Laxman Ka Bas

Laxman Ka Bas (लक्ष्मण का बास) is a village in Sikar tehsil of Sikar district in Rajasthan.
Population and location
Its population as on 2001, was 1,145. It is on Sikar-Nawalgarh Road. Nearby village Daulatpura (in west).
Jat Gotras
As per Census-2011 statistics, Laxman Ka Bas village has the total population of 1222 (of which 614 are males while 608 are females).[1]
Notable persons
- Mohan Lal Garhwal - Lecturer School Education, Date of Birth : 1-July-1968, Vil.- Laxman Ka Bas Po.- Katrathal dist.- Sikar, Rajasthan,Present Address : Ch. Charan Singh Colony, Nawalgarh Road, Sikar, Rajasthan,Phone Number : 01572-271381, Mob: 9460167381
- Ved Prakash Bhaskar - J.En. AVVNL, Date of Birth : 15-August-1971, Phone : 01572-248226, Mob: 9414419091
- Shiv Pal Khyalia - Advocate, Ph:232108, Mob:9414214123
- Sukhvir Lamba - Mob:9461543570
- Harsh Vardhan Garhwal - Indian Statistical Service-2021 (All India Rank-11). He is from Laxman Ka Bas (लक्ष्मण का बास) village in Sikar tehsil of Sikar district in Rajasthan.[2]
External links
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