Late Sh. Major Amir Singh Sangwan

Late Sh Major Amir Singh Sangwan son of Chaudhary Gajjoo Singh Sangwan was a landlord from Village Jhojhu Kalan in Haryana. He served Army and later entered politics. He was MLA during joint Punjab and PEPSU govt. He remained Power minister in Haryana government also.
After he passed away, his wife Mrs. Lazza Rani Sangwan represented the constituency.
He was blessed with three sons. Elder one, Mr Ravinder Singh Sangwan (Popularly known as Ravi in region) has been active in Kisan movements in Haryana in close association with BKU.
- Dadri 1954 to 1957 (PEPSU later merged with Punjab)
- Badhra 1967 to 1968 Independent (Haryana)
- Badhra 1968 to 1972 VHP (Haryana)
- Deputy Minister, Public Works, Health and Local Bodies in Pepsu State
- Deputy. Minister Health Punjab State 1956-57
- Minister of State for Rural Elecirification ;Irrigation and Power from 24th March, 1967 to 20th November,
1967 (till Assembly dissolved) in Haryana State
M.L.C. from Rohtak-cum-Mahendergarh Local Authorifics double member constituency since 27th April, 1962 to 31st October, 1966
AMIR SINGH CHAUDHRI, MAJOR (V.H.P.—Badhra) ; S. of Chaudhri Gajjoo Singh :B. in July, 1909 at Jho Jhu Kalan (in Jind State) now Mohinder- garh District ; Married ; Ed. Matriculation—Rohtak and College Education— Hoshiarpur and Rohtak. Profession :Agriculture. Selected for Commission (Senior) in the Armed Forces in 1929 and continued til 1946 when retired on Pension as a result of multiple battle skell wound disability incurred through enemy action on the battlc ficld in the far East operational area during world war I ;Rose to the rank of substantive M jor and lastly held the appointment of second-in-command of an Infantry Battalion ;Mentioned in despatches लिए gallantry, taken prisoner of war on the fallof Singapore and remained in Japanese hands from 1942 to 1945; Entered Politics after retirement and joined Congress Party ; Elected as 1st dictator of Jind State Congress in 1947 and launched vigorous well planncd Satyegraka campaign ;Arrested during Satyagraba campaign and was kept as Political detenue at Bazidpur palace camp Jail til subscquent unconditional surrender of the Ruler to join Pepsu unit of the Indian Union ;Took up to farming and organised a first rate mechanised Agriculture-cum-Cattle breccing faim in “लावा” area of U.P., ; Contested mid-term elections in 1954 ; Elected M.L.A. from Dadri constituency on Congress ticket ; Appointed Deputy Minister, Public Works, Health and Local Bodies in Pepsu 1954—56 (til merger of Punjab and Pepsu) ;Dy. Minister Health Punjab 1956-57 (after merger of Pepsu) til General Elections ;M.L.C. from Rohtak-cum-Mahendergarh Local Authorifics double member constituency since 27th April, 1962 to 31st October, 1966 (til formation of Haryana) ;Elected M.L.A. (Independent) from Badhra constituc L.CY in G:neral Election 1967; Was appointed Minister of State for Rural Elecirifica- tion ;Irrigation and Power from 24th March, 1967 to 20th November, 1967 (till Assembly dissolved) ; Again returned M.L.A. from Badhra Constitvency in mid-term Poll on V.H.P. ticket since 15th May, 1968 ; Sarpanch Grem Panchayat Jho Jhu Kalan and member Panchayat Samiti Dadri for the «rm 1960—63 ;President D. C. C., Mahendergarh for two terms successively from 1959 ; Member P.C.C. for two terms successively from 1955 ; Life member, Managing Committees of Jat Educational Institutions at Rohtak, Hissar and Jind ; g Hobby :Photography. Favourite Subject : Pastime Recreation; Swimming and boating, Special Interest :Farming, Sports :Hockey and Volley-ball. Travels :Malaya and Singapore. Permanent address :Village and Post-Office Jho Jhu Kalan, Tehsil Dadri, District Mahendergarh, Haryana.
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