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Lamba (लांबा) Lamanshi (लामवंशी) Lamba (लाम्बा)[1][2] Lamba (लम्बा)[3] Lava (लावा) Lanva (लांवा) Lamva (लाम्वा) Lampaka (लम्पक) [4] is gotra of Jats found in Rajasthan,[5] Punjab, Madhya Pradesh and Haryana. Dilip Singh Ahlawat has mentioned it as one of the ruling Jat clans in Central Asia. [6] Lamba gotra is very old and is found among the Jats, Marathas and Khattris.[7] They were supporters of Tomar Confederacy. [8][9]


  • Some historians consider Lamba clan to be originated from Lava (लव), son of Rama. [10]


Ram Swarup Joon[12] writes about Lamba - Lamanshi: This gotra is very old and is found among the Rajputs, Jats, Marathas and Khattris. There is a reference to King Vradha Bal of the Lau dynasty in Drona Parva of the Mahabharata. This dynasty is from Maharaja Ram Chandra's son Lau.

Ram Sarup Joon[13] writes that...about 70 Jat Gotras joined the Gujar force and started calling themselves Gujars.Lamba is one of them.

B S Dahiya[14] writes: They are also called Lampakas or Lampas in the Indian Literature, Although Garuda Purana mentions them as Lamba. Markandeya Purana mentions them with the Kuserus, Chulikas, etc., as people of the north. [15] The Matsya Purana too, mentions them. The Mahabharata while mentioning them, seems to indicate their fierce warlike qualities. [16] The Greeks mentioned them as Lambagae. Lassen has identified their habitat as the region of Lambagae, south of Hindu Kush near modern Lamghan. Abhidhana Chintamani of Hema Chandra Says, “ Lampakastu Murundah Syuh” showing that they were considered Sakas. Murunda is a Saka/Scythian title, meaning Chief/ Head.

During the invasions of Alexander the Great, the Laghman area of Afghanistan was known as Lampaka (लम्पक).[17]

Tej Ram Sharma[18] writes that In the Abhidhana Chintamani and the Vaijayanti the Limpakas are identified with Murundas. The Lampakas are the same as the Lambatai of Ptolemy. The Puranas, mention Lampakas, the people who were residing in Lampaka, the modern Laghman in Afghanistan. Rajasekhara seems to be referring to Lampaka as Limpaka.

Bhim Singh Dahiya [19] mentions Lampakas with the Attris referring to Markandeya Purana 57/39. These Attris are separate from Brahmans of this designation, as the Mahabharata (Bhisma Parva, 10/67) says they were Mlecchas.

In the seventh century, the Chinese pilgrim Xuan Zang visited Laghman, which he called Lanpo and considered part of India. The Sindhi and Rajasthani language nouns have words ending with O. So the Lampo of Xuan Zang becomes Lampa or Lamba.

Visit of Laghman by Xuanzang in 630 & 644 AD

Alexander Cunningham[20] writes about 4. Lamghan: The district of Lan-po, or Lamghan, is noted by Hwen Thsang as being 600 li, or just 100 miles, to the east of Kapisene. He describes the road as a succession of hills and valleys, some of the hills being of great height. This description agrees with all the recent accounts of the route along the northern bank of the river from Opian to Lamghan. The bearing and distance also coincide so exactly with the position of Lamghan that there can be no doubt of the identity of

[p.43]: the two districts. Ptolemy, also, places a people called Lambatae in the very same position. From a comparison of this term with the modern appellation of Lamghan, it seems probable that the original form of the name was the Sanskrit Lampaka. I would, therefore, correct Ptolemy's Lambatae to Lambagae, by the slight change of Γ for T. The modern name is only an abbreviation of Lampaka, formed by the elision of the labial. It is also called Laghman by the simple transposition of the middle consonants, which is a common practice in the East. The credulous Muhammadans derive the name from the patriarch Lamech, whose tomb they affirm still exists in Lamghan. It is noticed by Baber and by Abul Fazl.

