuna..

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In Mahabharata

Uluka (उलूक) Mahabharata (I.28.19),(I.60.55), (1.66),(I.177.19), (1.188),(V.157.3), (V.177.3), (VI.68.5),(VIII.18.1),(VIII.18.2),(VIII.18.3), (VIII.18.11),(VIII.44.12), (VIII.44.40), (XIII.4.50), (XIII.4),

Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 24 mentions that Arjuna after subjugating the king of Pragjyotisha, marched towards the north--the direction presided over by the lord of treasures, then conquered the mountainous tracts. Then Vrihanta, the king of Uluka gave battle to Falguna (Arjuna) and the fight that took place between Vrihanta and Arjuna was terrible. Arjuna snatched out the kingdom from Vrihanta, but having made peace with him marched, accompanied by that king, against Senavindu whom he soon expelled from his kingdom. After this he subjugated Modapura, Vamadeva, Sudaman, Susankula, the Northern Ulukas, and the kings of those countries and peoples.

तैर एव सहितः सर्वैर अनुरज्य च तान नृपान
कुलूतवासिनं राजन बृहन्तम उपजग्मिवान (II.24.4)
स तथ राज्यम अवस्दाप्य कुलूत सहितॊ ययौ
सेना बिन्थुम अदॊ राजन राज्याथ आशु समाक्षिपत (II.24.9)
मॊथा पुरं वामथेवं सुथामानं सुसंकुलम
कुलूतान उत्तरांश चैव तांश च राज्ञः समानयत (II.24.10)

In Uluka Dutagamana Parva of Udyoga Parva/Mahabharata Book V Chapter 157 Pandavas are encamped by the side of the river Hiranwati, the Kauravas also fixed their camps. Duryodhana after cosulting kings on his side sends Uluka King as messenger to Pandavas camp to tell his message to Yudhishthira in presence of Krishna. (V.157.3)

उलूक गच्छ कैतव्य पाण्डवान सह सॊमकान
गत्वा मम वचॊ बरूहि वासुथेवस्य शृण्वतः (V.157.3)
तं च तूबरकम मूढं बह्व आशिनम अविथ्यकम
उलूक मथ्वचॊ बरूया असकृथ भीमसेनकम (V.157.16)

Udyoga Parva/Mahabharata Book V Chapter 158 describes that having reached the Pandava camp, the King Uluka presented himself before the Pandavas, and addressed Yudhishthira, 'You are fully conversant with what envoys say! Do not to be angry with me if I repeat those words only which Duryodhana had instructed me to tell!'

"Hearing this, Yudhishthira said, O Uluka! Tell us, without any anxiety what are the views of the covetous Duryodhana of limited sight!' (V.158.3) Then in the midst and presence of the illustrious and high-souled Pandavas, of the Srinjayas, and Krishna possessed of great fame, of Drupada with his sons, of Virata, and of all monarchs, Uluka gave the message of Duryodhana.

उलूक न भयं ते ऽसति बरूहि तवं विगतज्वरः
यन मतं धार्तराष्ट्रस्य लुब्धस्याथीर्घ थर्शिनः (V.158.3)
ततॊ थयुतिमतां मध्ये पाण्डवानां महात्मनाम
सृञ्जयानां च सर्वेषां कृष्णस्य च यशस्विनः (V.158.4)
थरुपथस्य सपुत्रस्य विराटस्य च संनिधौ
भूमिपानां च सर्वेषां मध्ये वाक्यं जगाथ ह (V.158.5)

Bhisma Parva, Mahabharata/Book VI Chapter 68 mentions that Sahadeva proceeded against those invincible warriors, viz., Sakuni and that mighty car-warrior Uluka, those great bowmen, who were sire and son. (VI.68.5)

सहथेवस तु शकुनिम उलूकं च महारदम
पिता पुत्रौ महेष्वासाव अभ्यवर्तत थुर्जयौ (VI.68.5)

Karna Parva/Mahabharata Book VIII Chapter 18 mentions about war of Uluka king with Yuyutsu in shlokas 1-11. Having vanquished Yuyutsu, son of King Dhritarashtra in battle, Uluka proceeded quickly towards the Panchalas and the Srinjayas and began to slaughter them with sharp shafts.