The district is described by Hwen Thsang as being only 1000 li, or 166 miles, in circuit, with snowy mountains on the north, and black hills on the other three sides. Prom this account it is clear that Lan-po corresponds exactly with the present Lamghan, which is only a small tract of country, lying along the northern bank of the Kabul river, bounded on the west and east by the Alingar and Kunar rivers, and on the north by the snowy mountains. This small tract is very nearly a square of 40 miles on each side, or 160 miles in circuit. It had formerly been a separate kingdom ; but in the seventh century the royal family was extinct, and the district was a dependency of Kapisene.

The Aramaic Inscription of Asoka found in Lampāka

Ref - Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies / Volume 13 / Issue 01 / February 1949, pp 79-89 by W. B. Henning

Several years before the war a photograph of a stone inscription in Aramaic letters was published in the Persian language periodical Kabul (vol. ii, 1932, p. 413). The following note (in Persian), printed below the photograph, constitutes the whole of our information on the material, history, and provenance of the inscription:

“A historical inscribed stone: A few years ago a broken stone tablet (lauhe) with ancient Sanskrit writing was procured in the neighbourhood of Pul-i Darunta, Laghmān, and entrusted to Kabul Museum. So far its contents have not been read and understood. The original of the above (depicted) stone is in Kabul Museum.”

Laghmān, older Lamyān (from Lambayān or Lampakāna), is the name of a district on the left (northern) bank of the Kabul river, a little above Jalalabad; it comprises the valleys of the Lower Alingār and Ališang. This district, whose name is familiar to Sanskritists as Lampāka (also Lambāka), was traditionally regarded as part of the Indian borderlands, the ultima Thule of Jambuduīpa. Cf. Mémoires de Hiouen-thsang, i, 55, “en partant de ce royaume ( = Kāpiśī), il… franchit les montagnes noires, entra dans les frontières de l'lnde du nord, et arriva au royaume de Lan-po”. Cf. also Lampāka in the Yaksa catalogue of the Mahāmāyūrī, and further H. Lüders, SbPAW., 1930, 43, 48, 51, 63. One may presume that the traditional view reflects the conditions prevailing under the Maurya dynasty.

The inscription was made known in Europe by Professor Morgenstierne, who, on finding that the alphabet was Aramaic, asked H. Birkeland to publish it.


Gathwal and Lambe are said to have Bairagis as their jatheras.[21]

Villages founded by Lamba clan

लाम्बा गोत्र का इतिहास

दलीप सिंह अहलावत[22] लिखते हैं -

लाम्बा सूर्यवंशी - लववंशी -

मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम रामचन्द्र जी के ज्येष्ठपुत्र लव से इस वंश का प्रचलन माना जाता है। वायु पुराण 88-200 श्लोक उत्तरकोसले राज्यं लवस्य च महात्मनः। श्रावस्ती लोकविख्याता के अनुसार इसकी राजधानी श्रावस्ती कही गई है। इसी लव के द्वारा लवपुर (लाहौर) और लम्पाक जनपद की स्थापना हुई। इसी वंश (सूर्यवंशी) के राजा वृहदबल को द्रोणपर्व 40-22 के अनुसार महाभारत युद्ध में अभिमन्यु ने मारा था। इस वंश का एक समूह व्यापारप्रवीण होकर खत्री नाम से पंजाब के व्यवसायी दल में सम्मिलित हो गया। वैसे जाटों में ही इनकी बहुसंख्या है। ये जाटलोग लाम्बा के नाम पर जाने जाते हैं। इन लाम्बावंशी जाटों की बहुत संख्या राजगढ़ (बीकानेर) के आस-पास और कुछ गांव जयपुर में हैं। इनके अतिरिक्त लाम्बावंशी जाटों के गांव - मुजफ्फरनगर में कबीर का नंगला, बिजनौर में बिसाठ, रतनपुर, हीमपुर, बाभड़पुर, शेरकोट, बदायूं में बंगला, अगौल, सूनियांखेड़ा और हिसार में दौलतपुर, राजस्थान में चिड़ावा के निकट गोठड़ा, रोहतक जिला में धारोली, जि० भिवानी तहसील बवानीखेड़ा में अलखपुरा और जिला महेन्द्रगढ़ में बारड़ा (डालनवास) गांव लाम्बा जाटों के हैं। पलवल के पास अमरपुर गांव भी लाम्बा जाटों का है। दिल्ली प्रान्त में गांव कुतुबगढ़ लाम्बा जाटों का है।

अलखपुर गांव के दानवीर सेठ सर छाजूराम लाम्बा जाट थे जिनकी जीवनी का वर्णन अन्तिम अध्याय में किया जायेगा। बारड़ा (डालनवास) गांव के सूबेदार रिछपालराम लाम्बा ने द्वितीय विश्वयुद्ध के समय महान् शूरवीरता प्रदर्शित करते हुए वीरगति प्राप्त की। इनकी वीरता से प्रसन्न होकर ब्रिटिश सरकार ने इनको विक्टोरिया क्रास (वीरता का सर्वोच्च पद) प्रदान किया। इसका संक्षिप्त वर्णन निम्नलिखित है -

सूबेदार रिछपालराम विक्टोरिया क्रास (मरणोपरान्त)

आपका जन्म 26 अगस्त 1899 ई० को जि० महेन्द्रगढ़ (हरयाणा) के गांव बारड़ा (डालनवास) में हुआ। आपके पिता चौ० मोहरसिंह थे। आप 26 अगस्त 1920 ई० को सेना की राजपूताना राईफल नामक पलटन में भरती हुये। द्वितीय विश्वयुद्ध के समय आप अपनी पलटन के साथ लीबिया पहुंच गये। उस समय आपका पद सूबेदार था। लीबिया में तोब्रुक क्षेत्र के केरेन (Keren) मोर्चे पर जर्मन शत्रु सेना का भारी जमाव था। 7 फरवरी 1941 ई० को आपकी कम्पनी को इस केरेन के मोर्चे पर आक्रमण करने का आदेश मिला। आपने अपनी कम्पनी सहित 7 फरवरी की रात को शत्रु पर आक्रमण कर दिया। आप उस समय अपनी कम्पनी के कमाण्डर थे और सबसे आगेवाली

1. जाटों का उत्कर्ष पृ० 330, लेखक योगेन्द्रपाल शास्त्री।

जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृष्ठान्त-249

प्लाटून के साथ चल रहे थे। शत्रु की भारी गोलीबारी की परवाह न करते हुए आपने प्लाटून सहित शत्रु के एक मोर्चे पर धावा कर दिया और हाथों-हाथ संगीन की लड़ाई करके वह मोर्चा जीत लिया। शेष कम्पनी एवं पलटन से अलग-थलग होते हुए भी आपने उसी रात को शत्रु के किए गए छः धावों को असफल कर दिया। आपके जवानों की गोलियां समाप्त हो चुकीं थीं और वे शत्रु के घेरे में आ चुके थे। आपने अपने सैनिकों को उत्साहित किया जिससे वे शत्रु का घेरा तोड़कर पीछे पलटन में आ गये।

12 फरवरी 1941 ई० को सूबेदार रिछपाल ने अपनी कम्पनी सहित शत्रु के उसी मोर्चे पर फिर आक्रमण कर दिया। इन पर शत्रु का भारी एवं कारगर गोलाबारूद गिरने लगा। आप अपनी कम्पनी के सैनिकों को उत्साहित करते हुए निडरता से आगे बढ़ते गये। जब आप शत्रु के मोर्चे के निकट पहुंचे, तब शत्रु के गोले से आपका दाहिना पग उड़ गया। इसके अतिरिक्त कई गोलियां और भी लगीं। अन्त में वे वीरगति को प्राप्त हुए। रणभूमि में घायल पड़े हुए भी यह वीर योद्धा अपने घावों की तनिक भी परवाह न करते हुए अपने सैनिकों को शत्रु पर टूट पड़ने का उत्साह देता रहा। उसके अन्तिम शब्द थे कि “हम शत्रु का मोर्चा अवश्य लेंगे।”