तं निर्जित्य रणे राजन्न उलूकस तवरितॊ ययौ
पाञ्चालान सृञ्जयांश चैव विनिघ्नन निशितैः शरैः (VIII.18.11)

Karna Parva/Mahabharata Book VIII Chapter 44 mentions that Sahadeva, in that battle, proceeded against Uluka. (VIII.44.12) The angry Uluka was held in check by Sahadeva. Having slain his four steeds, the valiant Sahadeva then despatched his foe's driver to the abode of Yama. Uluka then, that delighter of his father, jumping down from his car, O king, quickly proceeded and entered the division of the Trigartas. (VIII.44.40), (VIII.44.41)

नकुलॊ वृषसेनं च चित्रसेनं समभ्ययात
उलूकं समरे राजन सहथेवः समभ्ययात (VIII.44.12)
उलूकस तु रणे करुथ्धः सहथेवेन वारितः
तस्याश्वांश चतुरॊ हत्वा सहथेवः परतापवान
सारदिं परेषयाम आस यमस्य सथनं परति (VIII.44.40)
उलूकस तु ततॊ यानाथ अवप्लुत्य विशां पते
तरिगर्तानां बलं पूर्णं जगाम पितृनन्थनः (VIII.44.41)

In Rigveda

Rigveda mentions about Aulan: (RV X/98/11). They are stated to be the descendants of King Ula, and Santanu was name of the Aulan King. They are to be identified with the present Aulan clan of the Jats. The Rig Veda/Mandala 10 Hymn 98[2] shloka 11 writes about this clan as under:

एतान्यग्ने नवतिं सहस्रा सं पर यछ वर्ष्ण इन्द्रायभागम |
विद्वान पथ रतुशो देवयानानप्यौलानं दिविदेवेषु धेहि ||
Meaning - Give thou these ninety thousand loads, O Agni, to Indra, to the Bull, to be his portion.
Knowing the paths which Deities duly travel, set mid the Gods in heaven Aulana also.


विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[3] ने लेख किया है ...उलूक (AS, p.102) उत्तर पर्वत पर का एक प्राचीनकालीन देश था। महाभारत के अनुसार यहाँ के राजा वृहन्त को पांडव अर्जुन ने पराजित किया था। इस देश का उल्लेख महाभारत सभापर्व में निम्न प्रकार मिलता है- 'मोदापुरं वामदेवं सुदामानं सुसंकुलम्, उलूकानुत्तरांश्चैव तांश्च राज्ञ: समानयत्।'[4]

उलूक पंचगणराज्यों में से एक था। अर्जुन ने अपनी दिग्विजय यात्रा में उलूक देश पर भी विजय प्राप्त की थी। 'तत्रस्थ: पुरुषैरेव धर्मराजस्य शासनात्, किरीटी जितवान् राजन् देशान् पंचगणांस्तत:।'[5]

ये राज्य पंजाब की पहाड़ियाँ में बसे हुए थे और वर्तमान कुल्लू के आसपास स्थित थे। संभवत: उल्लूक 'कुलूक' या 'कुलू' का ही पाठांतर है।


  1. Dr Mahendra Singh Arya, Dharmpal Singh Dudee, Kishan Singh Faujdar & Vijendra Singh Narwar: Ādhunik Jat Itihas (The modern history of Jats), Agra 1998, p. 224
  2. http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Rig_Veda/Mandala_10/Hymn_98
  3. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.102
  4. महाभारत, सभापर्व 27, 11
  5. महाभारत, सभापर्व 27, 12

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