इस प्रचण्ड वीरता के लिये ब्रिटिश सरकार की ओर से वायसराज लार्ड लिंलिथगो ने अपने हाथों से स्वर्गीय सूबेदार रिछपालराम की धर्मपत्नी श्रीमती जानकीबाई जी को वीरता का सर्वोच्च पदक विक्टोरिया क्रास प्रदान किया। उस समय बारड़ा गांव पटियाला रियासत में था। महाराजा पटियाला ने भी इस वीर योद्धा के पुत्र को 500 बीघा भूमि इनाम में दी। इस वीर योद्धा पर न केवल जाट जाति को ही, बल्कि भारतीय सेना एवं सब भारतवासियों को भी गर्व है।

In Puranas

The Vayu Purana (47, 44) and the Matsya Purana, (121, 45) mention that:

सान्ध्रान् स्तुखारान् लम्पकान् पह्लवान् दरदान् छकान्
अताञ्जनापदाञ्चक्षु प्लावयन्ती गतोदधिम्

The Chaksu or Oxus river goes to the sea after irrigating the lands of the Sandhrans (Jats) , Tukharas (Takhar Jats), Lampakas (Lamba Jats), Pahlavas (Pehlavi-Iranians) Daradas (of Kashmir) and Chhakans (Chhikara Jats).

In Vayu Purana and Matsya Purana, the Oxus is mentioned as the river Chakshu, flowing through the countries of Tusharas (Takhar Jat clan) (Rishikas?), Lampakas (Lamba Jat clan, Pahlavas (Pahlawat, Paradas (Parauda Jat clan) and Shakas etc.

Chinese pilgrim Hiuen Tsang who visited Kapisa in 644 AD calls it Kai-pi-shi(h). Hiuen Tsang describes Kai-pi-shi[23] as a flourishing kingdom ruled by a Buddhist Kshatriya king holding sway over ten neighboring states including Lampaka, Nagarahara, Gandhara and Banu etc.

Lamba villages

Distribution in Rajasthan

Villages in Ajmer district


Villages in Alwar district

Dhola Palas,

Locations in Jaipur city

Ambabari, Barkat Nagar, Gandhi Nagar, Hanuman Nagar, Jawahar Nagar, Jhotwara, Kalyan Bhawan, Murlipura Scheme, Pratap Nagar, Sanganer, Shanti Nagar,

Villages in Jaipur district

Chandma Khurd, Chitauda (18), Ganeshpura (1), Govindpura, Khijuriya (3), Mankya Thali (2), Mohabbatpura (1), Mukundpura Dadawata (4), Mundia Ramsar, Nemara, Paloo Khurd, Rampura Malikpura (10), Renwal (1), Sepatpura, Tootoli (3),

Villages in Jhunjhunu district

Bangothadi, Dhana, Gothra Lamba, Hamiri, Hameerwas Lamba, Indali, Kuhadwas, Morwa,

Villages in Sikar district

Chachiwad Chhota Chhavni, Karanga Bara, Khachariawas, Laxman Ka Bas, Lamba Ki Dhani (Kanwat), Sikar, Sirohi Sikar, Thethalia, Vijaipura Laxmangarh[24]

Villages in Churu district

Bairasar, Biramsar, Dhani Lamba, Dhani Mauji, Jetpura Churu, Kadia, Leelawathi, Sujangarh (1),

Villages in Bharatpur district


Villages in Tonk district

Baira ki Dhani (7), Chatarbhuj Pura (33), Deshaman (9), Kali Talai (1), Kalyanpura Bagdi (1), Mauja Jharana (1), Nadyon Ki Dhani (5), Nayagaon (1), Paldi Dardahind (1), Panduon Ki Dhani (6), Sri Gopalpura (2), Sunari (3), Taharpura (2),

Villages in Baran district

Lamba Khera,

Villages in Chittorgarh district

Jalaudia (1), Jamlawda (1),

Villages in Bundi district

Indragarh Bundi,

Village in Nagaur District


Distribution in Madhya Pradesh

Bhopal, Gwalior

Villages in Nimach district

Harnawda (6), Barkheda Jat (1), Kundala (1), Morvan (3),

Villages in Gwalior district


Distribution in Uttar Pradesh

Villages in Rampur district

Mewala Kalan,

Villages in Bijnor district


Villages in Meerut district


Distribution in Haryana

Villages in Jhajjar district


Villages in Jind district

Frain Kalan[25]

Villages in Kurukshetra district


Villages in Hisar district

Bandaheri, Daulatpur, Ludas, Moth Karnail Shab Moth Rangran, Moth, Parbhuwala, Saharwa,

Villages in Bhiwani district

Alakhpura, Devawas, Khanak, Pinjo Khara

Villages in Mahendargarh district

Barda, Dalanwas , Madhogarh, Chindaliya,

Villages in Palwal district


Villages in Sonipat district


Villages in Faridabad district

Jawan, Nagla Jogian, Panhera Kalan

Villages in Kaithal District

Kheri Lamba,

Villages in Sirsa district


Villages in Fatehabad District

Dhani Binja Lamba,

Distribution in Delhi

Kutabgarh, Shabad Mohmadpur, Hareveli.

Distribution in Punjab

Villages in Rupnagar district

Villages in Patiala district

Lamba population is 120 in Patiala district. [27]

Notable persons

  • Dr Lokesh Lamba- MBBS, hails from Dalanwas, Mahendragarh, Haryana.

  • Lal Singh Lamba (मास्टर लालसिंह लांबा), from Bangothri Khurd, Jhunjhunu, was a Freedom fighter who took part in Shekhawati farmers movement in Rajasthan. [28]
  • Sunil Lamba - Admiral Sunil Lamba, PVSM, AVSM, ADC is the present Chief of Naval Staff of the Indian Navy.
  • Richhapal Ram Lamba (August 20, 1899 - February 12, 1941) - was twice the winner of prestigious Victoria Cross
  • Seth Chhaju Ram (सेठ छाजूराम) - Industrialist
  • Deepak Lamba--Indian Ordinance Factory Service (IOFS) officer, 2014 batch.Secured AIR 83 in UPSC Engineering service Exam 2012, DTU alumnus. Hails from village Dalanwas Distt Mahendergarh, Haryana
  • Justice Ajai Lamba, Sitting judge of Hon'ble Punjab & Haryana High Court at Chandigarh
  • Late Justice D.S. Lamba, Judge Punjab and Haryana High Court, was a scion of this clan
  • Hemant Lamba - Green Oskar Award
  • Minisha Lamba - Actress
  • Reema Lamba (मल्लिका शेरावत)-Indian actress who appears in mainly Bollywood films and a former model.She is one of the few Bollywood stars trying to crossover to Hollywood.
  • Alka Lamba- currently She is a Secretary All India Congress Committee (AICC) at the Indian National the year 1997 she was appointed as the President of ALL INDIA NSUI
  • Mahtab Singh - IPS , Village-Bangothari Khurd, Dist-Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan
  • Raman Lamba - Cricketer
  • Shaheed Hawa Singh Lamba - Martyr of Indo-Pak War, 1965 (from village Dharoli.
  • R.S. Lamba, IFS, Haryana, 1989
  • Jagjit Lamba, IFS, Karnataka, 1964
  • Justice Narender Lamba
  • Ch. D.P. Lamba, Jaipur
  • Vijendra Singh Lamba (Sep ) - From ....?, Rajasthan, Army Service Corps (Supply), Martyr 15-05-2002
  • Ajay Pal Singh Lamba IPS, Rajasthan, 2009, Currently SP in JAIPUR RURAL
  • Ankit Lamba - A member of Rajasthan Cricket team.
  • Ratan Singh Lamba - RAS Addl.DM(Vigilence), Date of Birth : 1-July-1952 ,VPO - Dhingi, Teh. - Taranagar, Distt.- Churu , Rajasthan, Mobile: 9414380821
  • Prakash Lamba Advocate Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur- former Alumni Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, Resident of Lamba Ki Dhani, Mundia Ramsar Sirsi Begas Road, Jhotwara, teh.-Jaipur dist.-Jaipur MoB; 9887305791
  • D P Lamba - Upadhyaksh Rajasthan Jat Samaj Sansthan, Jaipur
  • Mr. B. S. Lamba - Govt. Service, Manager Bank of India, Parliament Street, New Delhi, G-60, State Bank Colony, East of Kailash, New Delhi Ph: 011-23010714 (PP-359)
  • Mr. Kushal Pal Lamba - Govt Service, Chief Engineer, HSEB Haryana Govt. HVPN, Panchkula, H.No 2, Sec-10, Panchkula, Haryana, Ph: 0172-571259 (PP-979)
  • Sushil Lamba, Assistant Manager, State Bank of India(SBI) , Sector 3, Kurukshetra. IIT BHU Graduate(2015)
  • Lt.Col.J.S. Lamba - 44/3 Pralap Lines Jaipur, Rajasthan, 0141-2358760 (PP-1098)
  • Sanwar Lal Jat (Dr ) (Lamba) - elected in Rajathan Assembly as BJP MLA-2013 from Naseerabad, Ajmer. He was elected MP 2014 from Ajmer.
  • Satvir Singh Lamba: Judge Delhi, Posted as Metropolitan Magistrate at Patiala House Courts, New Delhi, Native of Bhiwani, Haryana, Mob. No. 9650696181
  • Surendra Lamba: IPS Punjab Cadre, ACP, Amritsar, 2013 batch, M: 9929600021
  • Rohitash Lamba : From village Govindpura Basri, Shahpura, Jaipur, Rajasthan, became martyr of militancy on 14.2.2019 in Pulwama attack by suicide bomber.
  • J.S. Lamba, IPS Haryana ( District Police Chief District Jind Haryana)
  • Dr Preeti Lamba-- MBBS, MD, DM (Cardiac Anaesthesia),Perioperative and Critical Cardiac Care, New Delhi. native of village Dalanwas, Mahendergarh, Haryana.
  • Dr. Sanjay Lamba, Village- Bangothari Khurd, Dist-Jhunjhunu Rajasthan, Ph.D from Central University of Rajasthan Ajmer, Research Scientist at University of California, Berkeley

Gallery of Lamba people


  1. B S Dahiya:Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study), p.240, s.n.127
  2. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. ल-24
  3. O.S.Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu,p.58,s.n. 2193
  4. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. ल-24
  5. Jat History Thakur Deshraj/Chapter IX,p.695
  6. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter IV, p.342
  7. Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats/Chapter V,p. 93
  8. A glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province By H.A. Rose Vol II/J,p.375
  9. Jat Varna Mimansa (1910) by Pandit Amichandra Sharma,p. 56
  10. Mahendra Singh Arya et al: Adhunik Jat Itihas, p. 279
  11. Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/Jat Clan in India,p. 262
  12. Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats/Chapter V,p. 93
  13. Ram Sarup Joon: History of the Jats/Chapter VI,p.116
  14. Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/Jat Clan in India,p. 262
  15. Chapter LVII
  16. 119-MBT, Drona Parva, 121 / 42-43
  17. The Aramaic Inscription of Asoka Found in Lampāka by W. B. Henning
  18. Personal and geographical names in the Gupta inscriptions/Tribes,p.154
  19. Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/Jat Clan in India, p.245
  20. The Ancient Geography of India/Kabul,pp. 42-43
  21. A glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province By H.A. Rose Vol II/J,p.375
  22. जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृष्ठ-249
  23. Su-kao-seng-chaun, Chapter 2, (no. 1493); Kai-yuan-lu, chapter 7; Publications, 1904, p 122-123, published by Oriental Translation Fund (Editors Dr T. W. Rhys Davis, S. W. Bushel, London, Royal Asiatic Society).
  24. User:VPC123
  25. User:Sumitk543
  26. User:Saharan88
  27. History and study of the Jats, B.S Dhillon. p.126
  28. Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.399

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